Steel steam and flame

Chapter 327 Snowflake (Part 2)

"Ouch..." Its throat trembled, making a sad and painful sound.

The dragon's body was able to right itself during the roll. The impact of falling into the sky and the friction with the ground accelerated the falling speed of flesh and blood all over the body. The outer layer of skin and flesh melted away like spring snow, revealing the outlines of many organs beating with the heart. Its ribs were many and large, densely arranged, and there were no cavities like the human abdomen. All the organs were well protected and fastened in the body, preventing them from flowing out of the body under such circumstances.

The energy of red mercury is far from being exhausted, but the dragons themselves can no longer hold on. "Consciousness" cannot support the construction of this huge body, and now it is facing a complete collapse.

It wanted to stand up, and its twisted limbs were pushing down to hold up the body that seemed to have been soaked in strong acid. The flesh and blood collapsed, and most of the strength contained in the twisted muscles had long disappeared. The sharp claws scratched the ground, scratching out rows of ravines, but the body, which was as heavy as steel, stopped moving, not even a little bit.

Now only the long neck can be raised a little. The dragon stretched out its neck, and its head seemed to be lifted up, one or two meters above the ground. Blood-red eyes glowed like rubies oozing blood, looking towards the black fort station in the dim light ahead.


Once again, there was light that cut through the dim background color, emitting a unique friction sound of metal. The tone was clear and clear, like quicksand gathered under running water, with a penetrating feeling.

The dragon's blood-red eyes were penetrated by bullets from heavy sniper rifles without warning, and then transparent, translucent, opaque, blood-red, golden, and colorful things shattered into pieces. Open, mix together, splash out, fall to the ground, dye a place.

The raised head suddenly became stiff, and the neck was also shaking. This should be the result of pain.


This may be the last sound made by dragons. It half-opened its mouth, and inside was a scarlet tongue spread out. The entire neck began to shake. It was a very high-frequency tremor, and then this vibration spread to its whole body. The flesh and blood loosened at a faster pace, and blood sprayed out from the torn wounds everywhere, moistening the charred and dry soil under the body after the bomb bombardment, and the color of the blood immediately turned into a dark black-red.

The sound gradually became louder, and the flesh and blood in the neck collapsed the fastest. Before the blood had time to drip from the wound in the throat, it completely turned into blood-colored mist in the ultra-high frequency tremor frequency. The fluctuations in the blood mist made the powerful sound waves visible to the naked eye.

The dragons must be really desperate at this moment. Perhaps the pain of exploding eyes destroyed the final line of defense of "consciousness" in the spine, causing it to decide to use the last strength of this body to roar inexplicably.

The sound traveled along the ground and through the air to the surroundings. The gravel on the ground jumped up and down, the surrounding buildings collapsed and cracked, wavy patterns appeared on the flames, and the combustion became unstable. The lamps that had not yet been broken were all turned off at this moment. This was already in the central area of ​​the Brino area. The black color was centered on the Black Castle, like a tide, and like a growing and climbing mold, it spread to all directions. After a few breaths, The epidemic has spread to most of the Bulino area.

No light fixture could survive this sound. Street lamps, household lamps, lamps that were turned on, or lamps that were extinguished, all turned into glass shards amidst the crisp sounds that sounded one after another. Complete darkness, darkness without any flaws completely surrounded the Brino area.

The scope of the sniper rifle was not immune. There were cracks on it and it fell apart. The gunpowder in ordinary bullets also generates friction and heats up under the vibration caused by the ultra-high frequency. The inherently unstable acidic platinum gunpowder directly exploded in the ultra-high frequency sound waves, and a canopy of sparks flickered everywhere in the darkness. The surviving surgeons in the Holy Emperor's Hall survived the huge impact of sound waves on their bodies, but the ammunition they carried accidentally injured scores of their own people. The injuries are not fatal, but they can cause a small number of people to lose their basic combat capabilities.

The cirrus clouds in the sky were rolling like turbulent waves, and the strength of the vortex remained unabated, still stirring the surrounding black clouds. It was like an upside-down death vortex that would engulf all passing ships. The dragon's neck finally couldn't support the huge weight of the head, and it fell down and hit the ground. The sound finally disappeared, and all the tissues in the throat were shattered into mist. Blood gurgled down, mixing with the viscous liquid after the body's flesh and blood melted to form a small pond in the crater.

The mouth was also tightly closed, and the upper jaw fell weakly. The hard teeth were embedded together, making a sound like the collision between steel blocks. The dragon lost its fiery breath, and the last glimmer of light in its broken eyes disappeared along with the stopped beating heart wrapped in its ribs.

Only high-temperature gases that have not been completely diluted are left in the air, and the smoke is no longer gathering. They are destroyed by air explosions and sound waves, and it is difficult to gather them together anymore.

After a short time, a chariot full of welded steel plates emitted the roar of a steam engine in the quiet darkness. The tires crushed the debris of buildings and some corpses on the ground, and the body shook violently. The bulletproof glass of the front window was also broken, and the cold wind that settled on the ground blew in, blowing away the smell of blood and the smoke of gunpowder in the car.

"It's very close." Lina's hands were firmly on the steering wheel, and the weak feeling connected to Cassia was guiding her. But her arms were shaking from time to time, the corners of her mouth were still stained with warm blood, and the sound waves affected the bodies of everyone around her. Cirrus clouds covered the sky, the starless moonlight fell, and there was darkness ahead. Most of the flames in the ruins of the black castle turned into thick smoke that continued to rush into the clouds, and the remaining bits of fire flickered like struggling in the smoke. , the shadow of the drawn building adds to the dark color.

In Linna's sight, a large shadow appeared in front of her, like a raised rock. The air here is as heavy as water, and when inhaled into the lungs, it compresses Linna's brain nerves.

It was a dead dragon, and one could accurately tell just by looking at the huge shadow. Linna parked the chariot next to her, picked up the pistol and military standard rapier and quickly got out of the vehicle. Then he suppressed his breathing and heartbeat, put his feet down and stepped silently, using his induction as a guide to run towards the front in the darkness.

She reminded herself to hurry up, as other voices sounded one after another elsewhere in the darkness. All kinds of reptiles that have smelled the fishy smell are crawling towards the corpse of the rotting beast, preparing to fill their stomachs with food.

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