Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2728 The final accident

The sound of a burst of submachine gun bullets being fired suddenly echoed in everyone's ears.

Every soldier who has been in battle for a long time can tell by listening to the sound at such a close distance that this is the sound of your German MP38\\40 submachine gun when it fires. It has a low rate of fire and a strong sense of rhythm. The burst of gunfire is unmistakable.

But there's a problem.

The German gun fired, but who did he hit?

"Is anyone injured? Report the situation!"

Sulovechenko, who was hiding behind a low wall near the entrance of the warehouse, was still unsure of his judgment. His keen intuition told him that the burst of gunfire just now was probably not coming from his own side.

However, in this current situation where the enemy is in darkness and we are clear, we cannot rely on guesswork to make decisions, and the results still need to be confirmed.

Since the enemy had already opened fire, there was no need to be secretive. Soon, Sulovechenko's question was answered.

"No, there's no problem here!"

"Fortunately, no one was injured. It doesn't seem to be aimed at us."


The noncommittal Sulovechenko raised his hand to signal everyone not to move, and then quietly moved his body to the other end of the low wall a few meters away. After taking off the helmet and shaking it to test and confirm that nothing unusual happened, he carefully poked out half of his head.

"What did you see? Where is David and others!?"

Kovanov already had a very bad premonition in his heart. On the other hand, Sulovchenko, who did not allow his old classmate to risk his life rashly without confirming his safety, answered quietly. .

"I wasn't looking, but the direction the gunfire came from looked okay."

"I'll take people there to touch it, you go here first."

Da da da da——

! ?

The same gunshot suddenly erupted again without warning. Kovanov and Sulovechenko, who were facing each other and making plans, were startled at the same time.

There were no strange sounds of bullet impact or whistling sounds coming from the side. This was completely consistent with the situation just now. The target of the German submachine gun was not here at all.

If the first sudden gunshot was not enough to confirm the situation and one should be cautious, then the second series of gunshots that happened shortly after was enough to illustrate the problem.

If plans cannot keep up with changes, it would be a fool's errand to rely on plans to fight any battle.

Sulovechenko, who didn't want to explain any more, didn't say anything. He led his men to distance themselves and rushed forward while covering alternately.

Kovanov's job was to protect the Yankee, but not Sulovechenko.

This veteran leader who has been through many battles and was a bottom student in the military academy has his own opinions. In his eyes, the death of the Yankee is nothing at all. If it breaks the sky, it is a second-class secondary target.

What is your primary goal?

The primary goal is of course to prevent his old classmates and his brothers, who have gone through life and death together and fought on the battlefield together, from risking their lives for a Yankee in the Western capital world. Otherwise, the death notice sent to his family will be included. How to write it?

Write "Your son, husband, and brother sacrificed their lives to save the capitalist Yankees"? Um?

Sulovechenko doesn't know and doesn't care what others think or think, but just thinking about it, he feels that such an ending is too disgusting.

Generally speaking, the veterans in an elite unit are the most capable of fighting, and the "most difficult to deal with" are the veteran ruffians among the veterans.

The situation is similar to that of Alsim in the combat engineers. Sulovechenko, who was a gangster during the military academy and was born as a gangster, is capable and very high, but his ability to cause trouble is almost the same as his strong and stubborn personality. Awareness of self-assertion is directly proportional.

Sulovchenko, who had basically understood the situation at this moment, knew that the situation of the Yankee who was running around blindly and could not blame others even if he died was already in danger.

The two consecutive gunshots were from German submachine guns with a strong rhythm. There was no distinctive sound of that special American-made submachine gun firing.

You German guy can't fire two empty guns into the sky twice. Even if the first time is a warning shot, the second time should be serious.

So Sulovechenko, who was already close at hand and heard the gunshots through the last wall, had basically made up his mind about what was going on. He did not doubt that there was something wrong with his judgment and intuition.


An unknown object with a flash of black shadow rushed into the room along the wall. It collided and rubbed on the cold and solid floor, making a series of sharp and high-decibel sounds, which were enough to attract the attention of anyone who was frightened in silence.

Da da da da——

There was another burst of fire, and as usual it was the sound of a German submachine gun like the previous two times.

But the third gunshot was the last, and there would be no fourth gunshot.

When he turned around, the gunman who subconsciously pulled the trigger first took a closer look and found that the thing spinning on the ground and hit by bullets was just a Russian helmet. He realized that he had been deceived. He turned around again but it was too late.


The big fist of the oncoming sand bowl hit the door hard, causing the gunman holding a submachine gun to knock over the seasoning box in an instant, and all kinds of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, pungent and fishy smells came rushing up, and his whole body was shaken. He lost his balance on the spot and fell backwards after being hit.

The gunman was almost knocked unconscious and fell to the ground. Not to mention protecting himself, even the weapon in his hand was thrown away and slipped and fell to the side.

But the instigator of all this did not stop there. He just took the opportunity to jump in from the window frame platform behind the gunman, rounded his arms and punched the enemy. Sulovetsin was already holding the pistol tightly. Ke then stepped forward with a lunge.

Regardless of whether the more than 200 kilograms of his body and the equipment weighed him down, Sulovechenko, who made a series of moves that were as fast as a flash of lightning, did not hesitate at all and rode on the man who was beaten to the ground on the spot. Above his chest, he put a pistol to his head.


"No enemy found!"

"There was a little girl."

Almost at the same time as Sulovechenko jumped in, a group of soldiers who followed Comrade Commander also rushed into this unfinished, unfinished room that looked like a warehouse management room and looked at it. No matter how you describe it, it is a scene that leaves people speechless.

A little girl who looked to be no more than ten years old stood blankly in the center of the room, her eyes wide open and motionless.

In confusion, I felt a little sluggish, as if numb, and even more at a loss.

At the little girl's feet, there was a man lying in a pool of blood whose life and death were unknown. Every soldier present knew that the American's name was David.

On the other side, not far away, was the projection of the little girl's dull gaze.

Sulovchenko, who had successfully disarmed the enemy at the first opportunity and controlled the enemy by his own ability, was now killing a little boy who looked to be in his early ten years and was wearing a very unfitting SS uniform. Pressed down.

Not only did he hold the gun against his head, but he also used his knees and body weight to suppress his arms respectively, ensuring that he could be killed at any time. At the same time, he also lost the ability to resist and could not move. Even his free left hand, which was not holding a gun, even He never forgets to grab the target by the throat and exert pressure.

But this kind of capture was not prepared for such a goal.

At least it should be an adult, not a little kid who was beaten with a fist and his face was full of peach blossoms.

Just from the look on Sulovechenko's face, although he was fierce at this moment, but still surprised, it was enough to see how unexpected this scene was for him.

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