Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2958 Send everything that can fly over Berlin

Chapter 2958 Send everything that can fly over Berlin!

The red flag was planted on the top of the Capitol, and the extremely vicious Nazi demon had paid the debt with blood and was killed.

But the war was far from over.

At the foot of the Reichstag and above King's Square with the victory flag flying, the SS elites who were unwilling to fail were still trying to use their lives to create an impossible miracle, trying to put the red flag on the Reichstag. The Red Army on the rooftop drove out of King's Square.

Probably even these crazy SS elites knew that the battle in front of them was their last chance. If they did not seize this last opportunity to try and fight, they would probably commit suicide or fall into the Russian trap. Before the prisoner of war camp, there would never be such an opportunity again.

As the Nazis withstood huge casualties and launched successive waves of attacks, Malashenko, who was watching the battlefield from the command position in the car, looked at the scene in front of him that was comparable to a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. With countless burning wreckage, one can naturally understand the meaning behind such crazy behavior.

"Hammer One is calling the forge. If you hear me, please answer!"

Malashenko has used many different "call signs", and his names are basically given by the division commander himself.

The call to the division headquarters was quickly responded to, and the familiar words coming from the other end of the radio were none other than Comrade Political Commissar. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

"The Forge can hear you, please speak."

"Call for air support! Fighters, attack planes, bombers, any aircraft will do! Anything that can drop bullets, artillery shells and bombs on top of the Nazi's head and still fly!"

"The nazis here at Königsplatz are going crazy! They are everywhere like a flood washing away a rat's nest! Call everything that can fly over Berlin, quickly!"

Due to the limited combat area and environmental restrictions, the leader division with its powerful direct-aiming and direct-fire artillery units is not able to use it effectively.

The King's Square is such a big place. Tanks, self-propelled artillery, rocket assault tanks, and basically all the equipment that can be driven up are driven up. All kinds of direct and indirect firepower are aimed at it and they just explode to death.

But even so, the waves of attacks from Nazu did not stop.

Malashenko knows where the weaknesses of his troops and equipment are. The power of the Soviet-made large-caliber artillery combat vehicle, which is known for its huge caliber and super destructive power, is absolutely unquestionable, but its combat endurance is really It's a big shortcoming.

A 122-gun heavy tank only has 30 rounds of shells when the entire vehicle is fully loaded. This requires the allocation of different types of ammunition according to the proportion of armor-piercing rounds and grenades. The total number of grenades used as the main type of combat ammunition is only about 20 rounds. .

At present, such high-intensity close combat does not count. Even if the combat fire rate is 2 rounds per minute, it means that most IS6s will run out of ammunition if they cannot survive 20 minutes of high-intensity combat. At that time, the main gun will really become a useless display, and the 50-ton big guy will turn into a "machine gun carrier".

What IS7 you ask?

Sorry, because the size of naval artillery shells is larger, the ammunition load is smaller, and the IS7 has a faster fire rate after using a semi-automatic loader. In terms of firepower sustainability, it is not as good as the IS6. If it is not possible, it will be necessary before the IS6 ammunition is exhausted. Take a break first.

Once the tank's main gun ammunition is exhausted, and these crazy nazis have no intention of retreating.

Malashenko can almost guess what will happen then.

That will be a scene where after the Red Army has lost a large part of its firepower advantage, the nazi lunatics who have been kicked in the nose and face take the opportunity to rush forward and fight for their lives in close combat. Even if they are not saved, they have to be killed by these addicted nazis. Break through the defense line at the foot of the Capitol and rush back into the building to fight for the building.

Malashenko doesn’t think the game of “the Red Army defends the Capitol and the Nazi lunatics attack” is very fun, and he doesn’t want to see such a scenario happen.

So before the situation evolves to that point, Malashenko must do something to prevent the battlefield situation from deteriorating further in the direction he does not want to see, and "sending everything that can fly over Berlin" is the final step. Answer.

Although this request sounds like "outrageous to find my mother - extremely outrageous", it is precisely because of this that Comrade Political Commissar can understand more deeply how urgent the war situation on Malashenko's side is.

Aviation support tasks at the theater level are not within the scope of authority and jurisdiction of frontline division-level units. Only at the group army headquarters level can they be qualified to adjust the aviation task schedule. The only thing the political commissar can do now is Report Malashenko’s request quickly.

Soon, not only the Army Headquarters, but also the 1st Belarusian Front Headquarters, the top command organization in the Berlin theater, received an extremely outrageous news.

"Did he really say that?"

"Yes, Comrade Marshal. Malashenko requested that all flying objects over Berlin be sent to support him. He told this to the political commissar of their division, and the political commissar told me this on the phone. I Now let me tell you this, so what should we do?"


Zhukov, who was holding the phone in his hand, frowned slightly and looked unhappy. Not even five minutes after the victory news came out that the flag was successfully planted in the Reichstag, the Nazis were unwilling to fail and continued their "big campaign" with bad news coming so suddenly. The ground came one after another, and Comrade Zhukov was very unhappy because the enemy "deliberately found trouble for bad things".

And the power in his hands means that once he is unhappy, it is really not as simple as "killing one or two hundred people".

While holding the microphone and staring at the war zone map on the table in front of him, Zhukov, who was rapidly thinking about making feasible plans in his mind, soon spoke calmly, his expression filled with murderous intent.

"It is impossible for bombers to get that close. The location of the Capitol Building is too close to the other two air defense towers. In the past, any mid-to-high-altitude target would have been a target and would have been attacked from both sides."

"But you can send the tactical fleet to him, let all the tactical fleets without major missions move closer, and enter the Z area airspace from low altitude to provide close support to King's Square. Send all fighters and attack aircraft there If the number is insufficient, take off immediately from the frontline airport and rush over as quickly as possible!”

"Also tell Malashenko for me that I will give him whatever he wants! But one thing must be done. The Capitol Building must not change hands again!"

"Since the victory flag has been planted, it must not be torn down! Even if the leader is a nail or a rock, he will be nailed to King's Square by me under the Nazi attack!"

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