Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2738 The

Mary's fierce words were merciless. Seeing this, Jefferson no longer hid anything. After all the words were said, there was nothing to hold back. Jefferson was seen holding the table with both hands. , stood up from behind the desk in an instant.

"I think I've said it clearly enough! If you don't understand, well, I'll repeat it one last time."

"This opportunity for me can only succeed and not fail. For this reason, I have to avoid any possible potential risks, even if the risk rate is as small as 0.01! Economic ties are the most powerful way to slander and slander a person. Good idea, you don’t know the virtues of those in our profession, right? If they get caught, they will never let me go.”

"Then you can give me the money and I will pay David's mother. As a master, it is completely reasonable for me to do so."

Seeing that Jefferson was not going to make any concessions, and knowing through the long process of working together how unreasonable and irresistible this man was once he set his sights on a goal and made a decision, Mary decided to settle for the next best thing. Find another way to compensate David.

However, what awaited Mary was another ruthless rejection.

"No, there's no need to talk about it, even if you pay for it out of your own pocket in your own name."

Mary could hardly believe her ears, her face was full of disbelief and disbelief.


"Why? Ha, you still ask me why? You want me to explain such a simple truth to you? That's good, listen up."

"In addition to being that boy's master, you are also my assistant. I have been cultivating and promoting you since you first entered this industry. You have always been by my side in all public occasions. Even the correction editor of the newspaper has printed With your name, right under my name.”

"I, Jefferson's assistant, went to deliver money to an unknown brat who died in Germany for no apparent reason, and it was a fucking huge amount of money. Do you think this is not enough to get rid of those flies who are against me and waiting to see my joke?" Are the bugs making a fuss about it? Do you really think your enemies are that stupid?"

Mary, who was forced into a desperate situation, still refused to give up in the face of the aggressive Jefferson, and once again blurted out her words in a hurry without thinking.

"If I can't do it again, what about finding an ordinary person? It's okay to let other colleagues from the newspaper office do it, right?"

"Is there something wrong with your fucking brain? Or did you take too many drugs?"

He casually tugged on the collar and unbuttoned the buttons. Feeling that he was a little angry at this stupid woman, Jefferson calmed his breathing, picked up the coffee that had gone cold a long time ago on the table, took a swig, and drank it. If he made this clear, he would not be done for the day, so he continued to speak.

"You know this and I know it. No third person knows that those photos were taken by David and then sold to me. You still think the matter is not big enough and troublesome enough. You want to add one more person who has a little knowledge and a curious mind. Does breaking in increase the risk factor?”

"I want to avoid any possible risks, even if they are trivial, don't let me stress to you for the fourth time, this is impossible, there is no need to talk about it! After setting off from David, I took you out specifically to avoid everyone else's As soon as the sight started, the outcome was already determined. I have perfect proof that those photos were taken by me and they were my works! And you are the only person besides me who knows all this. I don’t want another one.”

After hearing this, Mary was no longer angry, and only a self-deprecating sneer remained on her face.

"The only one? Hey, there are so many Soviets in this building, how many of them do you think know that those photos were taken by David, not you? Do you plan to hide them all after the photos are released? ?Keep your secrets in front of your global news?"

Mary starts from the truth and considers what might happen next.

However, it turns out that with Mary's thinking, she still thinks everything is too simple. In terms of professional ability, no matter how disgusting Jefferson is, he is indeed far above it. The classic truth of "older is still hotter" has always been applicable. The words that came out of her mouth without thinking further made Mary Ray's skin burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Damn it! You are also a veteran reporter in the international field after all. You work as an assistant to the editor-in-chief at a top newspaper. Can you not look at problems like those tabloid editors who only make up gossip and weird news!?"

"Look at the international situation, don't you understand? How long do you think our cooperation with the Russians can last? A few months or a year? Huh?"

"The new confrontation has slowly begun. After the war, the Russians will still be our enemies. These losers who talk to the low-class people covered in mud and smelly sweat will never want to talk to the elites of mankind. We are brothers, this is the truth of the world! They deserve to live in their mean and miserable little world for the rest of their lives, dreaming of dreams that will never come true."

"At that time, how many people do you think will believe what the enemy says to slander an American elite? Only a fool who has a few kilograms of shit in his head can be so stupid as to believe the enemy's words to destroy his own elite. ?”

"I have a hundred ways to prove that those Russians are making up nonsense. The truth can be created, especially the truth about the enemy. We can do things that the broken guns in their hands can't do with the use of a pen. "

After talking about the big picture, I feel that it is still not safe at the personal level.

Originally, he was tired from talking endlessly and wanted to rest, but just to be on the safe side, Mr. Jefferson decided to add a few more sentences at the end.

"Besides, you don't want your husband, who is about to be promoted to sergeant in the county police department, to ruin his future, right? Your own job is hard-won, so cherish it more. There are many homeless families sleeping in bridges on the streets of New York, carrying large and small bags. As an old colleague, how sad would I be if I saw your family of three in that pile of smelly and dirty humanoid garbage?"


Mary, who felt like her head was about to burst, had never felt that the man in front of her was so hateful and shameless, but she couldn't help but believe that every word he spoke was capable of being accomplished.

This man, whose father is a senator and who himself is the editor-in-chief of a top newspaper, has an unfathomable background and energy. This was the case in the past, is the case now, and will be the same in the foreseeable future.

"If you have nothing else to do, just write the manuscript. You have also seen the film. You know the subject matter and content clearly, and you know how to write it."

"Isn't that why those trash snacks that don't have a single bit of successful thinking in their heads are willing to spend money to read newspapers? To satisfy their pitiful and low thirst for information, to numb themselves with short-term mental stimulation, and to make them believe that they are not stupid. That’s our job.”

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