Steel steam and flame

Chapter 449 Reconstruction (4)

There was silence all around, the temperature was cold, the uneven sound of the wind could be heard in the woods, and the sound of falling and breaking snow seemed to be caught by people's ears.

The three of them followed the gradually shallower traces and entered an ancient forest. The light was a little darker, the snow was a little deeper, and every step made a discordant sound. The bottom layer of snow is very hard, as if it is turning towards ice, conveying the feeling of heavy ground.

The three lonely people walked in the woods. They followed the traces in a triangular formation. While maintaining their speed, they could also focus more on being vigilant about the surrounding woods.

Soon after, they entered the depths of the woods, and the thickness of the snow became no longer uniform.

"Stop, there seems to be something ahead." Someone among the three people suddenly shouted, and his body was nailed to the spot. Of the three, he was the one whose surgery focused on strengthening the eyes. Half an hour ago, Gabri divided the dozen or so people into three groups, and he thought about it all in his mind. It can be ensured that in each group, there are people with advantages in vision.

In the snow, many things turn the same white color. The enemy's combat uniforms also have a mimic function and can automatically change colors according to the actual surrounding conditions for camouflage. If you have poor eyesight and lack of concentration, you may be blinded by natural scenery.

"There are a lot of bullet holes in the ancient trees, and there seem to be enemy corpses." The three stopped far away and stopped moving forward. The stronger people climbed up the ancient trees on the side and squinted their eyes to observe the situation in front. "There are also people on our side, from another team. They died a lot, but not as many as the enemies. Maybe with We were in a similar situation, launching a surprise attack on the enemy at night. But they didn’t have someone like Gabri in their ranks, and they suffered a lot of losses.”

A pile of corpses that were white with cold were still piled there. In a few hours, they turned into hard ice, and the snow buried most of the traces of the battlefield. Other teams are also chasing the enemy, playing the same game of hunter and prey. They walked in a hurry, and none of the corpses here had been dissolved. Even the corpses of their own people seemed to have turned into stone-like ice cubes.

A winding trail passed through the pile of corpses and extended deeper into the woods. Less than a hundred meters away, it was blocked by overlapping huge tree trunks.

"The enemy passed by here in a hurry and kept running away." The man jumped down from the tree trunk and said, holding the gun in front of his chest. "Type 5 chemical toxic substances are very powerful. Ordinary people will die soon after being hit." Even people like us can't resist. But looking at the depth of this mark, it hasn't changed at all, and the enemy's speed is still maintained. It's really a boar-like physique, and even a few shots to the body may not necessarily make it possible immediately. Killed him."

"I think it's a good thing." The person on the side looked ahead and said, "When we catch up with the enemy and kill him, we can take away some of his blood and apply for testing of this blood when we return to school. Wait until the test results come out , we can rely on it to prove that the enemy we kill is a person with an unusually strong physique. Not only will the corresponding score be improved, but the subjective evaluation of the examiners will also be better because of this."

"Let's catch up to the enemy first. Depending on the traces, it will take some time until the enemy's physical condition declines."

"Sooner or later, it won't run away. The antidote is not that easy to prepare. The time left for him is only a day or two. We just need to think about how to avoid Gabri and return to the gathering place." Don't care. The voice said, "This is the prey that Gabri has identified. It is definitely inappropriate for us to snatch it. We can't match him in terms of strength. If we anger him, our own lives will be in danger. As long as we find any reason, we can become corpses in the snow." . And there is no direct evidence from the school, so Gabri cannot be punished."

The other two nodded. If things go smoothly, it seems to be true.

While the three of them were talking, a few dots of red appeared in front of them, reflecting a strange and dim light. Other colors appeared on the snow-white ground, immediately catching their eyes. Their bodies suddenly entered a state of alert, and their hearts tightened. Under the influence of stimulants and the uncontrollable secretion of adrenaline, they began to beat faster. They all put their fingers on the steel triggers, squinted their eyes a little, and looked through the crosshairs.

The surroundings became quieter.

"It's just blood that turned into ice cubes. Don't scare yourself." Someone said with relief, lamenting that the three of them were nervous. Talking about Gabri just now, the three of them also felt more pressure.

Following the traces, they approached the pile of corpses that were mostly buried in the snow. The three of them said not to scare themselves, but when they approached this small area, they still became highly concentrated.

They began to look at the corpses from a distance to see if there was any problem. They were also afraid that the enemy would disguise themselves as corpses and hide in the dark to shoot them coldly. Sensing focused on the area where the corpse lay, the three of them jointly defended that direction. When moving forward, they also paid attention to the bunkers around them, so as not to expose their bodies to the pile of dead bodies lying quietly.

One of the three people started gesturing, meaning that something was wrong with the atmosphere here, and the air was several degrees colder than other places. Better give all these bodies a few more shots. If you install a silencer and use a single-point shot, the sound will probably be buried by the wind and will not spread very far.

The other two people agreed immediately. They also felt that something was wrong with the environment here, probably because of their psychological problems. Encountering a pile of corpses on the way was nothing serious at first, but it just made them think it was not a good sign. The three of them hid behind the old tree, taking turns to defend themselves. They took turns taking out the silencers from their backpacks and putting them on. Then they aimed at the corpses. Regardless of whether they were exposed or about to be buried by the snow, they all applied a muffler. gun.

The human body was no longer soft and turned into ice cubes. The bullets hitting the corpses made a "bang bang" cracking sound.

There was no omission, every corpse received a shot, and the people on his side were no exception. Then it was agreed upon, and the three of them sighed collectively.


What a nerve, they thought.

"Keep on going." The man with good eyesight sighed and slumped down a little. Their hearts were pounding just now, which seemed to consume a lot of their energy.

The queue returned to a triangular shape again. The three of them glanced at each other and saw the smile on each other's faces, but no one tried to reveal the meaning. But the smile on everyone's face widened a little later.

Immediately, in order from left to right, with a time interval of no more than a few tenths of a second, the heads of the three exploded one after another. A pile of red and white mixed substances, with large pieces of broken bones, splashed onto the snow in front of them. , a large area is rendered. Only then did three thin and sharp voices pass through their location. The three bullets, which were not too seriously deformed, continued to fly forward, and finally their trajectories drooped. Two of them hit the snow and one got stuck close to the tree trunk.

The three corpses fell down weakly, crushing the red snow in front of them and making a "squeaking" sound. The blood was still flowing, and a patch of snow was soaked in red. There was only a small amount of white mist coming out, and it turned into strange red ice.

At this time, a man followed the traces they left in the snow, reached out and opened the metal zipper on their backpack, and rummaged through the contents at a very fast speed. I took out the high-energy food and ate it all.

I also found maps and a few pamphlets, all of which were written on the Far Sea Common Country, which I couldn't understand. There is a meaningful pattern in the corner, which may be similar to Webley's bullet logo, representing an organization on their side.

Nothing else is of much use. Cassia took a deep breath at this time, and the breath from her nose spurted out like a pressure-relieving air valve. I had long thought about what the enemy would do to those corpses. I originally planned to disguise myself as a corpse to ambush the enemy, but feeling that it was dangerous, I finally chose a more secure plan and hid further forward, waiting for the enemy to pass by. Then, shoot him from behind.

Just be careful and control your breath while hiding. The gradually coagulating blood actually provided help to Cassia at this time, making it easier for the body's functions to stabilize, allowing him to approach death.

Just trying to get active again from this state is a waste of time and takes more effort than usual.

"It seems that the forged traces have worked and the enemies have dispersed." Cassia took advantage of the effect of the tranquilizer to speed up and run. He now wants to leave the woods and go to the open plains or gentle slopes to let the heavy snow bury him. traces left behind. The time difference between him and the enemy became larger, and soon the enemy could no longer track him by relying on traces in the snow.

Perhaps at that time, relying on the short gap that we were fighting for now, we might not be able to completely escape the enemies chasing behind us. Cassia expected this to happen.

After three hours, he finally came to the end of the woods, with a gentle hillside on one side and a steep cliff on the other. There is a mountain stream flowing rapidly below the cliff. The snow seems to have injected new vitality into the flowing water. Waves of mist rise from the mountain stream, but in mid-air it quickly turns to hoarfrost and falls into the mountain stream. And so on.

Cassia's speed slowed down here, not because of lack of physical strength. She just ate high-energy food for three people a few hours ago, and her energy was completely sufficient. It's that the effect of the sedative has almost completely disappeared at this time, and the feeling of fatigue is pouring out from all parts of the body. The body has almost lost its ability to resist. Chemical toxic substances have begun to take effect. The blood has become viscous little by little. The most obvious feeling is that the hands and feet have become weak.

Control was also affected, and I lost feeling in my fingertips and toes. I could barely move my fingers, but it was impossible to hold the gun and press the trigger. The situation was much worse than Cassia imagined. Some of the small capillaries in the body were blocked in advance, and the skin began to lose feeling in large chunks and became numb. Fortunately, the senses of the eyes, nose, and ears are still within the sensitive range.

After running for a long distance on the gentle hillside, Cassia finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked far behind him with blurred eyes and saw that the traces of his passage on the snow had disappeared.

Soon my steps became weak, my feet lost feeling recently, and my running posture became weird. The control of balance became difficult at this time. Cassia felt that she was floating and could only use vision as a standard of balance, barely maintaining it for a while.

At this time, he had left the gentle slope, got back into the woods, and headed towards the base of the volcano. It was still far away from the volcano base, and Cassia began to sigh in her heart. The current situation was really not good, and it was very different from what the captain had guessed.

Perhaps the captain's basis for making this judgment was himself. The surgical stage is not equivalent to one's own strength, so it does not apply to Cassia.

Continuing to run is tantamount to consuming too much of your own energy and accelerating the circulation of toxic substances in your body. Cassia thinks she needs some rest now. Maybe when her body calms down and her mind calms down, she will come up with a good solution.

"Perhaps once you rest, you will never be able to stand up again. Then slowly wait for the blood to completely solidify and turn into a corpse frozen into ice." Cassia laughed at herself and said to herself, I have no optimistic thoughts about my physical condition.

I saw a vaguely black cave in front of me.

"This is it, maybe everything is over." He said in his mouth. He thought that he would be thinking a lot of things in his head at this time, but his heart became calmer. The current speed of advancement is not even comparable to that of ordinary people, and there will be no miracles if we continue running. He himself is not someone willing to believe in luck. Finally, he looked back at the ancient trees scattered behind him. While using his unconscious palm like a spoon, he forced a few mouthfuls of snow into his mouth while dragging his limp body into the dark cave.


Gabri stood at the origin of the three forged traces, waited for the other team to return, and immediately rushed over as soon as possible. More than half an hour later, they arrived at the fighting site buried in snow. In the past, I saw a striking swath of red. Under the snow, the bodies of the three people were dug out.

The head exploded, and the remaining tissue inside turned into ice. Except for the chest area, the rest of the body was frozen.

Gabri looked at the corpse and sighed, then shook his head. The enemy had no trace of cleaning up the scene. In his mind, the whole process of the three people being killed was easily simulated.

Looking at the intermittent traces in front of him, Gabri had nowhere to vent his anger and didn't know what to say. The person is already dead, the body is frozen into ice, and there is no point in saying more.

"Keep going, he shouldn't be far away." Gabri said as he took out test tubes containing various medicines and began to mix things.

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