Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 714 All ears

The death of one person may make people feel sad and surprised, but when the number of dead is expanded tens of millions of times to an extremely expanded situation, this is just a number. For Malashenko right now, it is in this way.

Weeping for the victims is not the time right now. Comforting those who are still alive and cheering them up is Malashenko's top priority right now.

Being able to receive personal visits and condolences from Malashenko made the commander named Voloshenko feel unexpected, surprised and happy, and even stammered for a while.

"Comrade Commander, I am fine, there is no big problem! By the way, Comrade Commander, I am applying to you to return to the army after recovering from my injury! I can still be qualified as a vehicle commander without my legs. I want to continue Fight at your post until you die for your country, or until you win in the end!"


A man who lost his legs still wanted to return to the army and continue to fight for the country. This situation inevitably surprised Malashenko.

In fact, when he first met the commander Voloshenko, Malashenko was already ready to report it to the superiors, intending to let the commander Voloshenko get the honor he deserved and become a glorious hero. After returning from the army, he returned to his hometown and shared the joy brought by this honor with his relatives and friends.

The request made by Captain Voloshenko obviously caught Malashenko by surprise. After being stunned for a moment and thinking for a moment, Malashenko then gave a tentative answer.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Comrade Voroshenko. I understand your desire to defend the motherland, but objectively speaking, your physical condition does not meet the requirements. Once an accident occurs during the battle, such as the need to abandon the vehicle, you may not be able to The chance of escape will be much harder than others."

Malashenko did not expect to be able to make the determined commander in front of him retreat with these words. He just hoped that Commander Voroshenko would have an understanding of what kind of combat environment he would face after returning to the army. A clearer understanding.

As expected by Malashenko, Captain Voloshenko's immediate answer came out of his mouth almost without thinking.

"I know what kind of situation I will face, Comrade Commander, and I am already prepared!"

"Our family is Cossacks, and we Cossacks will never retreat timidly! As long as I can return to the army, I guarantee that I will be able to complete all combat missions. Comrade Commander, please agree to my request!"

In the history of Russia, the Cossacks were known as the sharpest sabers in the hands of the Tsar, and they were an indispensable force in the Russian Empire's expansion of its territory.

After the October Storm Red Revolution, Marshal Budyonny, one of the most senior marshals in the Soviet Red Army, described the Cossack cavalry as "the best warriors on horseback and the sharpest sabers for defending the motherland."

Although the old marshal once received some criticism and even ridicule for advocating that tanks cannot replace the role of cavalry in the army, Malashenko confirmed that Marshal Budyonny got at least one thing right.

These brave and resolute Cossacks are indeed the best warriors on horseback. Since Malashenko came to this strange world, many things he has seen and experienced have confirmed this.

Even though the traditional flesh-and-blood horseback turned into a cold body made of steel, the prairie cavalry, known for their bravery and prowess in battle, has never changed. It has always been like this.

He stretched out his right arm and gently patted the shoulder of the commander, who was enough to admire him, and a solemn promise immediately blurted out from Malashenko's mouth.

"I assure you, Comrade Voroshenko, as long as your physical condition allows, there will always be a tank commander position left for you in the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment."

"Take care of yourself and recover from your injuries. Comrade Political Commissar and I and all the soldiers are looking forward to your return to the army."

The guarantee from Malashenko made the commander, who was destined to be unable to walk on his legs for the rest of his life, instantly became extremely excited. The gratitude in his heart could not be expressed in words, so he resolutely chose to walk. once again saluted Malashenko.

Faced with such a scene in front of him, Malashenko just smiled slightly and returned the favor to the commander. After giving a final look of encouragement and a pat on the shoulder, he turned and walked towards the next injured person.

"Do you know how the United States describes the Soviet Red Army?"

Malashenko, who had just taken a step and had not yet landed, suddenly heard a familiar tone coming from beside him. Kalachev's words that came out of the blue really made Malashenko feel a little unexpected.

"Why did you say that suddenly?"

Compared to Malashenko's continuous questions, Dr. Karachev, who was shaking his head, just smiled.

"Nothing, I just felt something when I saw the scene just now. Do you want to hear the answer? Comrade leader."


"Okay, I'm all ears, if you want to talk."

When he was 2 years old, his family fled to the United States because of the October Revolution. Kalachev, who has grown up in the United States since he can remember, has quite complete memories of his childhood.

“When I was young, the American kids around me always said that I was a dog raised by the Czar. Now that the owner of the dog was beaten to death by a group of farmers and workers, the dog became a bereaved dog and had to flee to the United States for refuge. . To be honest, this troubled me for a long time, even those black people could look down on me, but fortunately, I got over it with my mother's concern."

Malashenko, who deliberately slowed down his pace, pricked up his ears and listened carefully, while Karachev continued to speak.

"When I grew up, I made some achievements in my studies and got good grades. I also met many teachers and classmates who did not discriminate against me but recognized me. But everything has two sides, Comrade Leader, you know this. The gossip and the bad swearing never stopped for me."

“Some of my classmates described the Soviet Red Army as vicious dogs that backfired on their masters. A group of farmers with muddy feet and workers smelling sourly of sweat took the work tools given to them by the Tsar and took away their own Tsar. The master was killed on land that has belonged to the tsar for generations.”

"The Soviet Red Army was an army of desperadoes who committed all kinds of evil. They killed landlords and capitalists and hung them on street lamps in public. They even spared the families and children of the victims. Duranti can win the Pulitzer Prize It’s just a joke. He concealed the facts about the Great Famine in Ukraine and only reported on the Five-Year Plan. He accepted the money Stalin gave him. He is an out-and-out communist. Such remarks are already overwhelming in the United States.”

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