Steel steam and flame

Chapter 1028 The down-and-out nobles of the sub-frontier (13)

"Master." There was a knock on the door, Novis responded, and Cooper opened the door and walked in. He is a thin man with a very healthy complexion. Compared with the emptiness visible on Novia's face, the physical condition of the two is completely different.

After coming in, he naturally walked to the table and stood there. Cooper put his eyes on the table, where there was a document two or three pages thick. They are all papers exclusively used by imperial management agencies. Just like airship tickets, they have been optically encrypted at the beginning of production, and their authenticity can be verified by the detection machine controlled by the analysis machine. It is still a technology derived from Avalon. Except for some families in the four forces, there are no rumors in the empire that it can be forged.

"Cooper, there is something here that you need to prepare as soon as possible." Novis said, putting a handwritten piece of paper together with the documents on the desktop and handing it to Cooper. "This is the mobilization order of the National Defense Forces. The specifics are I have gone through all the processes. There are ten teams in total, a total of two hundred people, and standard weapons. But I think it is not enough."

He pointed to the handwritten piece of paper with another seal on it: "I will contact you specifically later. You can just go and take the weapons you want. From our side, I think you It's best to call Lieutenant Dennis. The specific time will be about the third and fourth days. When you receive the order, you must immediately go to the route to ambush and prepare."

Cooper glanced at the document and nodded: "Do you need to leave anything behind?"

"Yes, but what is left must be a fake scene. I need to leave records when I mobilize these people myself. I don't want to be caught by others with any bad traces. Whether it is smugglers or other people from the dark world, Okay, or maybe it's someone who invaded from another country without proof. Which case it is, I will give you an answer tomorrow night at this time. And what you have to do is not to lose any time when taking action."

"In addition, this time it's not just you, several other people will also send people over at the same time. You know what I mean, remember to observe more. If there is a chance, it would be the best thing if those people are injured or killed."

"I understand, Master."

After coming out of Novis, Cooper returned to his residence, where several of his men were already waiting.


After finally getting her new identity tag, Cassia checked into a hotel next to the airport.

"The reaction was very intense. They only met once yesterday. They were probably discussing something. The situation will not be very good. According to the investigation, this is a pool of stagnant water that is increasingly breeding germs. If it were not for the group leader, you would be halfway there. I don’t think they will leave until they are completely thirsty after they come in here. These are all benefits that cost nothing. The only thing needed is to prevent other people from intervening.”

"I'm not very familiar with the empire's administrative institutions. I'm currently reading a book to supplement my knowledge in this area. I'll need your help then." Cassia sat at the table and drank hot water and said, "I can put this aspect aside first. If they are as strong as you said and are in the second stage, there is actually no need to waste so much energy."

The next period of quiet time is not easy to come by, and it must not be wasted on such boring things. Cassia told himself in his heart that he needed everything in his plan to be completed smoothly within the set time. Only in this way would it seem that he would not fall behind the progress of others. The further they go, the more Cassia feels that what one person can accomplish is indeed very limited. Another point is that he doesn't want to, nor is he willing to wait until this peaceful time is over, and he will still be just a person, in every sense of the word.

"Adjust it and focus on the black market middlemen. In addition, Delya, there is one more thing to trouble you here. When the Imperial Mineral Resources and the Three Primary Color Group are still in the Tusini area, they should have established their own on the spot. A backup factory to supplement the loss of some unimportant parts on their machines. And some less important things will usually be manufactured and processed by others." Cassia recalled the huge excavating machine she saw under the Gerun Oasis. , "Investigate the existing factories or the factories that have been closed recently in the Tussini area. What are the main products they manufacture and sell. They focus on the heavy industry field and some precision machining. In the future, they will only rely on weapons and ammunition. The production seems unreliable, and those things can be made in a simple workshop."

"No problem, Captain, this was originally part of the original plan. It's just that Waters went to the Chil Kingdom, and many things were not effectively advanced."

"There's one more thing." Delya thought for a while and asked a little cautiously, "I wonder what position the leader will hold in the local management organization when he comes here?"

"I don't know." Kasia thought for a while himself. Coach Himya helped him deal with these matters. He definitely wouldn't worry about anything, so he didn't ask for specific information. "It shouldn't have a big impact, and the position shouldn't be Low?" Cassia nodded at the communicator, "Is there anything inappropriate?"

"Well..., how should I put it? If the position is high enough, after you come over, Commander, we can take over some things led by the empire's management agencies. These are simple tasks, and the pay will not be low. With this, I think we can also openly own our own company, which would be much more convenient. Bad examples are like the seven giant companies. Although there is a lot of profit in selling weapons and ammunition privately, most of their profits come from , still based on the empire’s huge population base.”

"I will take the airship and rush there in the evening. When I arrive in Tusinni, we can discuss this in detail."


Everyone got a piece of detailed information in their hands, and the sound in the bustling room soon disappeared, leaving only the music from the film machine and the sound of flipping through information from time to time.

"Moli Moya Clive was originally the young master of the Earl of Clive family in the Scatterai region, as the only son. The Clive family was engaged in the mining business there. A year ago, due to some reasons, the family declined rapidly until A few months ago, the Clive family lost their mining business, and his father also died suddenly during this period. But before his father died, he used all the family's property over the years to help Mollimoya smoothen the relationship and let him go. Tushini of the Border Region holds the post of Deputy Head of the Finance Department.”

",,,Molly Moyacliff just graduated from school in the Skaterai area this year, studying management and mineral mining. Like his father, he completed the operation through a doctor in the dark world, and is now the third surgeon. At the beginning of the second phase, the surgical development project is unknown, but there is a high probability that it does not exist. It seems that there are several subordinates left by the Clive family, and as the assistants of Mollimoya, they will go to the Tusinni area together..."

"As you have seen, Count Mollimoya still paid money to inherit his father's title. And before coming here, I had people in the family transferred. There is no Clay among the affiliated families of the Three Primary Colors Group. The position of my husband’s family.”

"Besides, on my side, there is no affiliated family with the surname Clive in Imperial Mineral Resources." Another man continued, "To sum up, although the Clive family is engaged in the mining business, it is for Imperial Mineral Resources and Three Primary Colors Group. service, but the relationship is more like an employment relationship in nature. There is no subsidiary agreement between the three. In other words, Molli Moya Cleve came to the Tusinni area entirely because his father used The reason for money to smoothen the relationship. As for why the Tushini area was chosen, it is probably just because it seems to be a declining sub-frontier area. The people who received the money to help Mollimoya’s father do not know the specific situation here. .”

"Another point that can be confirmed is that Moli Moya's appointment this time does not have anything to do with the Imperial Mineral Resources and the Three Primary Colors Group." The man closed the document and said, "The people on my side are ready. I don't know if I will see you." After reviewing the information, do you need to change your opinions last night?"

"No." "No." The words of the people around the round table were rarely so consistent.

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