Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2740 Late Night Visit


"Comrade Commander, I'm sorry to bother you so late, we have a visitor.


Malashenko, who had been busy all day and had no time to rest early today, and who was ready to fight a big fight tomorrow, just sat on the edge of the bed. Before he even covered his buttocks, he heard someone looking for him outside the door. Thinking that it must be urgent to come here so late, I didn't think much about it, so I stood up, picked up the coats hanging on the hangers, picked up a batch of them, walked to the door and opened the door.

"Who is it? Staying up so late and coming to see me?"

The person who knocked on the door to deliver the message was obviously not the real person, but a guard assigned to Malashenko. The real person who came to see him was probably still waiting somewhere. Everything must be reported according to the procedures, let alone It was already so late, and Malashenko, who knew this situation, subconsciously asked the identity of the person coming.

"It's Major Kovanov. He said he has a special mission. He has something urgent to report directly to you, so he asked me to inform you that he is waiting in the lobby on the first floor."


After hearing this, Malashenko frowned and stared, seeming to sense something amiss, but he did not think or hesitate and instead spoke directly to the guard in front of him.

“Let him come up, I’ll wait for him in my room, and bring him directly to see me.


"Oh, right."

The guard who took the order just turned around, and Malashenko, who was about to close the door, suddenly stopped.

"I was asked to serve two cups of hot tea, and you came here so late to report that you should have some water to drink."


After closing the door and returning to the room, Malashenko first put on the clothes he was wearing and tied a few buttons more casually. Then he suddenly put on the new major general uniform that he didn't usually wear. It's a little tight, and it's really incomparable to the tank fire-proof combat uniform that Malashenko usually wears like rags. The latter is so baggy that it's like a cotton cover.

But Malashenko does prefer to wear his own tattered clothes, not for any other reason. As long as they are comfortable and fit, that is the best. This casual uniform is stylish but less comfortable, which is not to our liking, Comrade Ma.

Malashenko, who had tidied up his appearance casually, was just about to sit down in front of the sofa. The door that had not been closed was quietly pushed open from the outside to the inside. It was Koh who appeared in front of him along with the guard. Vanov.

"No need, it's so late, there's no need to do that, and there's no one around, just find a place to sit."

Seeing that Kovanov wanted to give him a "formalistic" salute and report when they met, Malashenko, who was already informal, immediately waved his hand to say no, and then pointed to the sofa next to him to signal Kovanov to come in. Sit down and talk.

"Is there anything wrong with you coming to see me in the middle of the night if you don't sleep well? Or is there something going on with David? Has the ashes been handed over to the Americans?"

Malashenko's first sentence was half correct, at least a small part.

As soon as he found another single sofa next to Malashenko and sat down, Kovanov did not hesitate when he heard the words of his comrade. He immediately started to blurt out the words that he had prepared along the way. .

"You are right, Comrade Commander, it is related to David. But I came here to tell you something more unexpected. To be honest, I am just shocked and angry now, really."


Malashenko, who had just lit a cigarette for himself, became interested when he heard this. Kovanov, who is usually quite steady, is not a "shock party" who makes loud noises. To hear this from his mouth I'm afraid there's something really wrong with his self-report.

"Okay, you go on and I listen."


"Comrade Commander, the tea you requested is here."

The person responsible for serving tea to Malashenko in the middle of the night was a female soldier. Within the leadership division organization, whether it was the division headquarters or the brigade headquarters, some relatively delicate tasks related to household chores were assigned to Lesbians do it.

After all, men fight and women take care of the house. Isn’t it tiring for men and women to work together?

"Do you need anything else? Comrade Commander, we also have prepared supper."


Malashenko is not hungry, but it is not certain whether Kovanov is hungry.

"By the way, are you hungry? If so, I'll give you some supper and we'll chat while we eat."

"Thank you, comrade teacher, I don't"


Although he said he wasn't hungry, his stomach was so damn unsatisfactory.

In front of the comrade and the female comrade, his stomach growled, and he didn't even have time to finish saying "I'm not hungry". This made Kovanov so embarrassed that he didn't know how to continue. It was okay, but fortunately the heroic Comrade Malashenko thoughtfully resolved the embarrassment for his subordinates.

"Okay, I'll run the Yankees' errands in the morning, and David's errands in the afternoon, and I'll be busy until evening. I guess you haven't eaten much, so just bring some food up, and remember to fill up. of."

"Okay, Comrade Commander, please wait a moment."

When the female soldier holding the tea tray was ordered to leave, Malashenko, holding a cigarette in one hand and a tea cup in the other, took a sip and sipped the taste, guessing that it would take a while before the meal was served. continued.

"Go on, I'm listening."

"That's it, Comrade Commander."

"After I got David's ashes, I planned to send them to the Americans as I had promised. But what I didn't expect was that when I arrived at the door of Jefferson's room, I heard the voice inside. There was a quarrel between him and a woman, and it was quite loud."

"Fighting so late? And with a woman?"

Malashenko, who really didn't expect such a plot, was so happy that he blurted out teasing jokes.

"Is it possible that our Jefferson editor-in-chief is incapable of doing things in bed? Was he humiliated by his angry mistress? You're just kidding, go on."


Seeing that Kovanov's expression was not joking, Malashenko guessed that this was probably not a fun matter, and then put away his smile and motioned for Kovanov to continue.

"It was intermittent at first, and I couldn't hear it very clearly. I should have knocked on the door, but I didn't know why I was just curious about it, so in the end I chose to get closer, almost leaning against the door panel to listen. "

"I could hear it clearly now, but then I heard news that shocked me even more. That Jefferson shouted that David had signed a contract with him, and that he wanted to keep all the photos that David had taken. All the money, fame and fortune gained from it belong to him and are his private property. The woman in the room was very angry about this and started arguing with him. "

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