Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2943 It begins with a tank battle and ends with a tank battle

Slowly putting down the phone in his hand, the connection with Zhukov came to an end for the time being.

Malashenko put the microphone down with his thoughts in mind and turned around in thought, only to find that almost everyone around him had stopped what they were doing and turned towards Malashenko in unison. The comrade they had trusted for a long time raised his hand in salute and expressed his heartfelt respect.

There was no prior arrangement and no warning. All this suddenness somewhat surprised Malashenko, and even showed a little surprise and doubt on his face.

“It was all done spontaneously by comrades, no one organized or gave orders.”

"At first, I just listened quietly to Comrade Commander's phone call. Later, I don't know who was the first to raise his hand to Comrade Commander's back. Then came the second, third, and finally everyone, including of course I."

Looking at Kulbalov who raised his hand to salute him in response to a smile, he then turned his head and looked at the comrades around him who were doing the same gesture. He didn't know how to speak, so he just listened to Kulbalov. Those solid and powerful words echoed in my ears again.

"It is our honor to follow you to defend the motherland and fight in all directions, and it is also the honor of the leadership team."

"The first "Ula" is for the motherland! The second "Ula" is for victory! The third "Ula" is for our comrades!"




Malashenko could see that everyone standing in front of him was a living person, a proletarian fighter of flesh and blood, and a comrade with sincere and passionate blood flowing in his body.

It is precisely because of them and these comrades who are closely united around me that I can always feel the strength and feel that all the efforts are meaningful. Only Malashenko could reach where he is today step by step, and he could overcome all difficulties and obstacles and fight side by side with his comrades, moving forward indomitably until the final victory.

"It is also an honor for me to lead you, comrades. For the heroic collective called the Leadership Division, for the countless comrades and martyrs who have sacrificed their lives, and for the final victory we are about to win!"


"The supreme glory will finally freeze this moment and be recorded in history!"

Looking at his right hand that had just returned the gift to his comrades, he thought back to that moment that was still fresh in his memory not long ago.

The former Malashenko inexplicably broke into this different world that did not belong to him. He complained, annoyed, and hated God for being so unfair to him. He refused to let himself live an ordinary life and was stunned. This is an age where dogs shake their heads when they see it.

But now, Malashenko has already found the meaning of belonging to this era. The fact that he can stand here is proof that the body and soul named Malashenko have found meaning.

"Let's end this."

At the focus point of his eyes, Malashenko clenched his open right hand tightly into a fist. The victory was already in hand. Malashenko, who had a double meaning at this moment, turned around and walked towards the outside of the command post.

It was at this moment that a familiar figure suddenly broke in from outside the house and stopped Malashenko's footsteps and spoke first.

"Emergency! A group of enemy heavy armored troops are coming from the north. The scout troops that came out have just confirmed the situation and returned. It seems that they are coming from the direction of the Crown Prince Bridge on the east side of Zone Z."

"It's tanks, assault guns, and armored vehicles. I don't know where they suddenly popped out of so many people and equipment from a crack in the ground. The infantry and armored forces combined must have at least one reinforced regiment or more, and they are now heading south towards us. If we rush over, we will probably get into contact with artillery fire in less than ten minutes."

Malashenko has actually been waiting for something to happen, something that was expected.

As we all know, the garrison strength in Area Z is much stronger than in the existing history. The Nazi Guards stationed here are not the foreign stinkers in history, but the real ace troops of the SS "Empire" and " "Skeleton" two elite armored divisions, this is what Malashenko has repeatedly confirmed in multiple intelligence sources.

It is true that a lot of bastards have been wiped out in the Z-area battle, but where have the rest gone?

The total number of SS fanatics killed was not even the full strength of one division, not to mention two large armored divisions.

As for armored combat vehicles, that's even more outrageous. Malashenko estimates that he hasn't eaten even half of the full-strength German armored divisions so far.

Even the two ace armored divisions of the SS were not fully equipped, both suffered battle losses, and their strength was not complete.

But if you say that the battle damage is so big, it will destroy all the foundation. Then Malashenko thinks that your two so-called ace armored divisions of the SS, did they retreat in a disabled state from the beginning? Entering area Z and lingering?

This is obviously not in line with common sense, and it is even more weird.

Malashenko would rather believe that the enemy is hiding his strength and making conspiracies than believe that the enemy is a stupid and incompetent fool.

Facts have proved that the SS, unwilling to fail, was indeed organizing a bigger conspiracy and preparing to play a big game before the final moment came.

Regardless of whether this group of SS troops believed that a fierce battle was raging in the Reichstag, the Red Army rushed over while they were busy with the final sprint and were concentrating. Being caught off guard had unexpected effects. Or it could be said that this group of SS troops had indeed assembled their forces not long ago, and only then had they gathered enough strength that they thought was sufficient.

For Malashenko, there is only one outcome and only one targeted response.

Fight, no matter what your plan is, what kind of troops you send over, just give them all. The reserve group specially guarding the ruins of the Opera House, led and commanded by Malashenko himself, is for this purpose. To stay.

"It just so happens that those losers will never play the gambling table unless they use up all the chips in their hands. Leaving the trouble to other brother troops will only cause more unnecessary casualties. Let us take care of it. If you send these bastards on their way in person, that boy Iushkin will already feel itchy."

"Ha, I knew you would say that! Then let us take action, hurry up!"

With an order from Malashenko, the reserve group that was waiting at the starting position in the ruins of the Opera House immediately roared to launch, pushed the shells into the chamber and was ready to be fired. They stepped on the accelerator and headed straight towards the enemy. He rushed in the direction he came from.

King's Square, which was already full of smoke and war, once again became "lively". A heavily armored cluster headed by more than a dozen IS7s speeding towards them emitted a deafening roar and roared directly into the steel buildings passing through the ruins of the square. The torrent has moved upstream from south to north.

It begins with a tank battle and ends with a tank battle.

He stretched his upper body out of the turret, glanced at the imposing heavy armored clusters around him, and rushed towards the enemy. This was the end of the Patriotic War and it can be said that Malashenko left no regrets personally.

"Annihilate all the Nazis, assault formation! Leader division! Charge to the enemy!"


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