Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3211 It’s all over, Malashenko

Looking at the general promotion order in Zhukov's hand, he clearly saw that his name had been written on it, and even Zhukov's autograph was attached.

Malashenko, who has been in the position of general for seven years, remains unmoved. Even though this promotion is just around the corner, he has never thought of giving up his faith.

The answer that came out of his mouth was still the same and unique from beginning to end.

"If there is anything I must do, Comrade Marshal, then doing everything I can to get you back on the right path is the only one."

"If I really can't do this, then as you said, you have made me successful, and please declare that all my efforts have ended in failure."


Zhukov once again stared at Malashenko with deep and meaningful eyes, no longer astonished and surprised as he had been not long ago.

When Zhukov spoke again, Malashenko, who was no longer surprised by what he was going to say next, accepted it as he said.

"It's over, Malashenko."

"From now on, you will be relieved of all positions you hold, including the commander of the Berlin Garrison and the concurrent commander of the leading army."

"A formal written order will be issued later, and you will be able to see it in person at that time. There will be no concealment or concealment. Everything will be carried out step by step in accordance with standard procedures."

"From now on, your only task is to stay at your home and wait for orders. At least I still recognize your honesty. Do you want to disobey me this time?"

There is no emotion at all.

Malashenko, who had already expected that the result would be like this, just spoke quietly and calmly.

"No, Comrade Marshal. I will obey your orders and carry them out truthfully."

"good, very good!"

Zhukov, who was too lazy to even get up to send him off, just raised his hand expressionlessly.

"Then, go and carry out the order now. You shouldn't need me to send someone to escort you."

Malashenko, who understood that everything was over, did not resist and failed again. He once again chose to accept it calmly and raised his hand to give a standard military salute, then walked straight through the door and left.



Malashenko, who had already stepped into the corridor, suddenly heard the sound of various things scattered all over the floor and smashed one after another behind him. It was still clearly audible even through the door.

Malashenko knew what that meant, and he did think about turning back when he stopped, but in the end he just paused for a moment and then continued to move forward without any hesitation.

"Malashenko! Malashenko!! Malashenko!!!"

"Ah!!! Malashenko!!!"

Zhukov, who pushed everything on the desk to the ground and smashed it to pieces, almost flipping the desk over, was so angry that he almost knocked down the ceiling.

The secretary on duty in the corridor outside the door heard such a loud noise and thought there was some emergency. As a result, he hurriedly opened the door and entered without even making a report.

What he saw was Zhukov's furious expression, which was so angry that his eyes were red and his blood was rising.

"Get out! Don't let anyone in, now!"

"Yes, Comrade Marshal, I'm right outside the door."

The secretary on duty, who spoke so fast that he did not dare to stay for another second, immediately left and closed the door. Zhukov, who did not have the strength to lift the desk as well, sat back in his chair as if he had lost all strength. above.

This is the end of the matter, at least an end.

But what Zhukov faced was not only the mess scattered all over the ground, but also the huge vacancy suddenly caused by Malashenko's changes in the well-formulated plan waiting to be filled.

Zhukov, who gradually calmed down from his rage, began to think about how to fill the hole caused by Malashenko's huge unexpected variable.

Don't give up the plan, you still have to do what needs to be done.

Thinking of this, Zhukov, who was still unmoved by Malashenko's persuasion, subconsciously reached out to a familiar position on the table, intending to pick up the phone on the table and shake it.

You wouldn't know if you didn't reach out, but you'll find out when you reach out.

There was no phone anywhere on the table, along with the pen holder, folders, and reports that were yet to be approved. They were all thrown to the ground by the "desktop cleaning" I had just done, and they were still lying quietly on the ground in a mess.

To Zhukov, the messy look was simply a silent mockery, silent and no different.

He spoke subconsciously again, wanting to call the secretary on duty in the corridor outside the door to come in.

As a result, Zhukov could only half-open his mouth in embarrassment as the words reached his lips. He didn't even know where to put his hands raised in the air or whether to drop them. In the end, he could only clenched his fists and smashed them on the table. After a while, I could relieve my anger.

In this way, after getting up from the chair, he bent down and picked up the phone that he had knocked to the ground. He put it back on the table and immediately picked up the phone and spoke.

"Take the General Staff Headquarters, yes, Marshal Sokolovsky."

"I have something urgent here, please ask him immediately——"

Before he finished speaking, Zhukov looked at the mess on the ground that he had made with his own hands. It would probably take some time to restore it to its original state, so he had no choice but to add something.

"It doesn't have to be right away. Ask him to come see me in half an hour. Yes, as long as he can come to my place in half an hour."

Malashenko did not know what happened in Zhukov's office, let alone what Zhukov planned to do next.

Malashenko, who accepted everything calmly, didn't even know if he was worthy of this special car. This guard, who was at least one person, looked at the extremely familiar person and car in front of him and couldn't help but speak indifferently.

"Comrade Senelov, I'll just take it as if. If you receive any order to leave me, don't hesitate or refuse, and there's no need to come to me to inform you. Just do it."

"Comrade Commander, you——"

The young guard who was already waiting for Malashenko at the car door was quite puzzled. He had no idea why the commander would say this, but what he received was that Malashenko spoke calmly again.

"Don't call me that title again. I'm no longer a commander."

"Don't ask any questions. I don't want to implicate anyone. Try to stay as far away from me as possible. This is for your future."

After finishing speaking, Malashenko reached for the car door and prepared to drive home.

But he didn't expect those young hands to rush forward again. Before he could hold on to the door handle, he covered his own hands with both hands and spoke firmly.

"Comrade General Si, I have been following you for three years. I grew up listening to your stories, reading the picture books recording your deeds, and listening to the teacher telling your heroic deeds in class!"

"No matter what happens, I trust you, and please don't drive me away! No matter what happens, I want to be with you, please trust me!"

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