Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2609 Have you ever received bear blood?

In this case, the problem is simple.

The armor and military-standard concrete structures specially strengthened by German engineers could not withstand a powerful blow from the 130-meter naval gun. What do you think it would be like for these ordinary civilian houses that have not been strengthened to take a beating?

What else could it be like? The house that was hit immediately by the 130 shot exploded, and the bricks and stones were splashed all over the street. It is not impossible that even a smaller house was directly hit by the shot and collapsed on the spot.

The advantage of some things is that you can only know them after you actually do them, and they cannot be imagined in advance.

Without experiencing serious street fighting, it is difficult to imagine how huge the damage effect of the 130 main gun, which is only slightly larger than the 122 Heirloom caliber, on ordinary unreinforced civilian buildings.

The origin of naval guns and the larger and thicker caliber make the IS7's 130 mm caliber main gun more destructive when firing high-explosive grenades than the literal "8 mm" caliber gap of the 122 Heirloom. big.

Those German soldiers who were hiding in the building and shooting had no chance of escaping from the house in most cases. They would be shot from the ceiling and lay down, resulting in the situation of "no one alive, no corpse." Unless you lift up the cement coffin board to find the meat pie," the miserable end.

Hiding in a bunker building is a good thing. The solid brick-concrete structure can give the fragile infantry of flesh and blood maximum additional protection. It can be said that a private house is a simple infantry fortress.

But now, at this moment, for the current Malashenko and his large number of IS7 heavy tanks.

The German infantry was hiding in the house "eking out a living and resisting". This was not a bad thing but a good thing, a huge good thing.

If two of you Germans were to scatter and run around the streets, it would be really not easy to clean them up.

It is impossible to use the 130 naval gun as a sniper rifle and "send tanks one by one" with the mentality of killing a German with one shell. If this happens, you have to use a machine gun to solve the problem. Although there is no suspense about the outcome, it will always waste more time. And the thing Malashenko lacks most now is time.

But the real situation at the moment is that the German infantry are not running all over the streets, but they are all gathered together like a nest of cockroaches and are buzzing in the cockroach nest. Then this problem is much simpler.

One shot, in most cases only one shot is needed and no additional shots are needed.

The 130mm high-explosive grenade taken from the Red Navy ammunition depot is enough to destroy the entire second floor of the indoor space. It sweeps across all indoor spaces like a storm, turning them all into masonry ruins, and then crushes and squashes them. The flesh and blood were crushed together into powder and dust, and flew away with the wind.

It would be even more fun if it exploded on the first floor.

The powerful 130mm high-explosive grenade can not only destroy all indoor spaces, eject an amazingly powerful chemical energy blast, it can even shatter the ceiling that separates the first and second floors, at least around the center of the blast. The entire ceiling collapsed, causing the blast wave to surge upwards and directly to the second floor.

The people on the first floor were blasted to pieces and smashed into pulp. The people on the second floor had their buttocks roasted by the fire and their crotches were ripped out. They fell into the rubble on the first floor and were blown to bits. Their parts were broken and they died of bleeding from their orifices. .

What separates the corpses of German soldiers on the first floor and the second floor is only the pile of rubble on the middle floor that was originally the ceiling, nothing more.

It was hard to tell whether it was better to die on the first floor and be photographed into a pulp, or to die on the second floor, where it would be more humane to at least keep a relatively intact corpse.

The only thing that is certain is that Malashenko has no time to care about these things.

Now Comrade Lao Ma is just "smiling" and feels so damn good! I have never liked the German guy hiding in the building so stubbornly and unable to resist as much as I do now.

The feeling of "one cannon popping, one pot of popcorn" and "cannon cannon kill at least eight times in a row" at the beginning is really not that exciting. Even in the game, there is no way to kill people in this way. I simply love the German commander on the opposite side. The tactic of persisting from house to house.

Logically speaking, this is a very useful tactic in traditional street fighting, but now it has become a killing move with almost no practical significance.

It’s not clear what the German commander on the opposite side was thinking at this moment, but he was probably very shocked, regretful, hating and even afraid of why these Russian lunatics didn’t play their cards right.

The entrance to the block captured by Malashenko's commando team became the officially opened breakthrough point gate, followed by a torrent and a steady stream of follow-up troops.

All the German defense buildings on both sides of the block entrance that had been smashed away from heavy firepower support were quickly lost. It was most common that "the first floor was smashed to pieces by infantry fighting vehicles, and the second floor was captured by infantry following closely." Condition.


In the gap on the top of the turret that had just been destroyed by a single shot from Malashenko's command vehicle, an unknown German soldier who was not killed by the gun but was knocked out directly by some external impact came with a tragic cry. Ask Fei to come out of the building. Wailing, he fell heavily onto the street downstairs, his brains bursting out and blood gushing out on the spot. He kicked off his legs and died on the spot, and there was no more movement.

He completed the scene just now with his big feet rushing away, and kicked the German soldier who was trying to pull a grenade and died together directly out of the building. Alsim, who was holding his bloody AK in his hand, came to the gap that was shattered by the 130 gun. He first looked at the broken bricks and tiles around him, and then took a look at the patties downstairs. The pure corpse.

He shook his head slowly and sighed, then blurted it out uncontrollably.

"The power of this thing is much greater than the 122 gun. A naval gun is a naval gun after all, and it cannot be compared to ordinary army artillery."

After hearing this, the company deputy comrade followed up. The high-intensity fierce battle down three buildings was really unbearable.

He casually pulled up the German steel helmet that had fallen to the ground and put it under his buttocks as a bench, gasping for air at first. Then he took the kettle hanging from his buttocks, unscrewed the lid and poured it into his mouth. After gulping down half the bottle and swallowing it, he didn't forget to reply to Alsim with a final question.

"What? Do you regret being an infantryman? Why don't you apply with comrade the division commander, and you can also drive a tank. With your relationship with comrade the division commander, you will definitely be able to get an IS7, I'm sure."


Alsim turned around and smiled upon hearing this, and just smiled without even taking a breath.

"Tank soldiers can't get blood on their hands and can only press buttons. I feel uncomfortable even if I can't smell blood. It's not like you don't know this."

"Rest where you are for three minutes! Those who drink water and pee should be dealt with on the spot, so be quick!"

Knowing that not everyone's physical fitness is as good as his own, Alsim, who led the team to capture three buildings in a row, ordered a three-minute break. This was on the premise that his own offensive downstairs was going smoothly, visible to the naked eye.

Seeing Alsim's majestic posture "swaggering through the market" without even taking a breath, the company deputy comrade walking past, holding a kettle in his hand, even though he had seen it many times and was already familiar with it, in the end he still felt, "I see." I don’t understand, but I’m shocked.”

"Has this guy's body been strengthened with bear blood? Sukka, is he not tired at all?"

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