Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2616 Why did he die?

"Where are the others?"

"There's no one else, as far as you can see, it's just the two of us.


As Lieutenant Colonel Adam said, the entire house had been bombarded by the Russians' huge artillery fire, causing it to be demolished and half of the work stopped. Or there might simply be something wrong with the construction company's blasting plan, which resulted in not all the explosives being fired. It's like an unfinished and dangerous building that collapsed after being blown up.

None of the surrounding walls were intact, and most of them simply disappeared, leaving not even a single ruin.

The ceiling above my head is gone too, completely gone.

The first floor to the second floor has been completely opened without any obstruction. What you can see when you look up now is not the ceiling of the first floor but the broken floor of the third floor - more than half of it has collapsed and a small half is still hanging there and crumbling. kind.

Lieutenant Colonel Adam was really lucky. He encountered an explosion while in the stairwell. Not only was he far away from the center of the explosion, but he didn't have to worry about being smashed into a pile of meat by the collapsed ceiling upstairs.

As for how this big-headed soldier survived, no one knows. Even if you asked him now, you probably wouldn't know anything about it, and his head would be shaking faster than a rattle.

The moment of destruction came too suddenly and quickly. No one realized what happened at that moment. The final result was that only Lieutenant Colonel Adam and the big soldier in front of him were left among everyone. So two.

Da da da da——

Boom boom——


"Retreat! The defense line has been breached, we can't hold it anymore!"

"The Russians are coming! Get out!"

"Don't retreat, stick to your position! This is our best"


The noisy and panicked German language coming from outside the house explained in the most vivid way what the word "in chaos" meant. The harsh sound of gunfire was mixed with the roar of war machines created by humans, which were constantly approaching.

The soldier who had already seen Lieutenant Colonel Adam's calf injury didn't know which tendon was wrong, so he subconsciously made a casual comment.

"Is he dead?"

"Huh? Who? The one outside?"


There were many chaotic, harsh and noisy sounds and shouts coming from outside just now, and the voice that finally disappeared among the noise of artillery fire and the roar of machines, although it could not finish the sentence, seemed to be the one that gave people the most hope.

“Maybe, that’s where we’ll end up soon, at least for most of us today.


The big-headed soldier stopped talking, and just watched helplessly as Lieutenant Colonel Adam dug out a handful from the pile of rubble on the side. It didn't seem to be much damaged, but it was just stained with some dust. If he patted it and wiped it with a piece of cloth, it should be fine. For a STG44 assault rifle that can be used normally, I pulled out the magazine and checked the ammunition capacity, then inserted it back in and pulled the charging handle to load the bullet.

"Don't look at me like that, kid. I'm not going to force you to make a choice, but now I'm going to do what I have to do."

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who picked up the assault rifle in his hand, moved his hands and feet and stood up straight. He found that the injury on his leg was not serious enough to prevent him from fighting. At least he could walk basically without any problem. This was enough. .

"Find a place to hide. The Russians will be here soon. As long as you raise your hands above your head and don't carry weapons, they won't do anything to you. Just listen to them and you can come back alive. Opportunity. Live hard, child, and this country and nation will rise again from the ruins, new hope will take root here, and peace and beauty will eventually come to this land again."

"But that doesn't belong to our generation, but to you young people."


The big-headed soldier, who had no arrears of intelligence, certainly knew that this was his regimental commander's "arrangement of funeral arrangements" and his last words. From the moment he picked up the gun, it was enough to explain what he wanted to do.

But the big soldier didn't quite understand what the regiment leader had just said.

If what the leader said was true, then what the hell were those things I heard before?

"But everyone says that Malashenko is a devil who kills without batting an eye, the most vicious executioner around Stalin. Anyone who dares to disobey Stalin's will will be dragged out by Namalashenko to feed the dogs alive. He laughs wildly every time he kills someone. , Take pleasure in this. Hundreds of thousands of Germans died at his hands. He was sent by Stalin to exterminate us. How could I survive at the hands of such a person? "

He is more or less a top soldier who works beside the regiment leader. Even if he is just a top soldier, he still hears the news that should be heard and some inside stories that ordinary people don't know. Including but not limited to the brutal opponent they are facing now, that is, the "famous" and "infamous" steel butcher, Stalin's guard captain - Malashenko, and his most brutal and elite minions, hawks and dogs.

"Haha, do you really think those words to coax idiots and the stuff that beeps all day long on the radio are true?"


The soldier who was stunned when he heard this was completely confused and completely confused. Lieutenant Colonel Adam, who also had little time left, just kept the story short.

"If the big shots above need Malashenko to be brutal, then he will be brutal, at least on our side. I once listened to Russian radio, and guess what? A lot of them are dead in our minds. The people who died are actually still alive, and they persuaded us on the Russian channel to lay down our weapons and surrender. I even know some of them and have met them.”

"Now that things have come to this, stop believing the nonsense on the radio and loudspeakers. Use your brain to think about it. If it were all true, we should be drinking in Moscow instead of fighting in Berlin. This is the last battle.”


The big-headed soldier, whose brain had received a large amount of information in a short period of time, blinked and his brain was in a state of shutdown. For a while, he couldn't spit out a word or a sentence at all. He was just stunned.

Upon seeing this, Lieutenant Colonel Adam just smiled and said nothing more. He patted the shoulder of the big soldier in front of him who had been rescued by him. He then turned around with the assault rifle in his hand and headed towards the door that had been blown into a huge gap. Leave everywhere.

"But if that was all a lie, why would you go and die!? It makes no sense."

Lieutenant Colonel Adam walked to the door, and the big-headed soldier behind him who had his brain disconnected suddenly said this. It was not unexpected, it could only be said to be reasonable.

Lieutenant Colonel Adam, whose movements never stopped, only left behind his back and that meaningful last sentence.

"I never fight for lies, I fight for my oaths, that's all."

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