Steel steam and flame

Chapter 270 Street

Delya looked at the silent corpses in front of her and said nothing. The blood had completely frozen under the cold night air, turning into rich dark brown patches that adhered to the concrete floor.

She stood at the foot of the guard tower for a long time without moving. She glanced back and forth at the corpses several times, but she still repeated the same action behind her. When the bodies first arrived at the small base of Rocks, she had already inspected them all. They were all gunshot wounds. There were more than a dozen corpses. Almost all of them were fatally shot. The bullet hit their hearts, leaving holes where blood was pouring out. Or the bullet penetrated directly into their head. When hitting the skull, the ordinary bullet collided with the hard bone and turned into small metal fragments, which then completely destroyed the tender brain tissue inside.

There are very few enemies that require two shots to take down, and the ones who attack this small base are very strong. The uniform bullet holes on more than a dozen corpses strongly told Delya this matter.

While she was thinking, in her eyes, Di Peng, who had entered other buildings in the base to investigate, walked into the light with a dark face and came to her.

"Boss, we have looked inside all the buildings. Only a few boxes of general-purpose bullets are left. All other equipment has been cleaned up, leaving nothing behind." Di Peng was completely discouraged, shook his head, and waited. Follow Delya's next order.

Several other people also walked out of the building at this moment. They were all in the same situation. Their low mood made the surrounding air seem a bit depressing.

Late again? Delya rubbed her temples hard, and there was throbbing pain there. She really wanted to drive the chariot away from Brino, but there must be someone behind her. She had such an intuition, whether it was physical or mental feelings, they were warning her that she was being stared at by a pair of invisible sharp eyes at all times, just like a seasoned hunter watching the prey on its way. trap. It has been a year or two since dealing with Franli, and Delya knows his character. Leaving his prey with nowhere to go is his usual tactic. The prey knows that there is a fatal trap in front of it, but it still has to jump into it. This is what Franry likes to see the most.

Now, am I the prey that has almost no way out? Delya glanced at the sky, wanting to see the snow-white moon. But a thick layer of cirrus clouds separated the two, and nothing could be seen, only a surging black.

"Go back to the base." Delya asked someone to load the remaining bullets into the tank, and left the silent base where large areas of grass would sprout up soon.


The night became darker in color more than an hour earlier than usual. There was no moon or stars in the sky. This means that apart from rows of street lights with extremely unreasonable spacing, only high-rise buildings shining with various colors can provide weak light sources for this city shrouded in darkness.

Fortunately, the bustling areas of the city are brightly lit regardless of day or night, and the flow of people never stops. In some of the small streets of Brino, there are no managers to repair the old street lamps. The imperial management agencies established here are in a sense in vain. Because no troops were sent to station here, if it were not for the deterrent power of the Three Primary Colors Group and the Imperial Mineral Source Company, Blino would have been the first place that would be bombed to the ground by artillery shells.

In this corner of Brino, Josere was bored in the dilapidated room for a long time, smoking out a pack of cigarettes one by one. The box of wine he brought became the standard for drinking water and was used as a celebration that night. And completely consumed. He was walking along a dim street with a few of his men. There were almost no lights. Except for the occasional limo that drove past him and briefly illuminated the scenery on the street, it was almost completely dark.

Several people now feel a little happy and happy in their hearts. In their opinion, being able to help Master Frangli with things and being received personally by him was indeed something worth getting excited about. Thinking about the benefits that Master Frangli had promised once the matter was settled, they felt a little excited. For them, that was wealth that could never be used up in their lifetime, otherwise they would not have thought of betraying Delya, who had been with them for several years and was very good to them.

"Boss Lei, how long do you think it will take for Young Master Franli to give us the money?" Someone asked from behind Joseph Lei, "At first, we said we would give us the money after we finish the work, but now it's been almost a day, and we still haven't seen him. Is there any news coming from the golden bank account?”

"Yes, Boss Lei, the old housekeeper next to Master Frangli, I can tell at first glance that he is not a good person. Do you think they lied to us?"

"Shut your mouths. If these words are heard by others, they may become true." Josere turned his head and said, feeling angry. He had already bought the train ticket to leave Brino. Just wait for the money to arrive today and leave here immediately. Master Frangli has a bad reputation and has been interested in his boss Delya for a long time. He knows this.

When the money didn't arrive this morning, he felt a little scared and worried. So he quickly took his brothers to change the hiding place, and then he felt at ease. But being stuck in the extremely simple room he had found temporarily, his anger was getting stronger and stronger.

The few people following Joserei could hear the irritability in his words. They stopped talking and lowered their heads not to look at him.

With a snort, Josere turned his head and looked at the road again. He didn't know whether he hit someone else or someone else hit him. There was a muffled sound as if a piece of steel had been touched on his shoulder. The pain was so painful that tears almost came to his eyes.

He didn't care who was at fault. For Joselei, who was feeling sulking in his stomach now, even if he didn't look at the road, he felt that he was not the one who was at fault.

I didn't look at the road. You have to look at the road. Won't you move your feet and let me move? How easy it is to move your feet!

"You can't read the road!" Yosele turned his head and cursed, but he was not as tall as the other person. When he turned his head and raised his head a little, he saw a snow-white face with a lot of clothing on it. He found that the other party was also looking at him, and after the surprise in his eyes, there was a look of disgust overflowing. It's like looking at rats among the garbage piled up on the street.

His anger was completely ignited by this look, and Josere didn't even bother to rub his painful shoulder. There was no one around, so he turned around and drew his gun, intending to blow the head off the man in front of him who was standing very handsomely.

But then there was pain in his chest, and a thin sword that shone without any brilliance under the dim light of the street lamp had penetrated his body and pierced his chest.

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