Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2917 Will there be another war in the future?

Lavrinenko was still waiting, sitting in the car and smoking, waiting for Comrade Ma, who had finished his work, to bring back some news that would make people shine.

"Comrade Deputy Division Commander, why don't you go with Comrade Division Commander? Logically speaking, shouldn't such an occasion be suitable for you to appear? Comrades will be very happy."


Lavrinenko, who was sitting in the back seat, took a look when he heard this. The adjutant sitting in the front passenger seat was looking back with focused eyes.

Lavrinenko naturally had a reason for not getting involved in this matter, and it was not because he was too lazy to go. When asked about the reason, he had nothing to hide. He shook off the cigarette ashes in his hand and then spoke quietly.

"Because Comrade Teacher has something serious to do, something serious and personal, and it was not appropriate for me to get involved in it in the past. It is the best outcome to have only one protagonist."

"Private matter?"

The adjutant who was confused and confused wanted to ask again, but when he saw the absent-minded expression of Comrade Deputy Division Commander and thought that it might not be a good idea to get to the bottom of things, he simply gave up and swallowed the words that were on his lips. .

It just so happened that at this moment, Malashenko, who had finished his work, had already rushed back. He opened the car door and squeezed into the seat next to Lavrinenko.

"Is everything done?"

"Well, done.

"Then the little girl didn't give you a perfume on your face?"


Malashenko, who was too lazy to answer such a question, rolled his eyes at his close friend who was holding a cigarette and speaking crookedly. He just pretended not to hear.

"Haha, it was just a joke, but you took it seriously."

Lavrinenko, who muttered haha ​​to get rid of the matter and brought the topic back to the right track, continued to speak with a serious face while giving Malashenko a cigarette.

"What's next? Do you plan to go back to the division directly, or do you have other plans?"

At this moment, there was not much time left before dawn, and the final offensive operation was about to begin.

The main attacking Volga River siege team and several other siege teams that cooperate and assist are all in place and ready to enter the offensive starting position. It can be said that everything is ready. The only thing left is the east wind, and it depends on Malashenko. What to plan next.

"You have returned to the division headquarters to help the political commissar with overall management. He has been getting worse and worse recently. I am worried that something will happen."

"My car is ready, and I will lead the team to personally direct the attack. After so many battles, there is no reason why we should fall short in this last one."

Hearing this, Lavrinenko nodded in response.

"Okay, I knew you were going. Leave the division to me. Remember to keep in touch. If you need anything, communicate as soon as possible."

According to Malashenko's request, the moving convoy first arrived at the temporary assembly point directly under the leadership of the division headquarters.

Here are assembled the troops that Malashenko will personally lead - the guard tank company directly under the division headquarters, all equipped with IS7 heavy tanks. It was initially established by political commissar comrades based on actual combat needs and was specifically used to protect the safety of division commander comrades on the battlefield as a personal security force.

"Okay, let's go back. We'll contact you after I get to my location. That's it for now."

"Well, you should be more careful. Remember to have a good drink after this battle is over. I'll treat you to this meal. We won't stop until we get drunk."

Watching Lavrinenko leave with the convoy after the "drinking date", he turned around and turned back to face Malashenko, who was walking towards the assembly point. Before he had taken a few steps, he saw that he had already rushed to the hot car and was ready to set off. And the other members of the No. 177 crew who are now ready are chatting and laughing around the tank, waiting for the arrival of the last crew member.

"Oh, look~ look~ Comrade Commander, I'm sorry to welcome you here. Do you want to give a final mobilization speech or something?"

Iushkin, who has been resting for several days, is still so arrogant. As soon as he opens his mouth, he puts on a playful smile and performs a cross talk show that could enter the Deyun Club.

Over time, he has become accustomed to Iushkin's "rough-skinned and thick-skinned and unrepentant" person. If he didn't hear the beep, he might not feel comfortable. Malashenko, who felt something was wrong, just smiled, took out his gloves from his pocket and put them on. , move your fingers to follow the opening.

"You need a mobilization speech for ordinary people, but you don't need it for a fool like you."

"When you're ready, get in the car! Let's go! Kill the last wave of Nazis and finish this battle. It's time to say goodbye after dragging on for so long. Send those Nazis to hell forever!"

"Ha, this is what I've been waiting for! My brothers have all heard it, get in the car and drive!"

Although he was always not serious, at the critical moment when the war was imminent, he kept beeping and criticizing.

But this may be part of Iushkin's special personality charm. In addition, our buddy really relies on strength, ability and fighting spirit, so he has really secured his position as "acting commander", at least the driver When the eldest comrade was away, the elder brothers still relatively recognized it.

"Tell me, is this the last time we get into the car and fight? Will there be another war after we kill all these nazis?"


He took off the big-brimmed hat on his head and put on the tank hat. Malashenko, who had just been sitting in the commander's position, was slightly silent when he heard this. The next answer could be regarded as unthinking.

"There will be, but the enemy will have to be another group of bastards who have suffered a thousand blows. Then you still won't show mercy."


Iushkin, who is usually like a curious baby, rarely asked "why" this time.

Maybe it was to leave some surprises and suspense for myself, but in short, the high morale and joyful expectations were still visible in the words.

"That's enough. Refill! I like hearing this! There is nothing more exciting than driving a big baby to kill a lot of pests and run over smoking corpses."

Malashenko, who was ready, led the entire guard tank company to start the hot vehicle and start setting off.

IS7 heavy tanks, one after another, spraying black smoke and roaring, ran over the damaged paved roads covered with bricks and debris on the streets of Berlin, and began to advance towards the final offensive in full force.

At the same time, on the other side, Alsim Company, which had also entered the starting position, was also making final preparations for the attack and was fully armed.

"There are five minutes left and it's about to start. Don't you want to say something?"

Sulovechenko, who was holding an almost-burned cigarette butt in his mouth, glanced sideways and then leaned on the observation port next to him. He looked across the King's Square from the rubble to the Parliament Building and asked Sulovechenko.

Alsim, who had no intention of responding to the company deputy comrade's request, immediately spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth and spoke calmly.

"No need. I won't talk about anything else except "Fuck them to death, fuck them to death with great force, and fuck them to death in huge amounts." At my level, if you ask me to give a speech, I would rather ask me to parade on the street. Shoe repair stall."

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