Steel steam and flame

Chapter 2668 Cavity, Cracks and Experiments (Part 1)

Zero's mental perception was locked on the blood wolf that was escaping rapidly, and it did not retract the lock until it escaped from the range of mental perception. The thinking continued, and he enjoyed this natural thinking. The rotation of his thoughts gave him the opportunity to analyze himself.

"Will the changes in other places be more obvious? For example, places where a large number of lives have passed away, and some extreme areas where type II creatures are abundant?" The data is not sufficient, and Zero is not enough to get an answer immediately. But his intuition told him that the direction of his thinking was correct. If he collected enough information, he could continue his thinking.

He looked towards the direction where the blood wolf was escaping and stood up: "We still need to go to the nearest front base to replenish equipment and very important information. The front base should have information and observation data about each area of ​​the front. They may not know it yet. What happened, but it worked for me."

"The ecology of blood wolves seems to have undergone tremendous changes. Until now, the four blood wolves we have encountered have all acted alone, which is completely inconsistent with their group action tactics. The same state has been maintained for hundreds of years, and it remains the same What changes in a short period of time is their form.”

"Father Tovi Lust's database once said that there have been major changes in the second type of organisms. Most of the sample data shows that it has a huge relationship with food, while the remaining small part focuses on the environment. Devouring certain organisms The main way to achieve change and evolution is very similar to the mutual devouring of dragons. After all, the source of the second type of creatures is dragons. "

Zero noticed the key point and couldn't help but look at himself: "Is it because I can detect the strangeness of the battle line because I have devoured too many lives belonging to this place?"

Some couldn't remember how much they "ate", but it was a lot anyway. He gave a rough summary.

Looking far into the distance at this moment, the blood wolf that escaped has disappeared. At this time, Zero thought it was important and could be used as a research sample to analyze the reasons for the changes in the front.

On the other hand, he also believes that the blood wolf can help him and come up with a standard answer to "what can I do in it?"

"In the past, I absorbed it directly. This time, if I taste the taste carefully, maybe I can taste something?" No. 0 didn't know whether his idea could be realized, but he knew that the first thing he should do now was It was to catch the blood wolf that was scared away. Otherwise, searching for other targets will waste a lot of time.

The figure turned into an afterimage in the next moment. A few seconds later, No. 0 appeared on the scorched earth in the distance, and in the mental perception, the disappeared blood wolf reappeared.

"It's still a wolf-like second-category creature... it runs a little slow." He commented for no reason. The changes after the fifth stage of surgery were huge. His previous perceptions were not very useful in recent times. He needed to Readjust.

Zero's speed increased by half again and gave chase. Not long after, an extremely frightened roar spread out, barely breaking the peace belonging to the battle line. Then silence gathered, and the endless scorched earth around them returned to a state of dead silence.


Cassia looked at the huge underground world cavity filled with light of various colors in front of her, and then looked at the other members of the alliance who were smiling and applauding her, with a look of helplessness on her face. Although compared to my own sense of relaxation, everyone else around me felt tired to varying degrees.

On the short journey here, he couldn't see anyone beside the ravine on the ground. But as the steep rock wall descended deep into the ground, lime lamps and large areas of fluorescent moss appeared, and he realized that it was a defensive city wall. How come there is no one stationed in the underground world around the southern forest, an important link outside the edge.

But seeing that there were giant elevators deep underground and super-large underground railway lines built specifically for transporting corpses of underground creatures, Cassia's ideas were refreshed again.

When spiritual perception spread in front of him, a building built on a whole rock formation underground appeared in front of him. The various facilities cannot be said to be complete, and it would be an understatement to say that they have nothing at all. Of course, weapons and equipment must be excluded from them——

Because the members who are qualified to come here are all operators who started in the late stage of the fourth stage, and the fourth stage only works around the entrance and exit of the giant underground world, helping to dissect and transport corpses, repair and prepare weapons, or in the shallow area of ​​​​the exit. Implement the expansion of defensive positions, etc.

For the members who can come here, as they do not need breathing, suitable temperature, or food, it is enough to have a cavity as a rest room and sufficient weapons and equipment.

But Cassia also saw a building with a hospital logo. After asking, I learned that it was only a temporary place to treat serious injuries. To ensure that they would not die immediately, they would immediately go to the defensive wall for follow-up treatment.

Cleese has shared the information that Cassia will come here and made corresponding arrangements. So when he arrived at the small building complex of the outpost defense battle, he was immediately warmly welcomed. Cassia felt sincerity from the welcome and the smiles around her.

They did welcome their arrival sincerely. As for why, Cassia thought that it was probably because the cleanup work in the underground world was too intense, and his arrival gave them a rare serious rest time.

I remember that when Lisuman came to the defensive wall, she seemed to be caught and used as free and high-intensity labor. In this short period of time, Cassia saw people returning to the outpost defense position, looking happy.

I don’t know what arrangements Kles made, but there must be one of them - take a break temporarily and completely empty the underground world cavity here for his own use.

Cassia thought this was a good arrangement and expressed his gratitude in his heart. He was going to conduct some experiments, so he didn’t know what kind of impact it would have. Clearing a huge area in advance would make him free of worries and pressure, and maybe the experiment could achieve the desired effect better.

Cassia also knew his own situation to some extent. The presence of other members would indeed affect him more or less.

It would take some time for the members in the underground world cavity to return, so under the leadership of the person in charge of the outpost defense position, Cassia went to a spacious and simple meeting room. While waiting, he and several other members introduced the relevant situation.

This should also be Kles’ arrangement - he knew very well that the underground world cavity under and around the southern forest was quite different from other places. Some necessary precautions and information must be known in advance. The price of obtaining this information is usually life.

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