Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2596 You are the one who is being slaughtered, and I am the one who is going to use the knif

The wall broken by the explosive turned into broken masonry debris and flew in all directions. The speed and kinetic energy were so fast that even the thickest glass in the street window could be instantly penetrated.

The center point of the blast was right behind the wall where the voice came from. Alsim was very sure that this directional blast would definitely bring down those scumbags behind the wall who didn't know that their death was coming.

A loud noise accompanied by fire was followed by flying dust, and the masonry debris splashed by the collapse could not stop the Red Army soldiers from marching forward.

Alsim, who once again took the lead and rushed to the front, broke through the smoke and dust in front of him. In the dust-covered field of vision, he saw a figure passing in front of him, crouching, hunching his back, running with arrows, looking at Just want to pick up the assault rifle that fell to the ground not far away.

Da da da da da——

Without any hesitation or any nonsense, Alsim, who even skipped the point of raising the gun to aim, without saying a word, raised the AK in his hand and pointed it in the direction of the enemy, and then hit him with a series of bullets. .


Ankles, calves, thighs, arms, and shoulders

Alsim's well-timed series of short bursts perfectly avoided all the vital points of the target, but also ensured that the target was completely disabled, lost his balance while wailing and staggering, and fell to the ground, with no possibility of crawling to pick up the gun again. Sex is just a painful struggle. (audience)

In the entire street, except for the half-dead man who was paralyzed on the ground and seriously injured, there was no enemy who could still stand up, let alone any target that could pose a threat to Alsim.

Looking around, he took a look at the various body parts and pieces of meat and large blood stains scattered on the ground at his feet and in the corners. The instantaneous damage caused by a whole piece of directional blasting through the wall was indeed extraordinary. The gang of nazis who were leaning against the wall and blocked in the alley by suppressive fire were reduced to nothing but scum. There was no need for Alsim to take action himself.

"Fuck you Russian pig, bastard!"

Alsim thought that the most exciting part was over and that it could come to an end for the time being, but what happened next proved that Alsim was wrong.

The German guy, who had been shot several times and fell to the ground and was already half-dead, didn't give up yet. He just struggled on the ground and put his shot arm into the lining of his coat. The familiar smell was instantly recognizable as the action of drawing a gun. The intuition of a veteran was absolutely unmistakable in this regard.

Alsim, who was not talking nonsense, did not raise his gun again to kill the target. Instead, he walked with a meteoric stride and came to the German guy who was lying on his back and was trying to draw the gun at him.

The Walter P38 pistol that had just been taken out of his jacket was kicked away, and it was completely useless before he could take aim.

After finishing all this, Alsim did not reach for the AK rifle hanging on his waist. Instead, he instantly pulled out the Tokarev TT33 pistol from the chest holster, and then pointed it right in front of him. Target, raise your hand and shoot.



Another bullet that accurately missed the vital point directly penetrated the palm of the right hand that had just been kicked away from the pistol, making it impossible to touch the gun again.

"I told you, little naughty boy, you stubborn scum will die in my hands if I catch you."

Whether you understand Russian or not is not important at this moment. What is important is that your aura is strong, your words are well-spoken, and your presentation is competent.

There was no second gunshot, and a 46-yard military boot stepped directly on the neck of the enemy who was lying on the ground, as if trampled by war.

The force of the charged foot was so great that it not only broke the windpipe in an instant, but even crushed the bones.

From a very young age, he followed his father in the barren mountains and rivers of Siberia, living a life of fighting wild animals and drinking blood. Alsim's legs had long been trained to be extremely strong by chasing and being chased by prey.

This is the energy of life, the most primitive strength of human beings, and the strong body that is developed under the most instinctive desire to survive. It is fundamentally different from the showy muscles that are developed by playing with irons in the gym.

The soles of his feet were trampled on the blood, mud and rotten flesh that had been chopped up by his own kick. They were extremely slippery. The high-pressure blood in the neck that was transported to the head and brain through the blood vessels was directly chopped by Alsim's kick until it exploded and instantly splashed all over his trouser legs. amount.

The rough bumps rubbing against the soles of the feet felt like broken bones. Alsim felt a little regretful that he could not flatten the spine with one foot. He only felt that his physical strength needed to continue to be cultivated in order to pursue a better future. Faster and stronger. He completely didn't notice that the company officer behind him who had just rushed out of the hole in the wall looked at him as if he were looking at a monster.

"You just did it to him like this? With this kick???"

The corpse lying on the ground can no longer be said to have a human body structure like a "neck". Alsim's big and wide military boots almost completely removed the neck part from the corpse, leaving the entire body open to death. , the head with wide eyes has only the last bit of skin and bones still connected to the muscles of the trunk.

I have seen many scenes of executions of Nazis, but this is the first time I have seen such a bloody execution. Even after following Alsim for so long, I can't help but feel shocked.

"What are you surprised about? I said I would do everything I could to kill these Nazis. The feeling of killing them makes me happy, just like the feeling I had when I was fifteen years old hunting wolves in Siberia."


Among the leaders who advocate collective cohesion and the power of faith, Alsim is really a very different and lonely existence.

He never shouts slogans and dogmas, and is not interested in those so-called "nonsense" of beliefs and long speeches.

If he doesn't like it, he will kill it. If he encounters a Nazi who dares to disobey his will, he will never say nonsense. The "famous saying" "Only the Nazis who are killed are the best Nazis" came from his mouth.

It was in such a situation and such an artistic conception that Deputy Comrade Lian suddenly remembered what Alsim said to a Nazi diehard while smiling and patting his face when he was interrogating prisoners of war and needed the help of an interpreter.

"The battlefield is both my hunting ground and my slaughterhouse, man."

"But don't get me wrong, you are the one being slaughtered, and I am the one using the knife. I will pull out your internal organs with skin and flesh and hang them on the meat drying rack, and you can stay conscious and watch with your own eyes."

"Soon there will be more of your kind to accompany you, I promise, and then you can take a bath in the rolling hell and show off your "special treatment" to them."

Although Alsim did not carry out the execution as he described.

But there is no doubt that the deputy company commander who once had doubts and thought it was just a bluff is now very sure that Alsim can definitely "do what he says".

As he said, killing those Nazis is no different from slaughtering beasts for him.

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