Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2934 Two-Gun Madman

"If I were you, fellow man! I would look around immediately and see how many of your cannon fodder are left dead. If this continues, it will soon be your turn!"


It must be admitted that the current situation is very bad for Alsim and his party.

It is true that the SS also suffered casualties and the casualties were not small, but what does this have to do with Alsim Company's greater casualties?

The condescending SS scum occupied the advantageous position of setting up an ambush in the attic on the second floor, and rained down fiery bullets into the library hall on the first floor. The Red Army soldiers who could not find a suitable bunker were scurrying around, jumping to death with bullets. dance.

In this case, it is inevitable to encounter casualties greater than those of the enemy. Even all Slavic supermen cannot change the disadvantage of the combat environment.

The scene of being ambushed by the enemy in a low-lying area and beating them violently, and then killing the enemy until they fled, is indeed something that can only appear in Hollywood blockbusters and anti-Japanese dramas.

After all, those things don't follow the rules of the battlefield, they just have to be cool and show off.

Just now, the bodies of fallen soldiers were lying on the ground around Alsim.

Some of the soldiers who were not killed on the spot were still trying their best, dragging their bleeding wounds and trying to crawl behind the nearest bunker, or they had simply hid behind the bunker regardless of their injuries. They continued to fight until they lost consciousness or died due to blood loss. Keep fighting with your gun raised.

All of this, together with Heisenberg's arrogant words, clearly told Alsim a fact that must be faced.

If you don't want everyone to die in battle, you have to open up the situation quickly.

No matter what method is used, even if it is just to temporarily repel these Nazi lunatics and not seek total annihilation, if such a passive situation continues, it will really cause the ship to capsize.

"Bring support and rush to the second floor! The progress there is too slow! Find a way to rush down from the second floor! Go quickly!"

Alsim, who was hiding behind a bunker and suppressed by a hail of bullets, shouted amidst the gunfire. Sulovechenko, who was hiding behind a statue not far away, was still uneasy after hearing this.

"What about you?"

"Leave me alone! Hurry up and take the people! I can hold on here, just leave a few people to cover me! It's okay for the wounded!"


If he didn't take action, the whole team would be finished. Knowing that he didn't have time to continue talking nonsense, Sulovechenko simply gritted his teeth and stamped his feet to greet the people around him who could still move. There were blood and blood all along the way. The path of the remains was towards the second-floor attic, and he personally led the team and vowed to win the battle for the second-floor attic that was blocked.

Seeing Sulovchenko and his men rushing over, Alsim, who was suppressed by firepower due to his position and couldn't get to Sulovchenko's side, simply nailed him to death. Fighting here to the end, we want to see what tricks the perverted leader of the SS has in store.

"Damn, why is there no movement?"

It's not that the gunfire stopped, but that the crazy SS leader who had been talking nonsense and shouting suddenly shut up like a mute and stopped making any movement.

Alsim would rather believe that this bitch was plotting another mess than to believe that this perverted leader was just saying he was tired and wanted to take a breather and drink some water.

As expected, the next scene quickly fulfilled Alsim's guess.

The perverted SS leader who dashed out from behind the bookshelf appeared again. He turned sideways and raised the weapon in his hand, running and shooting at the same time.

Alsim, who saw that figure with his own eyes, was surprised by two things.

First of all, the bastard changed his target. The downpour of fully automatic firepower was not directed at him but elsewhere.

Secondly, Alsim finally took advantage of this moment to see clearly what the weapon in the pervert's hand was that fired so fast that he had been puzzled just now.

To be precise, it was not a single weapon, but two dual-wielding weapons, shooting left and right at the same time.

The appearance of the two guns is extremely iconic and conspicuous. You will definitely recognize them at a glance. They are the two M1932 fully automatic combat pistols of the German Mauser Company. Both guns use 20 rounds. Extended magazine capacity.

This gun has another classic nickname in the distant and ancient Eastern countries - the "twenty-shot box gun". In these days, it can indeed be called the "fighter among pistols", and it can be called the "fighter among pistols" in terms of lethality alone. Nothing beats it.

Mauser Company equips every M1932 with a factory-supplied stock, which is also a storage box for the gun, for stable shooting against the shoulder in fully automatic shooting mode.

After all, with the rate of fire of this thing, if you don't put a butt on it and you splash it with water, you know where the next dozen bullets will hit. The naked gun shooting mode without a stock only supports semi-automatic shooting, at least that’s what the strict and old-fashioned Germans say in the manual that comes with the gun.

But there are no absolutes in this world. Just like not all Germans are so rigorous and old-fashioned, they will follow the tutorials and specifications in the weapon manual and use weapons strictly. The perverted SS leader opposite is a representative figure.

That bastard named Heisenberg not only shoots his bow left and right, and shoots two guns, but both guns shoot fully automatically in pure naked gun mode without a butt.

It is precisely because of this that the dense barrage caused by the two guns firing fully automatically at the same time gave Alsim, who had not been able to confirm the target with his own eyes just now, an illusion. I mistakenly thought that the perverted SS leader was holding some unknown evil weapon, but I never expected that it was actually a dual-wielding fully automatic pistol.

On the other hand, it is true that the weapon was fully automatic without a butt, and that the left and right hands held one in each hand and fired at the same time. However, do not mistakenly think that Heisenberg could not control the gun, and the accuracy was poor and he could not hit the target.

Facts have proved that this perverted bastard who wields a 10-pound knife with one hand is indeed as powerful as Alsim's deep impression when they first encountered him.

The two fully automatic pistols in his hands were controlled almost like two water guns.

He was moving sideways while shooting, and he shot both guns with an accuracy no less than that of an ordinary submachine gun.

The final result of the two magazines with a total of 40 rounds of water splashing was to kill a wounded soldier who was quite close to Alsim and was crawling behind the stone pillar, along with his comrades behind the stone pillar who were trying to get a hold of him. The soldier beat them both on the spot until they were convulsing and fell into a pool of blood.


While witnessing all this, Alsim, who was filled with rage, leaned out, raised his gun and fired. The bullet coincidentally followed Heisenberg's dodgy footsteps and almost hit a row of bookshelves. With a crackling sound, sawdust and shreds of paper were instantly scattered in all directions, and at the same time, they were attacked again along with the arrogant shout.

"Two points for a double play! SS ahead!"

"Be careful to protect your cannon fodder, fellows! If you really want to protect them!"

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