Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2620 A bunch of ruffians

"The high official in charge? Haha, has all the shit in this guy's head fermented?"

The young German soldier did not understand the meaning of the jabbering Russian. He only saw the burly Russian officer wearing a steel plate and took out the pistol in his breast pocket. He understood it fluently the moment he took out the gun. He turned on the safety and pointed the gun at his head.

"Don't get me wrong, you bastard, you have no right to negotiate terms with us. Even if we kill you, we can still find whatever we want. This place belongs to us now."

Alsim did not speak German, so the translator who was one of his soldiers translated his words into German and blurted it out.

But what Alsim and even Malashenko didn't expect was that the young German soldier in front of him, who looked timid and timid, actually had a lot of backbone and was not a good person.

"Kill me, and you will only find a cold corpse. You will not get any useful information. The dead cannot speak. If you don't agree to my conditions, the result will be the same. You have no choice. Unless you don’t want information.”

"Damn it, don't you dare say that again"

"Okay, don't get excited, Alsim.

Feeling that he was being played, Alsim became a little angry and raised the handle of the gun in his hand to hit the German soldier in the face.

Others don't know Alsim's hand strength, but Malashenko knows it very well.

This guy can use his fists to knock down a big fat pig that escaped from the cooking squad. If he were to hit it with a gun and hit the iron lump in the face, the skinny monkey-like German soldier in front of him would be forced to the ground without dislocating his jaw. Even if he could still speak, it would be good, but it wouldn't be impossible to hit him with a gun and knock him unconscious on the spot.

Being stopped by Malashenko, Alsim didn't even think about how he would deal with the German soldier in front of him. He just had a reason not to take action and put away the gun in his hand. Otherwise, in front of so many people under his command, it would really not end well if I didn't give this ignorant little bastard a few hard blows.

"You want the person in charge to give you a guarantee, right?"

Malashenko, who had stopped Alsim, spoke quietly again, scanning the German soldier up and down with his knife-like eyes, which made the person being stared at involuntarily start to feel scared.

"Yes, I said it. You guys can keep your word, right? I heard that you are the leader, right?"

"The person who leads the division? This naughty little bastard still knows the leader. With his nature, where did Suka come from? It's so funny, haha.


Malashenko knew that the veteran gangsters under Alsim were good at fighting and causing trouble. The ability to fight was almost equal to the ability to do the job.

But in the same way, Malashenko's patience has limits, and it is impossible to tolerate it without limit just because his soldiers can fight.

"Alsim, do you want me to question your management capabilities? In front of an enemy who has just been captured? Do you know when to be quiet?"


Being scolded by the comrade he "admired" in front of so many people, even Alsim, who has always been thick-skinned than the city walls, can't stand it now and wants to bury his face in his crotch. Whether you want to save face or not depends on who you are talking to. If someone scolds Alsim in public, Alsim will not only be nonchalant but may even scold him back on the spot.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you fool around in front of me?"

But if it was the reprimand given by the comrade, Alsim would not dare to take it seriously. No one would be so arrogant in front of the person he cares about most.

If there is anyone Alsim hopes to win the most recognition from, it is Malashenko.

Maintaining his "good image" among his comrades as division commanders is as important to Alsim as the things in his hands after going to the battlefield. Losing his image is no different from losing his gun on the battlefield.

"Suka, no! Shut up, everyone! Did your mouths leak when I gave birth to you? No, no! If you go on, you all have to do two hundred weight-bearing squats on the same spot for me." Stand up for yourself!”

The soldiers under his command are all like ruffians. As for Alsim, who is taking the lead, the leadership role he has set can only be said to be at the level of a "ruffian leader", and really can't be any more.


Malashenko, who felt a little overweight, could only lament that the saying "no one is perfect" is so damn right. If only Alsim was not only super good at fighting, he could also use the ruffian nature he had brought up since childhood. Take it away, and I'm afraid the most ideal heroic company commander would be like this.

Unfortunately, most of the time such people only exist in military propaganda works or film and television dramas.

At least, you won't find another infantry company commander in the leadership division who is as capable as Alsim, and who also has a high-quality and cultivated infantry company.

The ordinary German soldier in front of him could not understand Russian, but he could tell that the Russian officer was cursing in the street. He could guess it just by the high concentration of "non-list" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Is this how you beat us? As undisciplined as street gangsters and gangsters."

I don't know whether I should say "extraordinarily courageous" or "quite stupid". At least this young and captured German soldier actually dared to say this at this time. This surprised Malashenko and also aroused his interest. .

"Yes, that's right. Moreover, this is the most capable group of soldiers under my command. It is they who defeated you and made you so miserable that you became prisoners."

"Look, the one who cursed so loudly took three digits of lives with him, maybe almost four digits. Most of them were from you Germans, and a small number were from Finland, Romania, and Italy. Yes. Believe me, you don’t want to be an enemy of him. If he really wants to kill you, even if you use cold weapons against him, he can kill you within three moves. Do you want to try?”

Malashenko was in good spirits. He had just won the battle and was even talking and laughing.

But the young German soldier who slowly swallowed his saliva, looking at his eyes and actions, clearly didn't have the guts to "accept the invitation."

"Okay, I don't have that much time. Aren't you looking for a high-ranking official who can take care of things? That's me. Major General Malashenko, the leader of the division, is the biggest official you can find within a radius of ten kilometers in this area. The Red Army commander is right in front of you, and I can agree to your request and guarantee that your commander will receive the treatment he deserves. How about guaranteeing it in my own name?”

"If you agree, it's time to fulfill your promise. Lead the way, kid."

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