Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2574 Lies and Deception


Malashenko became interested when he heard what the little boy said. He did not regard the child's words as child's play. Instead, he looked at the child quite seriously and spoke slowly as if he was serious.

"Child, you said your father was captured by a black dog? Those Gestapo people?"

"I didn't know what the Gestapo was. All I saw was a group of black dogs taking my father away. They pushed me and made me fall."


It is often said that children speak without restraint. In many cases, children are the ones who dare to tell the truth because they do not know how to be afraid.

Malashenko believed that what the child said was true, but there were some details that the child could not explain clearly. At this time, he had to ask an adult who could explain things clearly.

"Is it your husband who was taken away? Who did it?"


Malashenko turned his attention to the woman holding the child. Remember, this woman just introduced herself as Hannah? It should be so. Malashenko felt that his brain was not that bad yet, but the woman's next answer was obviously more important than her name.

Looking at Malashenko's eyes locked on hers, the woman was indeed much less timid than before, but she still didn't dare to look directly into Malashenko's eyes. When she slowly spoke, both her eyes and her voice were trembling.

"Yes, they captured my husband. His name is Victor. My family runs a bakery in the house behind me. My husband is responsible for baking bread and I greet customers and sell it. In the past, our family Life is very peaceful. Although it is not rich, it is not bad. Many businessmen coming and going in the town will buy our bread. Our bread is well-known and praised by everyone in the town. "

"But I never expected that everything that happened suddenly would turn into what it is today."

"The day before yesterday, a convoy suddenly came to the town, with heavily armed soldiers and black-clad officers disembarking. People in the town said they were SS troops."

"They were arresting people everywhere in the town, first men, then women, mostly young people. They wanted to take me away, but my husband begged them and said they still had children, so they had to Someone was looking after the child. The officer in black who was leading the team said, "Okay, but you must come with me immediately," and then, they "

"And they took your husband away?"

Malashenko has seen this kind of cliche and old-fashioned plot a lot. Ever since he set foot in the homeland of the Germans, such stories have been happening more and more continuously and with increasing intensity as the Red Army continues to deepen. .

Malashenko's guess was correct. The woman could no longer continue talking at this point. She just collapsed on the spot and started sobbing while holding the child in her arms, and shed tears.

It is often said that men are the backbone of the family, and this is even more true in troubled times.

How can a child, a frail woman, a defenseless and helpless couple survive in this barren town? Malashenko imagined that even if the Red Army did not come to the town, even if the Red Army did not visit the town, the gangsters, thieves and robbers in the town could destroy the couple's hope of survival.

There are always bad people in troubled times. This is a truth that will never change.

Some bad people are looking for lives, and some bad people are looking for money, but that's not the worst.

The worst time is when the bad guys take away your basic resources for survival: food and water. When bad people feel that they can't survive and their survival is in danger, they will prioritize protecting themselves. They don't care about any bullshit moral ethics. In this troubled world, there is often no justice.

"We were almost out of food. After the SS soldiers left, the stormtroopers came to the town. They went door to door to collect food and search for food. When they arrived at our house, they rummaged through the boxes for a long time. Bread, flour, cakes, they took almost everything they could."

"They also said that unified rationing of supplies should be implemented, and private transactions of daily necessities were strictly prohibited. Any market transaction of food was illegal. The children's stomachs were growling with hunger. I begged them for food, which should have belonged to our family. . But the food they give is not even enough for children, let alone adults. There is no reason at all, they are just a group of robbers."

As she talked, the woman began to get a little excited, and she directly regarded Malashenko as a complainer, or a judge, complaining about the injustices she and her children had suffered.

And what about Malashenko?

But he listened very carefully and listened seriously to what the woman said without interrupting or interrupting.

It wasn't until the woman's voice trailed off and she basically finished speaking that Malashenko picked up her words and spoke slowly.

"I speculate that your husband must have been arrested in Berlin. Of course, it's not just your husband, but many people in this town."

Hearing Malashenko say this, the woman named Hannah looked puzzled and anxious.

"But why did they take my husband to Berlin? He is just a pastry chef. He only knows how to bake bread and make cakes. He has never even touched a gun. Could it be that taking him away during this kind of war is to cook for the soldiers? ”


Malashenko's first reaction was that this woman was so stupid that she could be so naive and say such nonsense.

But then I thought about it, and it seemed like there was nothing wrong with that.

You must know that this is outside Berlin, not some corner of the world. This is the place closest to the heart of the empire, just like a bypass vessel next to the heart.

The Germans' "defending" the direction of their capital area at all costs is indeed meritorious. It seems that this woman felt that the war was approaching only recently. So much so that she hadn't even heard about what was happening in the outside world, what kind of stories happened about the Nazis forcibly conscripting strong men, and um, using Tianling Gai to grind the Red Army's mace.

"Oh, that's fine. Being able to delay the atmosphere of war in Berlin and the surrounding areas until this time is exposed is a skill."

Malashenko did recall the memory of his previous life. Through this woman's "reminder", he recalled that the Nazis in the existing history tried their best to cover up the bad news that the war had burned into the homeland, especially in the direction of the capital, in order to maintain their own The credibility and so-called "face" that are in tatters and about to collapse have created a fake scene of "peace and tranquility" to promote peace and harmony in the rear.

Such falsehoods, coupled with the "Great Victory of the Imperial Army" promoted by the loudspeaker, have to be said to be very effective. It is so effective that it has successfully deceived the vast majority of ordinary people who know nothing about war and military affairs. Women are the most direct victims and the best example.

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