Chapter 2332 "I will send you back to the west with the end of the world"

Boom boom boom boom——

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

If the scene when the Katyusha rocket launcher fired a salvo was like a rain of fire rising from the sky in an instant, then the scene when the TOS-1 fired a salvo of multiple vehicles and a full box of rockets was enough to be said to have accumulated a hundred years of power. The active volcano erupts fieryly and destroys the sky with the most powerful primitive energy among the world's active land warfare weapons. Google search reading

One after another, 310mm heavy-duty rockets burst out of the launch box with raging flames and shot straight into the sky. The tail flames ejected when such rockets poured out were already ferocious enough. There were 16 in the box. The surging tail flames when firing a salvo are enough to form a wave of flames, engulfing everything near the surface of the earth into the flames.

"Oh my God! The ground is burning! The ground is on fire, look!"

I have been warned in advance to stay as far away as possible when TOS-1 fires, keep a safe distance and find cover before watching the "Feast of Fire".

Despite this advance warning and some basic psychological preparations, the scene of multiple TOS-1s firing in salvo still shocked the vast majority of the Red Army soldiers present. One or two Everyone opened their eyes like bells, covered their ears in surprise, and sighed repeatedly.

"These big guys are so terrifying! I never imagined that someone could invent such a war machine. Fortunately, it belongs to our Red Army, not those of the Fascists!"

"Those Germans are finished, they are all dead! It was this thing that destroyed the whole building at the East Prussia railway station. It collapsed completely, not a single floor was left. There is no way in this world that can There is absolutely no tank that can catch a shot from this thing!”

The Red Army soldiers who were happy to watch the show were extremely excited, applauding their latest weapons, and were shocked by the scene in front of them.

But on the German side, the German armored troops outside the village had a completely opposite situation.

As the saying goes, "If precision is not enough, power must be used."

In the face of these giant rockets with a warhead charge comparable to that of small aerial bombs, no German tank can pat its chest and say that it will definitely survive it, not even the roughest and thickest King Tiger.

The hail of range-to-range rockets that covered the sky and covered the sun quickly turned into a "Hell Lottery Contest" that shook the earth and the mountains.

The 310mm rockets, which have no ability to accurately strike, are just a random draw. The unlucky ones who get the stick will be directly hit in the face or hit by a near-miss within the effective killing range. Then the German armored soldiers in this car don't have to think about abandoning the car to escape or surrendering on the battlefield. They are lucky to die instantly without pain, right?

call out--


With a dull whistling sound like an old cow gasping for breath, the 310mm rockets hit the target hard and hit the target with multiple volleys to forcibly compensate for the hit rate. There are always "lucky ones" born. For example, this rocket directly hit an unlucky person. The one directly above the King Tiger's turret and on top of its skull.

It doesn't need a long range, it just needs to be powerful enough, huge, and the bigger the better.

A specially made 310mm heavy-duty rocket with strong charge and reduced range. The warhead contains 8 kilograms of passivated RDX, which is equivalent to 42 kilograms of TNT explosive equivalent, which is more powerful than a small 100 kilogram aerial bomb. It's quite powerful. It’s enough to take any fucking German tank you can imagine, including the vehicle and people, to your fucking grandma’s house and restore it to factory settings.

The power of an explosion equivalent to more than 57 kilograms of TNT explosive is completely unmatched by conventional land artillery.

The explosive impact caused by the explosion not only blew apart the entire Tianling Cap of the Tiger King in an instant, but also directly tore apart the entire turret of the Tiger King at a terrifying explosion speed that was difficult to follow with the naked eye and could only be barely captured by a high-speed camera. Both the side armor and the front armor of the turret could not escape the disaster. The most violent destructive power was poured into the car from the top of the head at zero distance.


No one knows what happened at the moment when the huge explosion sounded. They only know that after the flames and smoke of the explosion gradually dissipated, there was only a 70-ton combat steel giant standing there. A huge pit, dark and hot.

There are still a few scraps of steel products left in the pit, and you can't even find a single part in the pit that can be called "complete and presentable". Even if you go into the pit now and use a stick to dig out a twisted and deformed piece of high-temperature scrap iron, you will never be able to tell what it originally looked like or what it was used for. All that is left in the dark, smoking pit is Get rid of these industrial waste and nothing else.

After all, the German tanks that were hit and taken away by 310mm special rockets with reduced range and strong charges were only a few of the "lucky ones" in the "Hell's Lottery".

Most of the German tanks are still struggling and suffering in the boiling hell flames and the roar of thunder and explosions. Those German armored soldiers whose ears are about to bleed from the armor plates are still unable to figure out what the Russians on the opposite side are. Are you bombarding yourself with some kind of "doomsday weapon"?

"Ahhhh! What the hell is this!? Did the Russians dispatch a whole train of artillery!?"

"I'm going crazy! I can't take it anymore!!! We're all going to die here! No one can escape!"

"Shut the fuck up, shut up! Reverse the car, reverse the car quickly!!!"

First, he was ambushed when he went out and was startled. Then, he was refreshed by the unknown and terrifying monster tank of the Russians, which shocked his eyes. Then, he came out of nowhere. " The "Black Death" bombed and licked the ground crazily, and now some unknown "Russian doomsday weapon" was conducting hell bombings that were as powerful as air strikes.

I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!

How could a fucking German Aryan superman endure such torture and torment! ?

The Antonians may be able to do it, but the people on Earth really can't.

The radio channels, which may or may not be audible to human ears, are filled with all kinds of frightened, hoarse, crazy screams.

Some are meaningful shouts of orders, and some are meaningless struggles and cries.

However, this series of blows was completely beyond the limits of endurance and understanding, and it was just the beginning.

We've just finished the appetizers, how could you, German guy, just leave the table so easily? Wouldn’t it be a failure to live up to the good intentions of my chef, Ma Da, who worked so hard to entertain me?

When the wave of hellish roaring bombings that came and went quickly came to an end, the dust gradually began to fall.

Those surviving German armored soldiers who were struggling on this boiling and smoking battlefield, who had not yet lost their minds and turned crazy, soon saw with their own eyes that they were in despair and became even more desperate.

Those giant Russian steel monsters that have never been seen before, roaring fiercely, have led a vast sea of ​​is6 and is4 heavy tank groups like their younger brothers to the front. The distance is close enough to feel those Russian steel monsters. The earth trembled as they came in droves.

This is the true chapter of hell and the end of destruction.

All efforts, resistance, and continued fighting have completely lost their meaning at this point.

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