Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3012 Serving the General

Malashenko had heard of "Lieutenant Krauser" a long time ago, during the second half of the Battle of Berlin.

He was a Wehrmacht paratrooper and brought his men to surrender during the most critical stage of the Battle of Berlin. Not only did he surrender, he also turned back, assisted the Alsim commandos in faking a surprise attack, and successfully took control of the Moltke Bridge. This can be regarded as a "great achievement", and he has proved his worth with practical actions.

To be able to hold a gun and fight side by side with the Red Army on the battlefield, this man and his men have passed the test of the highest loyalty.

Lavrinenko had been worried, but Malashenko advised him that there was no need for it. This was what he said to comfort his good brother.

"There is no need to question the loyalty of him and his men, because from the moment they picked up their guns and shot their former comrades, no one but us will take them in."

"You and I know this now, and they know it even better. Who would want to take in a group of people who shot their former comrades? Only us. Because this loyalty has been stamped with the Russian mark. Looking on What will the enemy think? They can shoot and kill their former comrades for the victory of the Russians. No one except the Russians has any need for this kind of loyalty."

"So without us, they are nothing, and it is even less likely that they will be anything eye-catching. This is the cruel reality for them."

"House slaves with three surnames" would not have a good ending when placed among the same clans. In today's era of fierce conflict, needless to say, smart people with real brains would not do such a thing. .

Besides, Malashenko asked himself that he could give Lieutenant Krauser and his men everything they wanted.

The old horse is not Dong Zhuo, and there is no Diao Chan now. The grass on Wang Yun's old man's grave has been replaced so many times.

Even if you, Krauser, have your eye on Diao Chan, I can go and help you with the matchmaking. Just say that my "adopted father" is incompetent, right? More competent than your biological father, right?

After all, I can give you things that your biological father cannot give you, and they are related to your fame and glory for the rest of your life.

Of course, there is no need to go through the process of becoming an adoptive father, and we are not in the mood for this.

There is no need to hear such vulgar words as "Lieutenant Krause has been wandering for half his life, only regretting that he has never met his master".

As long as you work in a down-to-earth manner and behave honestly, you will have the same and a lot of things you should have.

Thinking of all these things in the past, Malashenko, who was sitting on the sofa waiting for someone to come, soon waited for the person he liked. Now he was Major Krauser, who had changed his appearance and dressed in new clothes.

Of course, this "major" has not yet been officially established. It was temporarily assigned by Malashenko and promised in advance.

However, this handsome new dress was custom-made by someone from Lao Ma Tuo. It will still be usable after it is officially made available in the future.

What we are doing now is to lay the foundation for the future and build up our resume. These are all things Malashenko has made clear to Krauser, and he has also painted a pretty bright future.

Of course, Krause also knows that his current wealth, life, fame and fortune, as well as the future of his brothers who have risked their lives with him and have no way back, can all rely on this famous "Steel Butcher". "Yes.

In terms of loyalty, Krauser, who has already determined one way to the end, now has nothing to say about Malashenko. He doesn't ask why, only what he is doing.

But even Krause himself was a little surprised that the first task assigned to him by Malashenko was not to carry a gun and fight, but to persuade and "occupy" a person, a person in his It seems that he is a hopeless and stubborn SS lunatic.

Apparently, it was because Krauze was led through the door with a smile by his secretary, sat down a little flattered, and then turned into a slightly uneasy expression.

Malashenko knew that the task assigned to him was probably in trouble.

"Tell me, how is the situation?"

Because Krauser and his group were still needed for this trip to the Far East, Malashenko brought them all the way from Berlin. They were not under the command of anyone but only responsible to himself.

As for the confrontation, Malashenko did not hide the matter. He specifically reported it to Zhukov and obtained permission.

In Zhukov's eyes, there were only dozens of Germans who had fought for the Red Army. There were many Germans in the Red Army who had defected to the Soviet Union in the early years. It was common for them to fight side by side and fight together, and they had gone through all the storms.

It's just that it was a little late for these Germans to defect to the Soviet Union. Since they have proven themselves with the blood of the enemy, and there happen to be noble people who are willing to reward them with food, then Malashenko can keep it for himself if he wants to use it.

Even Zhukov was a little puzzled. Why did Malashenko have to report to himself about this kind of thing that was not a big deal in his opinion? Couldn't the military agencies handle it on their own? Anyway, I gave the approval without thinking too much.

Now, when Krauser, who looked slightly uneasy, heard Malashenko ask about the status of the mission assigned to him, Krauser, who knew that there was something he could not hide, mustered up the courage to tell the truth.

Even if the mission is not completed well and the general is not satisfied or favored, he can only protect himself by showing 100% loyalty first.

"General, that lunatic SS man is hopeless! He is still true to his true nature and is guarding his stupid so-called loyalty."

"I have said all the good, bad, and cruel things to him, but he just refuses to listen and does not know what is good or bad at all! He refuses to join us and refuses to work for you, General, and he keeps talking."

Krauser, who was hesitant to speak, couldn't speak any more. Malashenko could guess the reason and blurted out the words without thinking.

"Say it, but it doesn't matter. Reporting truthfully is the only thing you need to do now. You should know this."

"Yes, General, I understand."

Krauser, who was slightly beaten by Malashenko, even slightly "frightened", did not want to be looked down upon and abandoned in disappointment by the person he secretly swore to be 100% loyal to, so he hugged Malashenko This thigh is his only hope now.

"He also said, let me, this lackey, give you a message, general. You either let him go or kill him. There is no third way. Bury him in your back garden as fertilizer. Growing flowers is the only way you can use him."


Malashenko couldn't hold it back for a while, he laughed directly, and then quickly explained.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at this guy who has such a rich imagination that he actually thought of letting me bury him in the backyard to use as fertilizer to grow flowers."

After speaking fluent German and talking to Krauser about this, Malashenko put his hand on his chin and thought for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth, thought about it, and spoke slowly again.

"It seems that I have to go and meet Mr. Wittmann in person, that's fine, this will be interesting."

"By the way, there is one more thing. In addition to saying all the good and bad things, did you use any other "means" against him?"

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