Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 556 The End

The wheels of the Gas Jeep, which was bumping along the off-road dirt road, rolled up large lumps of mud and scattered them. The originally shiny body was immediately smeared like a map of a reformer. Sitting in the passenger seat, The Red Army major looked very impatient.

"Drive faster, Lieutenant Korzhev, we don't have much time."

Facing the hurried opening of the major next to him, the helpless Red Army second lieutenant had no choice but to answer with actual information.

"Major Baranov, this is already the fastest. Look at the mud. If we drive faster, our car will overturn into the ditch next to the road."

Chi la——

As if to verify that what Second Lieutenant Korzhev said was not a lie, the little Gaz Jeep, which had been running so hard that it could not stop running, immediately swung its tail and almost fell into the ditch before the words were spoken, and another one was filled with mud and water. Seemingly mundane pits are the culprit.

He was swaying in his seat and almost being thrown out of the convertible passenger seat without a roof. Major Baranov, who barely managed to steady himself by holding on to the door handle next to him, looked very helpless and helpless. He was also impatient, and there was not much time left for him to carry out his mission.

About half an hour ago, Major Baranov, who was still on duty at the security post, suddenly received a call from Leningrad.

His superiors told him the coordinates and asked him to go to this place and find a way to get back the latest German tank that was paralyzed there at all costs.

So how important is this task?

According to Major Baranov's understanding of his superiors, the last time he gave him such an urgent order as if a dynamite barrel was about to explode in the next second, it seemed that it was last autumn when a defensive position was breached by German troops and he was asked to immediately Bring someone up to fill the gap.

Major Baranov, who did not dare to neglect at all, immediately took the phone in his hand and loudly reported to his superiors. After promising that he would complete the task, he immediately took action non-stop.

But some things are easier said than done.

When Major Baranov stepped out of the car and saw the two tanks in front of him that were almost as big as monsters, Major Baranov, who boasted that he had been fully prepared mentally, still couldn't help but He was stunned for a moment.

"Damn! How to get these two monsters back!?"

While Major Baranov had a headache about how to take away the two Tiger tanks that had completely lost power, Major Heinkel's station, who was previously responsible for assigning tasks to Wittmann and his SS armored forces, was also in a mess.

"Keep pressing on the wound, the doctor will be here soon!"

"God! He's almost dead and bleeding out. Is that damn medic licking Mussolini's ass!? Tell him to hurry up!"

"This way! Military doctor, hurry up!"

There were shouts and screams next to the two Tiger tanks that had withdrawn from the camp. A large group of busy Wehrmacht troops who did not touch the ground were busy rescuing the SS armored soldiers lifted out of the Tiger tanks.

Although the two armies always looked down upon each other, they even complained and insulted each other behind their backs.

But when it comes to such a life-and-death moment on the battlefield, it is still possible for the SS and the Wehrmacht, two armies fighting under the same flag, to temporarily put aside their prejudices and help each other.

The crew of the Tiger tank that was first paralyzed and killed was the first to be lifted out of the tank.

The bloody wounds on his body from multiple gunshots looked extremely shocking. If it weren't for the nostrils and some movement on his pale face, it would be almost the same as a corpse. Military doctors assigned to the National Defense Forces immediately rushed forward as quickly as possible to rescue the wounded.

After all the seriously injured comrades were carried out, Wittmann, who had almost a piece of flesh blown off his right hand, crawled out of the tank holding the bloody wound. His rather reluctant movements looked obviously in severe pain. Incomparable.

Major Heinkel, who had been guarding not far away, was the first to rush forward when he saw this scene. Four Tiger tanks went out and only two came back with injuries. As a result, you don't have to think about it to know what happened. Major Heinkel, who was eager to know the details of what happened, blurted out first.

"Tell me what happened, Michel. How did it happen? Where are the other two tanks?"

Wittmann, whose right hand was in pain and dripping with blood, was obviously dissatisfied with Major Heinkel rushing up to ask questions, but due to the inherent conflicts between the SS and the Wehrmacht and the fact that the other party's rank and position were higher than his own, Wittmann pressed the bandage on the wound on his right hand more tightly with his left hand, then gritted his teeth and spoke slowly.

"The intelligence is wrong. We encountered a total of 18 Russian tanks, and at least one company of accompanying infantry. This is an infantry-tank coordination unit, not a simple tank patrol at all."

He chose to ignore Major Heinkel's momentary expression, and Wittmann continued to speak on his own with a lot of resentment in his heart.

"In addition to this infantry-tank coordination force, we also encountered Russian air attacks. Three flying tanks dropped rockets above our heads. One Tiger tank was destroyed by the Russian T34, and another was blown up by an air attack. Abandoned the vehicle. I commanded two Tiger tanks to bring back all the wounded. It was as simple as that. "

"Can I go to the military doctor to treat the wound now? Mr. Major."

The tone of dissatisfaction was clearly heard in Wittmann's words, but Major Heinkel, who was on a mission, had another question that he had to ask clearly now.

"Michelle, one last question, have you dealt with the Russian tank patrol? To be precise, have you dealt with the Russian infantry-tank coordination unit?"


Wittmann, who covered the wound on his right hand, forced out a confident smile.

"I never miss."

Although two precious early-stage Tiger tanks were lost in the armored ambush battle outside Leningrad in the first battle, the evaluation of the results of the battle cannot be measured by the simple number of losses from the German side. Let’s see what results the loss of two Tiger tanks brought.

2 to 18, this is undoubtedly an exciting number for Hitler, who has been focusing on the Tiger tank project.

"This is exactly what I need! Speer, in the next few months, I hope to see a clear trend in the production of Tiger tanks rising at a high speed. I leave this matter to you, don't let me down! "

Before he could finish his words as spittle flew from his mouth, Hitler, who tapped the table with his right index finger and stared at the maiden battle report of the Tiger tank in front of him, turned his head again.

"Himmler, what do you think of this Michel Wittmann? What kind of reward do you plan to give him?"

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