Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 673 Death Street (Part 2)

Based on only a rough estimate, Malashenko estimated that the German troops currently attacking friendly forces at the intersection in front of him would have at least half a battalion of German infantry, plus at least ten more complex armored combat vehicles.

So many German troops crowded together on a main urban road and attacked fiercely. This surprised Malashenko, who participated in street fighting in Stalingrad for the first time.

But what surprised Malashenko was not only the intensive offensive on the German side, but also the Soviet army on the defensive side, which was crowded with people and blocked the street, trying desperately to stop the opponent.

Several aerial bomb craters on the road left by German bombings became on-site bunkers for Soviet defense. Temporary bunkers made of waste bricks, rubble and sandbags were arranged around the craters.

More than one battalion of Red Army soldiers fought in such an environment to fight to the death with the invading German troops. Except for a few buildings on the street near the intersection that were slightly used as machine gun positions, Malashenko unfortunately discovered that other people around him Not one of the buildings had our own troops stationed there, let alone taking advantage of the high-altitude bunker to contain the German onslaught.

Such a situation left Malashenko speechless. It seemed that on the first day of the urban battle, neither the attacking German army nor the defensive Soviet army had yet entered the state. Both sides were almost using the plains. Fight in the field style.

Malashenko, who shook his head and had no time to complain more, turned around and waved to the troops following behind him. Under Malashenko's instruction, Second Lieutenant Igor immediately hugged Poposa in his arms. The submachine gun jumped out of the car, and with a more heroic attitude, he raised his arms and shouted to the Red Army gods of war behind him who had also jumped out of the tank.

"Comrades, destroy the German fascists! Defend Stalingrad! Ula!"


Malashenko, who knew that the Red Army infantry could even run faster than the tank if he shouted "Ula", did not dare to hesitate. The driver Seryosha, who had received Malashenko's instructions, immediately stepped on the accelerator and rushed toward the German troops in front of him. Pounce straight on.

The fighting position where Malashenko is now is at a crossroads. The center of the crossroads is wide enough to accommodate a dozen heavy combat vehicles to start a fight.

The German troops advancing fiercely from the west to the east of the city were located at the block intersection on the west side. The Soviet defenders, who were trying to block the German troops and repulse them on the spot, guarded the block on the east side of the intersection.

Malashenko and Second Lieutenant Igor, who came over urgently for reinforcements, marched all the way from south to north, just on the flank of the German army that was attacking from west to east.

The German army, which had already set up a battle formation and charged in the center of the intersection, never expected that a group of Soviet tanks would suddenly come from the south at this time. They also brought many infantrymen along the way, shouting "Ula" and heading towards them. Rushed over, which made the German major responsible for commanding the battle in this neighborhood panic.

"Russians! There are so many Ivans! The Russians are coming from the south, stop them!"

"Machine gun, machine gun! Move the machine gun quickly and suppress those Russians!"

"Assault guns and tanks are moving! Ivan's tank is coming!"

The panicked German army completely forgot that they were the attackers. They shouted and called for all the supporting weapons that could come in handy and turned their guns and muzzles in an attempt to block the onrushing Soviet tanks.

However, as the attacker, the German army itself was lightly armed and did not carry many heavy weapons with them. They did not have any bulky things like towed anti-tank guns and only had machine guns and submachine guns that they carried with them.

The German machine gunners, who were as anxious as their buttocks were burning, trotted all the way and moved the machine guns originally aimed at the east street entrance to the south.

But before the deputy shooter, who was also trotting over with two large boxes of ammunition in his hands and several ammunition chains hanging around his neck, arrived and loaded the ammunition chains, he rushed to the front and stepped on the accelerator as Su rushed over. The heavy tanks of the army were already roaring and roaring on their faces.

"177! The Russians painted the number 177 in white on the front of their tanks!"

A heartfelt shock of surprise became the last thought of the German machine gunner before his death.

The speeding tracks were like a meat grinder, sucking in the MG34 general-purpose machine gun, along with the helmet, military uniforms, and flesh and blood. The sound of blood, internal organs, and pulp exploding under the steel-grinding tracks was extremely harsh.

The No. 177 IS1 heavy tank prototype, like a giant steel beast, slowly turned the semi-arc mantlet turret. The slender 85mm main gun swayed slightly and then pointed directly at a German Type IV less than ten meters away. tank.


"Death, Hitler's lackey!"


The muzzle thundered and roared between the lightning flashes, and the 85mm main gun, which was fired at close range from a distance of less than ten meters, directly hit the vertical upper armor on the front of the car body.

The No. 4 tank, which had just turned to face the enemy head-on, had not even had time to aim at the target and fire a shot. It was smashed into pieces by a shot from Malashenko's car, which was charging at the front at full power. Rotten iron.

The powerful force of the on-site ammunition explosion instantly set off a metal storm threatening death in the center of the intersection.

Malashenko's vehicle, which was only ten meters away, was protected by thick armor. Even though it was rattled by impact fragments and even sparks popped up, it still stood up unharmed. However, those who were following closely around our own tanks were seeking to move. The German infantrymen in the bunker were not so lucky.

A large number of German infantry were swept into a hornet's nest by the debris generated by the explosion of this long-barreled Panzer IV tank. They fell to the ground with painful wails and groaned and rolled while covering their wounds.

Those German soldiers who were alive or only suffered scratches and minor injuries did not bother to save their comrades.

The Soviet heavy tank with the conspicuous white number 177 sprayed on the armor on the front of the vehicle has started to move again. The turret is shaking as if to reveal the Guards logo and the white bear head paint on purpose, which looks extremely scary.

The German soldiers who had never seen this type of Soviet heavy tank were panicked for a moment. The inner panic and panic forcibly occupied many people's brains. Almost all the German soldiers were looking forward to their own tanks and assault guns. Can quickly destroy this Russian steel monster.

But this time, the truth clearly did not side with the Nazi invaders.

A group of T34 medium-sized tanks filed into the south block behind Malashenko's body and soon swarmed in, guns blazing. Almost every Red Army soldier rushing to the front with the tanks had a handful of bobosha. The submachine guns kept firing.

A face-riding charge mixed with shells and bullets quickly turned into a one-sided battle.

The German army, which had an absolute advantage just five minutes ago, was surprised and desperate to find that victory had quietly and inadvertently said goodbye to them forever.

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