Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2981 The hero is in Wenwen Township

When Malashenko first found Anya, the scene was nothing like meeting his lover.

Anya, who was running out anxiously with a blood plate, collided with Malashenko who had just arrived outside the operating room. The red hemostats and scalpels on the plate fell to the floor.

"Comrade, how could you do this? The operation is going on, but you are standing at the door blocking it."

Anya, who was wearing a nurse's hat and a large mask covering her face, stopped abruptly before she finished speaking.

Just standing here is like an iron tower. His tall body of 1.9 meters tall requires him to look up. When he looks up, he sees a familiar face that he has been thinking about for a long time has suddenly appeared in front of him. .

"Sorry, it interferes with your work."

Just after finishing her work in another operating room, a female nurse who happened to be passing by the door of the operating room bumped into this scene. Of course, she recognized the two people in front of her at a glance as Anya and Comrade Commander.

There is almost nothing that can be called a secret between best friends. Of course, good best friends who know the relationship between Comrade Commander and Anya are very good at it. Anya even stepped forward and started picking up the things that fell on the floor without even saying anything. s things.

"I happen to have no work at hand. Anya, I'll do your work first. I'll go in and help you with it."


Anya wanted to raise her hand to say something, but before she could say anything, she saw her best friend picking up the things scattered on the floor, quickly putting them on the plate, picking them up without saying a word, and trotting away not far away. The equipment room.

The movement was too fast and could not be stopped. In the end, Anya was left with only a quickly disappearing figure and the sound of trotting footsteps, leaving the two people in front of the operating room still standing there.

"It seems that someone is willing to help us. We should thank them properly later."

Looking at the little nurse leaving, he was talking to himself. Before he could turn around, Malashenko was unexpectedly thrown into his arms by Anya beside him and hugged him on the spot.

Malashenko's hands no longer had nowhere to place as they had when he was confused and sleepy, and Malashenko, who gently stroked Anya's back to comfort her, felt really guilty.

No matter which beauty comes to his place, it seems that he doesn't have time to spend time with any of them, even Anya, who is physically closest to him, is the same.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen you for a while, I'm sorry, dear."

"Okay, don't say this. I know that Comrade Commander is currently busy with military affairs, right? Your appearance here is already my biggest surprise today, even if you tell me to leave now, it will be the same."


People's hearts are made of flesh, and Malashenko is not a hard-hearted alternative.

I already felt guilty for Anya and now I feel quite uncomfortable when I hear this. Fortunately, I won't let the girl's surprise end here today.

"That's not true, my dear, we can be together for a long, long time today."

"Let's go, outsiders say there should be enough time."

He gently took off the mask on Anya's face, reached out and slightly scratched the bridge of her nose with her index finger.

Malashenko clearly remembered that Anya was particularly fond of this inconspicuous little gesture, which he accidentally discovered during a date.

After trying it a few more times, I found that Anya could always look as happy as a little girl when she got a new dress. Looking at the happy smile on her face now, it was indeed true.

In terms of her strong personality, Anya, who pushed her on the back when they first met and almost slapped her again, is actually no better than Gil's little girl.

Anya has always given Malashenko the impression that "since you love, love firmly."

If Natalia is as tender as water, she is the soul haven that every man dreams of. Just like the rippling clear water of a bay and the calm breeze of the dock, the most exhausted fisherman can feel the love and beauty of the world, just like in the song of Katyusha.

That Anya should be like a bonfire that warms the body and mind in the endless deserted night, using its passionate fire to surround the adventurers who are tired from the journey and are about to be unable to leave the wilderness. In the warmth that spreads all over the body, giving people the best feeling. The warmth of passion and the hope of continuing on in the endless black smoke.

Even now, Malashenko's feelings for Anya remain unchanged. This passionate and determined girl has always been by his side.

Even at the closest distance, he still maintains a distance, not wanting to trouble the one he loves in the slightest because of his overflowing longing and affection.

"When you need me, I'm here. I've always been there. I'm right next to you, watching you quietly. This is my greatest happiness."

The words that I heard a long time ago rang in my ears again, words that have remained unchanged even after a long time and the test of war.

Chief Malashen, who felt that even the depths of his soul had been healed by this warmth, breathed a sigh of relief and felt the warmth of being leaned on and embraced by his lover, even if it was only temporary.

We sat quietly together on the bench at the bus stop not far from the entrance of the field hospital, just leaning on each other, looking at the ruins of Berlin in front of us, which were dilapidated and in need of reconstruction, and at the beaten-up city less than a hundred meters away. The remains of King Tiger turned into a pile of twisted scrap metal.

Malashenko just hopes that the passage of time at this moment can be slower and slower. It is precisely because this warmth that is within reach is so precious and so reluctant to let go that Malashenko in a daze feels that he is getting better. Fa can't see the future direction clearly.

Hundreds of thousands of Nazis roared and swooped in, fighting for their lives, but the well-known Soviet tank hero never wavered in the slightest.

But in just a few minutes, the girl's gentle village was able to accomplish what hundreds of thousands of Nazi troops, armed to the teeth, had done everything they could in four years.

No matter what, the road must continue to move forward. Although the road ahead is unknown, it is precisely because it is unknown that it is waiting for people to write and create.

It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will still be like this in the future, until the end on the other side remains the same.

Feeling the fullness of Anya leaning slightly on his arm, Malashenko reached out and brushed Anya's long hair like the sea, and then spoke quietly.

"Maybe I'm not qualified to say this. I haven't been around you for a long time but I always make demands of you. This has always made me feel guilty."

With her happy and satisfied smile, she could guess what her lover was about to say. Anya, who hugged Malashenko's arm tighter, also spoke quietly.

"You tell me, I'm listening. As long as you are still willing to tell me, I will always listen like this."


You can feel that the entire space around you is almost filled with this passionate love, filling every ray of air and flowing endlessly.

Malashenko, who was willing to let this time last longer, spoke very slowly, and there was no hint that this was the usual "steel butcher" who would eradicate the Nazis completely when he saw them.

"There will be a party tonight, my dear, will you come with me?"

"Party?! Me???"

As if she heard something particularly unexpected all of a sudden, Anya, who was still leaning on her lover's arm quietly, suddenly raised her head and looked quite surprised.

A woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of the sea, and even someone as strong as Comrade Lao Ma can't say that he knows a woman's pulse with certainty. There is indeed a gap in thinking between rational creatures and perceptual creatures that cannot be ignored based on scientific research and objective facts.

Precisely because he understood this truth, Malashenko did not immediately speak with his own judgment. Instead, he waited for Anya's next words, and it would only be better to respond later.

"Oh my god, look at me like this, I don't have any beautiful clothes, I'm even covered in blood, I'm"

At the end of the sentence, Anya's squeaking whisper reached the point where even she could hardly hear her voice.

If he hadn't finally mustered up the courage, Malashenko probably wouldn't have been able to hear the last sentence clearly.

"Am I suitable? It will only embarrass you if you do this."


Speaking of which, it was the first time for Malashenko to see a passionate girl become like this, so flustered and at a loss.

It's not because of anything else, just simply because of the man she loves deeply.

Put yourself completely in his shoes, think about him, think about his identity and the honor of the troops under his command. I feel that my state is completely incompatible with the word "banquet" and everything it derives from.

It's not out of personal unwillingness or unwillingness, but because I feel that I'm not worthy, and if I go, it will bring bad results.


Malashenko could have expected that this would be the case, but now that he was sure, he was more confident to speak, and the words he had already organized were gentle to Anya.

"But you are the one I love. Nothing is more important than this. This is enough."

The dinner, held in a restaurant on the same street as where the leader's army headquarters is located, officially opened on time and on schedule.

Although the scale of this dinner was deliberately limited by Malashenko, after all, the war had only ended not long ago, and the city was full of ruins and war refugees living a miserable life, so it was not suitable for a big event.

However, because the organizer was at the military level, high-level military and political personnel from the leading army were also present, which was necessary for high-level exchanges between the two militaries.

In addition, Jack, who was on time for the appointment, also directly pulled a convoy over; a dozen or nearly twenty people got out of the car, all of whom were senior officials and senior staff members of the Fourth Armored Division under his command, holding hands with The Red Army came here for the same purpose of high-level exchanges between the two armies. To put it bluntly, the meal was just a casual visit.

After all, if you really come to this kind of occasion just to have a full stomach, I would suggest you not to come, really.

Therefore, if the entourage and accompanying persons were included in this dinner party, the total number of people would still reach over 50.

It's not a huge crowd, but it's really lively with people coming and going.

The time when the U.S. and Soviet armies were laughing and celebrating together will probably soon be gone and will become a thing of the past.

And it was just as Comrade Political Commissar expected and Malashenko imagined.

The second leading actor of this dinner party is currently very popular in the United States, and is called the "Congress-customized version of the God of War" by those who don't like him or even hate him. The 4th Armored Division of the U.S. Army Division Commander—Major General Jack Morrison.

Already wearing a brand-new, ironed U.S. Army Major General uniform, he was carrying two silver stars that were brighter than diamonds. He was walking on the red carpet with the aura of an absolute protagonist, being held by his "major general's wife" in a gorgeous evening dress. Arms openly showed affection, and he walked in all the way, smiling and waving to everyone as he walked.

Until he came to stand in front of Malashenko, he was finally able to smile and speak as he wished.

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