Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2572 Born for this

Malashenko still remembers the expression of the old man who said this to him. He seemed to have an attitude of being completely indifferent and doing whatever he wanted.

Malashenko once wondered why he still pursues life since he is like this?

I wanted to ask, but in the end I couldn't ask.

Malashenko didn't know why he couldn't speak. In short, he just watched the old man bow slightly to show respect to him, and then turned back to pick up scraps and rummage through the garbage to earn a living.

Later, Malashenko mentioned this matter to Comrade Petrov, and it was not until Comrade Comrade Malashenko understood the meaning.

"Perhaps he is not pursuing life, but is living because he is not dead yet. Because he is not pursuing death and has no desires or desires, just like the expression you described in your words."


Recalling that scene and the words spoken by Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko still has an unspeakable feeling.

Does Malashenko hate Germans?

Yes, this group of evil spirits went out of their way to burn, kill, and loot on other people's land. Although these are history, they are also things that Malashenko has personally experienced today. Malashenko’s friends, comrades, and countless living comrades fell under the butcher’s knives and guns of these Nazi bastards. Finally, these idiots trampled their corpses under their feet and cursed, “Inferior races deserve this.” ".

Fuck you!

Even if he cut these scumbags into pieces, cut their flesh and bones, boiled them into soup, and devoured them alive, Malashenko felt that it was not enough to repay their sins.

But this does not mean that Malashenko hates everyone, hates all Germans.

War brings fame and glory, but the first thing that comes is horror.

War is just an interlude, and peace will eventually become the mainstream.

Malashenko hopes that one day, those who have nothing to do with this war and should not have been involved can live like normal people and the life they deserve.

Of course there are the Soviets, but the Germans are not excluded, everyone is the same on this point.

It would be in everyone's interest to end this as soon as possible.

"Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander?"


Being brought back to reality by Kulbalov's call, Malashenko, who was strolling on the street, realized that he had just been distracted.

Kulbalov didn't often see Comrade Senior Commander distracted, or in other words, he had almost no memory of seeing him. In his impression, Comrade Senior Commander normally didn't even have time to be distracted.

"Well, I was just thinking about other things and didn't notice. Where did we just talk?"

Malashenko, who had returned to his normal state, quickly continued the previous topic, and Kulbalov was still able to get on the line.

"Well, you just asked why there was no one on the street."

"Speaking of which, when I first arrived here, I was also surprised that there were no Germans on the street looking for a living. In the past, they could be seen everywhere wherever I went."

"It wasn't until we met those bullshit stormtroopers whose legs were shaking with fear when they saw us, and we handed over their guns, that we found out the reason by asking casually."

"The Nazis in Berlin looted the town. A group of black dogs. Oh, the local people here's derogatory name for the SS is quite vivid. These black dogs took away all the young people in the town. People, what they say is for their safety, the Russians are calling immediately, and they want to organize more people to jointly defend their homeland, listen to what nonsense this is."

"Those stormtrooper bastards are very honest. The SS scum left them here to keep tabs on and maintain law and order. There are still children and old people in this town, and they are the only ones left. Tell them to report us to the city when they see us coming. They reported the message inside, but it turned out that the leading stormtrooper was a slippery man and had long wanted to surrender to us. The telegraph machine was destroyed by them in advance to prove their innocence. "

"Oh, yes, there is another interesting thing. The leading stormtrooper also tied up a small SS officer who stayed to supervise them. When he saw me leading the team, he handed it over to us. I find it quite surprising. I didn’t expect that not all Germans are die-hards, but some can still see clearly.”

Malashenko, who was taking out cigarettes from his pocket, smiled slightly when he heard this, and did not say anything on the spot. Instead, he took out two cigarettes, gave one to himself and Kulbalov, held them in his mouth, and then connected them. Huo began to "worship gods in the streets".

To say that Malashenko is such a person, he is easy to get along with and has no airs at all, but he doesn't care much about the details and has a bit of a gangster habit. It didn't matter whether there were any bad effects from walking around smoking in the street and letting the soldiers on duty see it. Anyway, that was it.

"Those Germans are not all diehards themselves, Kurbalov. Just imagine how many of them were forcibly recruited. They don't want to fight at all but have no choice. The Nazis have their families in their hands. Friends are hostages and they can only obey.”

"I went down to the prisoner-of-war camp a while ago and took a look around. Guess what? There were workers, teachers, department store salesmen, and even some who were rated as role models by the Germans for inventing some small items a few years ago. Citizen's little mechanics. But now they are all the same kind of people, the huge amount of Tianling Gai who was captured by the Nazis to sharpen our mace, and they also have the same identity, prisoners of war captured by the Red Army."

"Once they are cornered, these bastards will do anything. The bad things they did in our land before, such as having sons without flowers, will all fall on their own people. Don't be crazy. These bastards will never stop draining the last bit of value and the last drop of blood from this land, absolutely not."

"That's why the Nazis must die. No matter where they live, they are vicious parasites. They will destroy others when the wind is blowing, and they will destroy themselves when the wind is blowing. Anyway, someone has to die by them, and many of them are innocent people. People, most of them are.”

"I will not stop until I kill these Nazis. Malashenko and Nazis, there can only be one on this earth, there is no other possibility. Today we have to do these things, and we will do them again tomorrow, so we can do it They have to pass it on to future generations until they die. I was born in this world to kill these bastards. Killing these bastards will eliminate harm for all mankind. This will always be the case at any time. All."

Malashenko was having a long speech here and had yet to finish his words. Kulbalov was listening attentively to the teachings of his comrade.

No one noticed that a closed door on the street behind them suddenly opened, and a hurried figure rushed out of the house without waiting for anyone to react.

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