Steel steam and flame

Chapter 215 Wake up

"Who do you think it will be, the main member who was caught by Doich?" Jerbo asked the two people in front of him, glancing at the machine next to him from time to time, but there was no light on that he wanted to see. But modulation and manipulation don’t end just because the other party hangs up.

After that, he tried to send several communication requests, but no surprise, there was no response. The communication device may have been completely destroyed by the other party, or the power button may have simply been pressed.

"Doyher is more reliable than Onna. She won't be as careless as Onna, but she is also a very cautious person." Buck thought again and said, "He said he has caught that person, even if the situation is different. , but the range of fluctuations should not be large. And you also said that the signal between us has been interfered with, and the other party is also a good player. So it is not difficult to see that it may be the communication person we did not catch who returned to the hotel. I don’t know what method was used to kill Doi Helai. Although he was an ordinary person, the bullets that killed people did not distinguish between ordinary people and surgeons. In other words, there was another person hiding aside. Doich's death was a coordinated effort."

Jerbo and the others nodded in agreement.

"No matter who it is, we will not go back now. Doihe said that the saint is not there. I don't know whether it is true or not, so there is still a possibility of being there in the hotel. No matter how troublesome it is, we have to go there and have a look. ." Savina sat in the driver's seat and restarted the limo, "Get in the car, I'll drive this time, Jerbo, you continue to capture the interference signal. Didn't you already put something on the machine before? , why is it still so troublesome to track?”

Sighing, Jerbo didn't want to explain these professional issues to Savina. She was impatient in matters other than entertainment, so she certainly couldn't listen to Jerbo's long and boring explanation.

"It is very troublesome to find traces of signals in the host station. Without better equipment, it will probably take a few hours to get a rough result, which is already very fast. I will do my best." Jerbo didn't want to say too much. After getting into the vehicle, he took out more professional equipment from his luggage and plunged into the operation of the machine.

The extended limo started running again, and the destination could be seen not far ahead.

But the communication request rang at an inappropriate time again. Buck and Savina looked at Jerbo almost at the same time.

"Holy Emperor Hall." Jerbo spread his hands and replied.


There was a lot of noise in my ears, mostly the sound of steam locomotive horns and steam engines with different timbres. Before even opening his eyelids, he could see a rather bright light, and he could feel the direction of the air flow on his face. My head still hurts and I am not completely awake, but it does not hinder basic thinking and mobilizing body activities.

After opening his eyes, there was no bright scene as Cassia thought. The light is still coming from the interior lights overhead. It was still night time, but the sky turned into a dark gray that was about to light up, and morning was not far away.

He propped himself up and sat up, the car windows were closed tightly, the limousine was still driving on the road, and there were already more limousines around. The sound that woke him was coming from these limousines. My eyes are still a little blurry, and all my senses are now at their lowest. Without speaking, Cassia took a deep breath to adjust herself. There were no injuries on his body, and the only discomfort was the weakening pain in his head. After confirming the actual surrounding environment, and seeing Taranto resting on his seat with his eyes closed, Cassia once again retrieved the memory of the recent past.

"With Taranto's help, not only did it delay time, but it also created a good opportunity to shoot." Cassia recalled the time when she fell into a coma due to biological agents.

Maybe he had been affected by the biological agent when he entered Julien's room. Otherwise, when he saw blood, his head would have subconsciously reflected the smell of blood. But at that time, I really didn't notice anything, so I fell into a trap completely arranged by the enemy, or Julien's death also had an impact on me. Thinking of this, Cassia sighed inwardly. But at that time, I had already noticed that something was wrong. Fortunately, I had opened my cross pupils in advance. The rejection reaction was fully activated, which delayed the effect of the biological agent in my body for a long time. Only then could I open it in advance when Taranto appeared. Take that shot. However, due to the level of surgery, it still does not have the ability to completely resist the biological agents specially prepared for the surgeon. After that, he should have fallen asleep.

Taranto on the side has not yet woken up, and Cassia has no intention of waking him up. There is no need to ask what happened after she fell into coma. Looking at the quiet face of Doris who was also sleeping in front of her and Keshan who was driving the limo attentively, all the scenes were completely clear in her mind.

"Wake up!" Keshan sounded shocked. Only then did she feel something behind her. When she turned her head and looked over, she happened to meet Cassia's gaze.

"Yes, I'm awake." Cassia said in a lazy voice, with a slight drag on the end, and a sense of exhaustion in it.

"You are really strong enough. According to the theoretical values, if you are hit by a mixed coma drug, an operator at your stage will not wake up at all unless you sleep for a few days." Keshan sighed, "I thought I’m thinking about how to settle you down in the next few days, but there’s no need to think about these things now.”

"Maybe I was originally a monster in human appearance. But why did you come back? I think I can still be trusted."

After hearing this, Keshan shook her head while holding the steering wheel.

"But I also feel that I am also a person who can be an excellent helper. I am not useless. Although in terms of actual force, I may not be able to compare with you." Keshan said with a smile, maybe it was because she really made this decision for herself. Feel happy, "There are monsters who don't say they are monsters, just like bad people don't say they are bad people."

Cassia nodded. This was the first time he heard such a clear laughter, which came from the comfortable feeling in his heart. It may also be that Cassia has not been exposed to many women since she was a child, except for her mother and sister in a small town, and then there are a group of classmates who have almost no interactions with her. Finally, there is Ye Jielin in the military school, and Kara, who may never see each other again.

Her mother and sister Lilia may have spent the longest time with Cassia, but the little sister Lilia usually cries, and when she laughs, her voice is also a very standard child's laughter. This is what Cassia thinks. As for her mother, since the news of her father's death in battle came, she has laughed countless times, and her serious face has become the norm. This is something Cassia has always wanted to change.

But there is an undeniable fact that every time her mother laughs, Cassia feels joy from the bottom of her heart. Now, Kasia found a similar feeling in Keshan's laughter. Maybe that's just Keshan's nature. Aunt Roberta, the wrinkled face, had also said not long ago that Keshan would make an excellent housekeeper and maid. Cassia thinks that this laughter is probably one of the important reasons.

The mood may have been infected by the laughter and relaxed, and Cassia unconsciously curled the corners of her mouth.

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