Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3175:

"Takahashi-kun, you."

"Don't worry, I'm with you."

It was probably the exchange of glances with the above meaning. The two sergeants exchanged glances and understood each other's intentions and said nothing again.

The rest was the squadron leader who was still holding the command knife in his hand, but his expression had changed drastically in an instant, and he was obviously quite displeased. His face was distorted as if he had eaten a fly.

"Are you trying to "conquer the superior"!?"

This is a scary and ominous word just thinking about it, especially for those in a superior position, because the unlucky person being defeated is himself.

The squadron leader wanted to take this opportunity to establish his absolute prestige in the newly formed squadron, but he didn't really want to ask the soldiers to take off all their clothes.

The original plan was to wait until the soldiers began to take off their clothes in accordance with his orders, then he would have a step to go down, and then he would show "magnanimity" and show that he was considerate of his subordinates and would not follow suit this time.

When the prestige is established and people's hearts are bought, isn't this killing two birds with one stone? What a beautiful thing.

I can only say that Your Excellency, the squadron leader, does have a good idea, but it only remains at the level of "a good idea".

The biggest problem that has been ignored is that to do this even among the Japanese army, which does not regard the lower-level soldiers as human beings, requires a certain degree of familiarity, understanding and mutual trust between soldiers and officers.

Now we are all defeated soldiers who have just been defeated by the Russians. No one should laugh at anyone or look down on anyone. Even you, the squadron leader, was defeated by the Russians.

Everyone's morale is low and the morale of the army is low. You, a newly arrived defeated officer, don't boost morale and appease the morale of the army. If you are here to work on the streets, our former army commander did not ask us to do this, so who are you? ?

The Japanese soldiers were severely brainwashed, but it is obviously unrealistic to think that all of them are idiots.

This bullying behavior might have gone away if no one had said anything.

Whenever someone is willing to take the initiative to take the lead, it is like a spark floating into a barrel of explosives. Emotions that are tense to the critical point are most likely to be intensified and explode.

The young sergeant Kazuo Takahashi understands this.

It was precisely because he saw this crucial opportunity that he chose to step forward at the last moment.

Before, I had been standing by watching the show without saying anything. That was when my emotions were aggravated to the point where they were about to explode.

Kazuo Takahashi, who was a small boss before being drafted into the army for the second time, understands the way of people's hearts very well.

In his own words, if he could not figure out the thoughts of customers and business partners, the money he could earn would be reduced by more than half.

The current situation is exactly what Kazuo Takahashi wants.

He forced the birdman squadron leader, who had long been disliked by him, to come to the stage, so he couldn't express his anger.

He also performed a performance in front of his soldiers, establishing himself as a good leader with "great integrity". It seemed that he really stood up for the soldiers, which was enough to make those who had already been won over by him even more grateful.

More importantly, this move was also performed well in front of Masao Ozawa.

It was enough to make this old sergeant who obviously wanted to survive, but still couldn't let go of the dignity and so-called sense of honor of the imperial army, to lean more towards his side and at the same time recognize the situation, and become even more disappointed with the people above who were eating nothing but corpses.

Winning over Masao Ozawa plays a decisive role in Kazuo Takahashi's plan.

If you don't want to be cheated by those officers who don't care about the lives of the soldiers at the bottom, you must unite enough people. Without fewer people, you can't get anything done.

Kazuo Takahashi has always believed in this and firmly believed that his judgment would not be wrong.

Masao Ozawa, who is already wavering and conflicted, is obviously a good target.

Now it seems that not only was my judgment accurate, but the plan was also implemented quite well.

Everything that happened step by step even made Takahashi Kazuo couldn't help but flash a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then he spoke.

"I'm afraid that your Excellency, the squadron leader, has overstated something and misunderstood something. We just want to maintain the most basic dignity and dignity as imperial soldiers. There is absolutely no intention of "conquering the superior". "

"I dare to ask Your Excellency, the squadron leader, how could His Majesty the Emperor's samurai be stripped naked in the street until they were left with nothing but a piece of crotch cloth, and they were still displayed like merchandise in a display window for people to look at at will. The cold wind on the street blew even their naked bodies. The warriors were trembling, is this in line with the dignity and decency of the imperial army?"


Masao Ozawa, who was stunned when he heard Jun's words, had only one thought in his mind at the moment.

As expected of a business person, a boss knows how to speak. Why can’t I come up with such language?

Not to mention how much Ozawa Masao admired Kazuo Takahashi who was many years younger than him, the squadron leader in front of him, who was already so angry that he looked ferocious, was almost trembling all over.

Don't listen to how simple and nice this guy's words are, and how "there is absolutely no intention of subduing the superior".

I don't mean that. What are those rows of things standing behind you? Is it a tree stump or a target?

He brought four accompanying guards with him, but he had to face more than twenty soldiers standing in two rows behind the two sergeants.

The squadron leader who had messed up knew that no matter whether he came to Taiwan or not, he would not be able to continue this bad show.

At this point, there is no other way. No matter how much resentment and anger you have, you can only swallow it in your stomach.

The squadron leader, who said nothing but had a bad look on his face, turned around and led the people away.

Kazuo Takahashi, who was not afraid of retaliation after the fact, but was afraid that the Russians would not come in fast enough, looked at the squadron leader's angrily leaving figure and just sneered.

"These bastards who discriminate against soldiers! It was because I suffered so much bullying from these birdmen that I retired hastily during my first military service. It's finally time to take revenge on them."


The silent Ozawa Masao knew that after this incident, he was afraid that there was no turning back, and the squadron leader would definitely not let him go.

Understand the consequences of "lower overcoming superior" if there is even a hint of it, not to mention that this is already considered as actual action.

Thinking of this, Masao Ozawa couldn't help but sigh, and spoke to Kazuo Takahashi beside him in a helpless and powerless tone.

"Have you figured out what to do next?"

"Of course, I never do anything unprepared, Ozawa-kun. And I know what you are worried about. Don't be afraid of the birdman. The Russians will break in before he can retaliate against us. Then we only need to Do this"

What Ozawa Masao and Takahashi Kazuo, who were leading their respective soldiers and whispering at the entrance of the courtyard, did not know.

Every move he made, from the drop of the leaflet just now to the confrontation with the squadron leader until now, has been watched and memorized by a pair of eyes hidden behind the window across the street.

Soon, a piece of information recording what he saw and heard was handwritten and put into an envelope. Comrades were already waiting at the tunnel entrance hidden under the kitchen stove.

"Quick! This information is very important. It must be sent to the Soviet comrades outside the city as soon as possible! The little devils in the city have begun civil strife!"

"I got it, keep it with me and send it over now!"

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