Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2534 101 kg

Although it doesn't sound like the German style, the fact is that the Germans did this.

In order to ensure that his work had enough destructive power, the German designer with some brains stuffed it into a telegraph pole missile that could detect enemies within visual range, aim within visual range, and launch within visual range. A full 101 kilograms of warhead charge went.

Yes, 101 kilograms, one kilogram more than 100, but who knows why those stupid German designers want this extra kilogram.

Even Malashenko didn't believe it when he heard this from the captured German colonel.

What about bullshit?

100 kilograms of explosives? Is this making me laugh?

Malashenko, who thought the German was lying to him, slammed the table on the spot and immediately gave orders in German to a tall, round soldier who was already waiting.

"Stenev, show this German guy two pieces of meat and stuff it into his mouth so he can taste it!"

"Yes, Comrade Commander!"

The soldier named Stenev was specially selected by Malashenko from his own guard company. If we look at him from top to bottom, there is only one biggest characteristic: strong.

How strong is it?

Comrade Ma, who is over 1.9 meters tall, is usually used to looking down at others, but when it comes to Stenev, Malashenko has to look straight at him. This guy's height is almost the same as that of Malashenko.

What's even worse is that this guy's body type is at the level of a serious "devil muscleman".

If the old horse's body shape is compared to Stallone, then Stenev is undoubtedly Schwarzenegger. In terms of muscles and roundness, he can only be even better than Malashenko.

If you and your teacher comrades play a real-life game together, you can even play Contra.

Malashenko gave an order, and Stenev, who had already been assigned a task in advance, immediately responded.

This guy didn't just go up and start working. Instead, he first took off his unbuttoned jacket and threw it aside, revealing the sea soul vest he was wearing underneath and a handful of penis that popped out of the vest. , thick and dense chest hair.

According to Malashenko's private description, it is no exaggeration to say that Stenev's arm is definitely thicker than the thighs of either Anya or Natalia. It's not puffy, it's the kind of tendon meat that becomes hard when hit with a fist.

Who knows how Stenev grew up like this in this era of scarce food and life.

Malashenko also asked, but the result was that this buddy said that the men in his family were basically like this, and that his father was stronger than him when he was young. Malashenko could only be speechless about this.

Now, in this interrogation room.

Without saying a word, Stenev, who was wearing a sea soul vest, directly pulled out a sword with a cold glow from the scabbard attached to his armed belt. The blade was neither long nor short, just enough for an adult male. The length of the head.

With an angry look on his face, Stenev clutched his saber tightly and immediately walked towards the German colonel who was tied to the chair behind his hands. The colonel, who was usually pampered and used to being a boss, had never seen such a posture before. He was immediately frightened to death by the scene in front of him, which he had never seen even in his nightmares.

"Wait, what are you going to do? You said you would give preferential treatment to the prisoners, Mr. General, you can't do this! I have said everything, and I will say whatever you ask me!"

"Shut your stinky mouth, bastard pig! I'll let you taste the taste of your own stinky meat!"

Stenev, whose tone seemed to be dripping with blood, walked up to him and was ready to work as soon as he got started.

The tall and strong Russian who knew how to speak German was not joking, but was preparing to be serious. The German colonel who was tied to the chair just whined and screamed like a slaughtered pig. Before the knife fell on him, he He was already half scared out of his wits.

"I'm telling the truth, the truth! If you don't believe it, there are technical documents in my bag, first-hand originals! There is any data and information you want on it, just in that blue envelope, You can find it by opening my bag! Please don’t do this, don’t hurt me, I will tell you everything.”

Blue envelope?

Malashenko, who keenly captured the key words, realized that this was what he wanted, and immediately paused without saying a word.

"Wait a minute."

Stenev's movements stopped, but the saber was still placed on the German guy's thigh in a show-off gesture. With just a little force, the German guy's thigh could say goodbye to a piece of meat immediately.

"Have you checked his bag? Is there anything like this in it? Where is his bag now?"

Malashenko, who was eager to obtain key information, continued to ask questions, but the major who was responsible for accompanying the interrogation looked troubled.

"It hasn't been checked yet, comrade division commander. At that time, he wanted to run away in a car, but the soldiers pulled him out of the car before he could start the car. The scene was too chaotic, and no one bothered to search. You asked for interrogation as soon as we were escorted back. If this thing really exists, it should be in the car, maybe it fell on the seat or between some cracks. "

Upon hearing this, Malashenko no longer cared about questioning, and quickly raised his hand to issue an order.

"If you don't want someone to look for it, go there yourself. Get that thing back for me, quickly!"

"Okay, Comrade Commander, I'll go right away."

About ten minutes later, when Comrade Major, who had been riding hot wheels all the way, returned again, Malashenko finally got what he wanted and got his wish.

Looking through the technical documents taken out of the blue envelope and looking at the bright seal on it, Malashenko finally believed that the colonel, who was so frightened that he almost peed his pants, was really not lying.

What he said was all true. This precious thing of the German guy really had a 101 kilogram warhead charge. It scared me to death. It really "shocked the old horse for a whole year."

101 kilograms, what is the concept?

This means that you German guy basically put a 250-kilogram aerial bomb into the face of the IS7 and exploded it by projecting a flying object.

Although the 101kg warhead charge is slightly lower than the 250kg aerial bomb, the two are actually very close, and there is no essential difference in terms of power alone.


No matter how hard it is to withstand and how durable the IS7 is, it still has a limit, and it cannot escape the limit of "tank defense".

Not to mention that the IS7 can't handle it, even if you bring in the third-generation main battle tanks of the 21st century, you will still have to send the 250-kilogram aerial bomb if it is embarrassing.

When it's time to fly, when it's time to blow up cars, there won't be any suspense.

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