Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2762 Just a thought

“There are no penalties, but don’t expect rewards either.

"The movement you created on the surface is currently estimated to have buried at least one battalion of Germans and equipment at once. You blocked the entire three streets and cut a large hole nearly twenty meters wide."

“All the Germans who stood within the scope of this gap when the disaster struck, as well as their equipment and the buildings where they hid, are now lying and buried in the pit, becoming fertilizers that nourish the land of Berlin and cultural relics to be unearthed. "

"It is undeniable that this is your merit. Oh, it should be two people working together to reimburse the German guy of one battalion at a time. You and your company mate are both capable."

Of course, Malashenko did more than just praise Alsim. He said good things first just to appease Alsim's beating heart. The real issues that should be said have just begun.

"But, the reality is that you have indeed cut off the offensive channels of these three streets. For the Germans, it is the price they paid for setting up a battalion, in exchange for the complete blockade of these three streets. Don't worry about us anymore. attack more aggressively, and then deploy troops to support nearby neighborhoods.”

"Taking advantage of the aftermath of this wave of underground explosions, the neighborhoods that had not been cut off from attack routes did take the opportunity to make some progress, some of which were relatively large. But in the future, more Nazi consumables will be filled into the battle line to create obstacles for us. Definitely."

"Although this will not make a substantial change for us, it is only a matter of time to solve these consumables that are already struggling. It is nothing more than moving the place where they were killed from one place to another, that's all. . But this will indeed cause some time delays, and you know the consequences of the enemy's defense forces being more concentrated."

"So, this time there are merits and demerits. But given that you did complete your mission, the difficulty level is very high, and the mission itself was indeed completed very well, even with zero casualties."

"Then what? The merits and demerits offset each other. This is the result, and it is also the decision made by the division. There is no punishment or reward, but all the above things will be written in your personal file and follow you for a lifetime. Whether it is good or bad, you should decide in your own mind There is a judgment, what do you think?”

This is what Malashenko said openly. In fact, Malashenko did not say it in his heart and could not say it at this time, and he knew it very well.

To put it bluntly, if you ask Malashenko to really punish Alsim severely, then Comrade Ma will really be very reluctant to let go.

To say the least, it's a punishment.

Okay, so what's the punishment?

In order to be able to fight on the front line, smell the smell of blood and taste the pleasure of inflicting death and destruction on the enemy, this guy has refused promotion twice in a row, showing the momentum of "a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and the captain will be the company commander to the end" , Tiao Ming is the trump card of "I will be a major if you try to persuade me in every possible way."

In this case, even if you promoted him from company commander to ordinary soldier, would it make any difference to him?

No difference, no difference at all.

This guy didn't come to the battlefield for the art of command and promotion and wealth. He had only one simple purpose from beginning to end.

Slaughter more and more sei, so much that I can’t even count how many there are. The more, the better.

Now that that's the case, what's the use of demoting him from company commander to ordinary soldier?

He can still do whatever he wants, and do it as he pleases, without any impact on his main goal.

Breaking through the sky is that Alsim himself feels that "his image in the eyes of his fellow teachers and comrades has been ruined, and he is a complete loser." From then on, there is a high probability that he will break pots and smash pots, and devote himself to killing people for fun, with only these few hobbies left. .

Going even further, if such a person waits until the post-war peace era comes, he will feel bored when there is no war, quit the army and return to society.

At this time, if he can honestly return to your hometown in Siberia and inherit the family business and go hunting, then you can burn incense.

Think about it, if this person had no education and no professional skills, and knew nothing but killing and bloodletting, wielding guns and knives, and went to commit crimes, it would not be within the territory of the Soviet Union, but in Eastern Europe, which has a poor public security environment. The borders of satellite countries are full of blindness. What will it be like then? Um?

He was first in the chicken eating competition, and he was the king in the finals.

When the time comes, the name on the reward for the most wanted criminal in the Soviet Union will probably be his name, Alsim.

Then I checked the files again, oh, it turned out to be the soldiers brought out by Malashenko.

Tell me, how does Malashenko explain it?

No shame left.

It may be a bit far-fetched to think, but for a "Slavic superman" like Alsim, who in the eyes of normal people, is definitely a "freak, different person, with psychological problems".

Good and evil, good and evil, it's just a matter of one thought, Malashenko's.

No matter what kind of bloodthirsty and violent beast resides deep in Alsim's heart and is imprisoned in a cage, Malashenko still hopes that the lock hanging on the cage will never be opened.

There is no human being without mercy. Malashenko has never thought of himself as an absolutely impartial and selfless saint. He was not, is not, and will not be in the future.

As long as my ability allows it and does not violate justice and conscience, what does it matter to me, Malashenko, who protects me?

Whether Alsim can be cultivated into a towering tree, Malashenko dare not say that he is absolutely sure.

But at least we can't just watch him go astray. Since we know there is such a danger ahead, we should avoid it. This is what Malashenko is doing now.

"Okay, let's end this matter now. Don't go out and brag about it to others as if it's something awesome. Keep this matter hidden and don't talk about it everywhere."

"I heard that you and your people were soaked in the groundwater and all looked like drowned rats. So today's battle ends here. I will lead the team to rest for the remaining half day. You also fought for several days without breathing. Your tone, even if you are strong, but the brothers under you are not, they are far inferior to you in terms of personal ability, so please consider the pace of others chasing your back. "

"You are more or less a company commander, and you are not fighting alone. The strength of a team does not depend on the strength of the most capable person. I put you in the position of company commander and let you lead the troops, not to make you feel like my subordinates. The soldiers are holding you back. Stop and wait for others to catch up. The most important thing is to fight alongside you."

"There's no reason why you can't do it. I believe you can do it. Do you understand?"

"Obviously! I will definitely do it, thank you, comrade teacher!"


Looking at Alsim's serious and half-understanding expression, but indeed listening very seriously, Malashenko sighed lightly and then raised his hand to signal and finally spoke again.

"I hope you really understand, go down."


From the beginning to the end, he has emphasized collectivism, but yet he gave birth to a "Slavic superman" who can be called a highly individualistic hero.

After Alsim left for a while, Malashenko thought that this matter was very embarrassing.

How to combine Alsim as an individual with his team and collective so that Alsim can not only serve as captain and company commander until the end of his life, but also move up, this is still Malashenko Problems that need to be thought about how to solve.

Maybe his company commander who has been with him through life and death but has a clear contrast will be a breakthrough? This time the two of them act together may be an opportunity, and they can consider how to take advantage of it.

Malashenko, who spent an extra two or three minutes thinking about this matter, had just finished, stretched out and was about to get up from the sofa and return to work. The phone on the desk not far away suddenly rang again, as if it was following him.

"Malashenko, what's going on?"

"Huh? Has the main attack direction been broken through? Got it, okay, let's talk about it after I get up there."

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