Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2748 Metro 1945 (Part 2)

In line with the principle of showing leniency to the enemy, Alsim's first expectation must be that there is a group of Nazi bastards behind the corner. In the worst case scenario, he may have discovered his own arrival, set up firepower, and prepared to attack unexpectedly. One hand.

But when Alsim heard the voice of a woman, he realized that the situation might not be what he imagined, and further, without a handlight, he carefully stuck his head out along the wall and saw what he saw. When the scene within the field of vision can be reached.

What he saw in front of him still made Alsim feel unexpected to a certain extent, and his high-alert battle preparations were temporarily lifted by Alsim.

"They are refugees from the Germans, a bunch of old, weak, women and children."

There is nothing on the empty subway tracks. The subway trains that once flowed continuously and ran every few minutes are now long gone.

The usually crowded and crowded platform has now changed its scenery. It’s not that it’s deserted and there’s not a soul to be seen. It’s just that large and small bags of various belongings, luggage and even small tents are piled randomly together, and fires are set up on the platform to burn them. The scene of using firewood and coals to keep warm and eating hot food is indeed a bit surprising.

"What is this? A kraut family picnic? In a subway tunnel?"

Bohemianism and ruffians are the most iconic "features" of the Alsim Company. This elite combat engineer company, with 80% veterans, would be weird if it didn't tease you with a few taunts from time to time.

"Look, they are all women, old ladies, young wives, little girls, and little girls of several years old, etc. There is a baby in the arms over there. I bet it is also a woman. A bottle of vodka, someone is following ?"

The German women sitting in small groups on the platform could not understand what these Soviet soldiers were saying, but the fear in their eyes was real.

Seeing the company officer coming forward, a woman in her early thirties who was nearest immediately hugged the child in her arms tightly. The rags wrapped around her like rags could not hide her shivering, and she felt deep in her heart. The fear of something has been manifested concretely and without any obstruction.

Moreover, the deputy comrade who came forward could also guess what the woman was afraid of, but he and all the comrades behind him had no such plan from the beginning.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you, there are just a few questions."

"Who is in charge here? Is there a leader? Have you seen Nazi troops passing by here? Or know where they are."

If it were Alsim, he would definitely not waste time on these German women. He is used to talking less and doing more. He is also not good at interpersonal communication, let alone communicating with hostile forces, even if it is just a group of war fighters. The same goes for refugees.

But even the deputy comrade planned to give it a try, maybe he could ask for something useful. It would be best if he could get some useful information in the subway tunnel where he couldn't see his fingers.

"It's me, Mr. Officer. Please don't make it difficult for her. You can also see that she is very scared now. I know something useful for you."


Alsim, who had no hope at all, was looking towards the tunnel in the distance at the edge of the platform. When he heard the old voice behind him, he subconsciously looked back and saw an old woman with a dog hugging her back. With the support of a girl, he talked face to face with his good brother, the company deputy.

"Why are there so many women here? Are all the men there?"

It's true that you can guess the possible answers, but if you can get confirmation, it's naturally the best situation. Anyway, it's just a matter of one sentence, just an opening greeting to close the distance.

"The answer lies on the ground, not with us, Mr. Officer. You should have seen it before coming here. Most of the men in this city have either been caught, or they are hiding in hiding or on the way to escape because they don't want to be caught. Some of them have been beaten to death by you, or are about to be beaten to death.”


The old woman's answer was straightforward and not hidden. Not only the company deputy comrade who spoke directly, but also Alsim felt that he might get some useful information next.

"Are there any Nazi soldiers here? Or when did they pass by here and in what direction did they go?"

The old woman, who needed help from others even to walk, pointed around with her crutches, and spoke clearly despite her age.

"Look, does it look like there are Nazi soldiers here? There are only a group of old and weak women and children who have lost their fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers. In the eyes of the Nazis, they are flesh and blood waste that cannot even squeeze out the residual value. "


Every time the old lady spoke, the company's knowledge was refreshed. It was as if among all the Germans he had met so far in Berlin, none was more knowledgeable than the old lady in front of him who looked like he was seventy or eighty years old. Transparent.

"Let me think about it, a group of Nazi soldiers passed by yesterday. They gathered on the platform and stayed for a short time. Then when the subway came, they quickly got on the train and left. There were about seventy or eighty people, each time Everyone has a gun, just like you."

"As of today, no Nazi soldiers have come here. We don't have much food. A few young girls discussed going up to have a look and try their luck, and then you came. This is the whole story."

The company deputy comrade's hunch was right. The old lady had already provided very valuable information in her words.

The subway system in the area below is still functioning, at least partially functioning. Just as Malashenko had suspected earlier, the Germans' obviously unusual speed of dispatching reinforcements in the past few days really depends on Rapid force projection support provided by the metro system.

The underground subway network extending in all directions can ensure that the German garrison troops can quickly deliver troops to the neighborhoods closest to the battlefield to support the battle.

Even if heavy equipment cannot pass, simply delivering infantry reinforcements based on head count can play a big role.

After all, in an environment like street fighting, as long as you stuff a group of infantry into a building, it will be an earthen bunker and gun tower. No matter how bad it is, it can delay the enemy's offensive for a while and cause more or less trouble.

This is the purpose of Alsim's mission, but now it seems that the necessity of the mission is more clear.

The key nodes of this subway network must be blown up, otherwise the Germans will quietly transport so much reinforcement cannon fodder from under the leader's crotch, and let the enemy run around under his crotch. It would be an unpleasant feeling. So wonderful.

Thinking of this, the company officer who planned to go further prepared to ask another question, which might also be the last question.

Alsim, who had never wanted to keep watching the scenery and didn't expect the company officer to do this, suddenly walked up to him and spoke quietly.

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