With the self-defense weapons at hand, the team responsible for battlefield security is also ready and ready to go.

Even though Kovanov always felt that something was wrong and strange about this matter, and specially summoned an elite security team of the Red Army just to protect an American who went to the firing line to take photos, this kind of ultra-high-standard treatment always made people feel like "he Americans are not worthy at all." It is normal to have some thoughts in my heart.

After all, humans are independent creatures. Even if it is a strict and efficient collective, you still cannot deny the existence of individual consciousness.

But, having your own ideas is one thing, and Malashenko has never said that you are "not allowed to have your own ideas." After all, people are human beings, not machines that only know how to work but don't know how to think.

But how to implement it at the actual implementation level is another matter.

As a division commander, Malashenko also values ​​this. No matter what he thinks in his heart, as long as the actual actions are done, it will be worthy of recognition. It just so happens that Kovanov is the person who fits Malashenko's requirements very well.

The fierce battle that broke out along the streets between the siege troops and the Nazi defenders was extremely fierce. Compared with the streets of Stalingrad back then, the flying bullets and explosions could only be said to be even worse.

The weapons of killing that constantly evolved during the war became more efficient and more destructive, tearing apart lives and bodies at a speed far faster than in the past in Stalingrad.

It seemed as if he was still ignorant of the cruelty of the real street fight in front of him. Kovanov didn't know whether to say that David was courageous or that he was stupidly naive and foolishly effervescent.

But only one thing is certain, allowing him to come to the front line to take two photos is considered the utmost kindness and righteousness.

Kovanov didn't want to see David staying on the battlefield dragging down his own side and causing the security team to suffer casualties. Just because an American couldn't make a mistake, he risked his own life as a Red Army soldier.

"There is no need to discuss this matter! Since you have been a soldier, you should understand that now you must obey my command! I am giving you orders, not discussing with you!"

Kovanov, who had no time to beep with David, was also anxious, and shouted loudly at David despite the screams of stray bullets flying around him.

call out--

"Lie down!!!"


Before they could finish their conversation, a shell fired from an unknown source exploded on the sidewalk not far away. On the spot, two Red Army soldiers who were using the ruins on the street as a cover and changing bullets fell to the ground. In a pool of blood, life and death unknown.

"Mortars! Mortars from the Germans! Find cover on both sides of the street and enter the house! Quick!"

Unwilling to fail but almost at the end of their rope, the German army resorted to the only trick they had left - setting up mortar positions on commanding heights to overcome the obstruction of ballistic paths by street buildings in the city, and then target the solid ground along the main roads in the city. The advancing leader's division siege force suppressed the attack with artillery fire in an attempt to stop the offensive.

This is not the first time that similar tactics have appeared in the German camp. As early as Stalingrad, Paulus and his armed thugs had used this trick.

But at that time, it was used during the German offensive to prepare and suppress artillery fire on the streets of the Red Army defense zone.

Nowadays, offense and defense are interchanged, and the offensive tactics from back then have become the last life-saving magic weapon for the German army in front of them.

However, this last resort, which is regarded as a life-saving magic weapon, is still not enough to save lives.

"Request for support received. Directly ahead, within visual range at one o'clock, is a red high-rise building, 1 kilometer away. Confirm target!"

"Target confirmed, ready to shoot!"

"Half-box salvo, fire!"

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

The Germans have mortars, the leader division has TOS-1, and everyone has a bright future. This is the truest portrayal at this moment.

Judging from the height, direction of artillery fire, and the size of the building, it is highly suspected that it is a target building with a mortar position on the roof. It has become a TOS-1 unit dedicated to providing heavy fire support within visual range. The target being targeted.

Heavy-duty rockets with a diameter of up to 310 mm spewed orange-red flames, roared wildly from the launch box, and rushed straight towards the target like a hornet's nest that was stimulated.

It was uncertain whether there was a high-threat target in the red building and was directly hit. The 310mm heavy rocket with a delayed impact fuse relied on its strong impact energy to penetrate the fragile brick-concrete outer wall and penetrate into the building. Inside.

Under the powerful thrust of the continuously working rocket engine, it smashed open several blocking walls until it reached the core area of ​​the building and even the warhead was blunted and deformed due to the strong impact force. Only then was the weapon increased by reducing fuel fired. A huge amount of warhead is charged and detonates instantly.


Boom boom boom——

There was a short time interval between the rockets being launched out of the nest, and the loud noises of ammunition detonating after a while were also heard one after another.

Multiple heavy-duty rockets with a huge charge comparable to small aerial bombs were exploded at different locations throughout the building.

The final result was that the main load-bearing structure of this red building, which was at least five stories high, said goodbye to the human world.

The entire building was blown to pieces in the continuous loud explosions like a volcanic eruption. The five-story building was reduced to a pile of rubble like construction waste in less than ten seconds.

You use infantry support mortars that are less than 100 mm to bombard me, and I use 310mm TOS-1 rocket assault tank anti-artillery to bombard you.

What's unfair about this?

Fair enough, right?

You see, it's unfair that the German guy opposite didn't even say a word. The customer didn't leave a review over time and just defaulted to a positive review. Love comes from TOS-1, and absolute satisfaction is guaranteed.

"The target has been cleared, retreat! Retreat to Block 3 to replenish ammunition, hurry!"

The Starling series of heavy tanks has a well-inherited advantage. The excellently designed transmission system and transmission structure make this series of heavy tanks have the best reversing capabilities among the heavy tanks of the same era.

This is particularly important in street fighting, which places great emphasis on flexible tactical maneuvers and keeping a distance from the target. It can directly make your German zoo family cry.

The TOS-1, which fired the remaining eight rounds of 310mm heavy rockets in one breath, then began to exit the firing position, quickly reversed, and prepared to evacuate to the front line, which was only one block away from its current location. Ammunition supply point, quick replenishment of ammunition.

For heavy combat vehicles like TOS-1, which are powerful but have extremely poor firepower sustainability, they cannot fight a protracted war. The Comprehensive Logistics Support Brigade of Ouchi Commander-in-Chief Karamov has already established a complete set of "service measures" in accordance with Malashenko's orders to ensure the display of combat power.

The ammunition carrying truck carrying the modular launcher loaded with ammunition is ready. Together with the heavy-duty crawler crane modified using the IS2 chassis, the ammunition truck is built at a crossroads not far away and within the actual control area of ​​​​the Red Army. A temporary supply point with sufficient garrison protection was set up.

As long as TOS-1 retreats to this point, it can immediately start reloading and replenishing ammunition. With experienced operation, it takes no more than ten minutes to revive the TOS-1 that has run out of ammunition, is fully loaded with ammunition, and can return to the battlefield again.

Looking at the TOS-1 not far behind him that had just finished firing, it reversed and retreated. Another TOS-1 loaded with ammunition that followed immediately took up its position and followed up, entering the gap that had just been vacant for less than half a minute. The launch position is ready and ready to ensure direct-aiming heavy fire support within visual range without any interruption, and destruction support is on call at all times.

David was greatly shocked by the scenes that just happened in front of him. David, whose brain received a large amount of information in a short period of time, had no time or mind to feel the shock anymore.

The professional characteristic of never forgetting prompted him to immediately seize this last opportunity, raise the camera in his hand, focus on the two TOS-1s that had just passed by, and freeze the picture that was later known as Classic photos from "Destruction Machine".

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