Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 325: hang up

Seeing Zhang Hao park his car in front of the Donghua Hotel, Shen Huai couldn't help laughing.

Shen Huai didn't believe that Zhang Hao chose to have dinner here by chance.

Donghua Hotel is a hotel for external business, and Donghua City Office in Beijing for internal business.

If Shen Huai is really an ordinary township cadre under Donghua City, no matter how powerful he is in the township under his control, no matter how hard he spends money in other consumption places, but when he arrives at the local office in Beijing, even if it is a chain, he will give it to him. Coiled - Zhang Hao chose Donghua Hotel as the main venue for the dinner, naturally he wanted to completely suppress him in terms of momentum.

"Ah, Donghua Hotel," Hu Mei jumped out of the car with excitement, looked at the gold-plated sign hanging on the roof of the building, turned around and said to Shen Huai, "What a coincidence! It has the same name as your city..."

Hu Mei and Cheng Yue naturally didn't know the mystery, they just thought it was a coincidence in the name of the hotel.

Gu Ziqiang gave Zhang Hao a stern look, and punched Zhang Hao on the shoulder. If he didn't like him, he would be unforgiving. For a good class reunion, if you have to settle old grievances, it will only cause everyone to lose their temper in the end. Happy, and avenged.

However, Zhang Hao insisted on his own way and smiled at Shen Huai: "We, Eighty-Seven Middle School, don't have a few well-developed classmates. If you choose this place to invite you to dinner, you won't feel that the grade is poor, right?"

Shen Huai glanced at Zhang Hao. He didn't think that the small and inconspicuous man back then was now a powerful character. He smiled lightly and said, "It's good; we are in a township, how can we be so particular about it?"

The previous "Shen Huai" had a life like garbage.

Hu Mei, Gu Ziqiang and others treated him leniently without remembering the past, but it didn't mean that Zhang Hao, who had beaten him **** before, should not get back to the scene.

Shen Huai thought to himself that since he was following other people's lives, no matter whether it was good or bad, he would always take over the whole thing.

The "garbage" life in the past needs to be cleaned up; the debts owed should be slowly redeemed - even if Zhang Hao wants to win over a group of classmates with old grudges tonight to get back the scene and slap him in the face, if they do as they wish, they can Shen Huai was willing to cooperate in dispelling the old grudges.

"I have reserved the 318 box, you go first, I will wait for the young army to come over with Qiangzi; they may not know the way..." Zhang Hao said.

When Shen Huai returned to Beijing this time, he had a very tight schedule. He didn't plan to contact Chen Bing, and he didn't know if Chen Bing was in the hotel. He was afraid of being recognized by others, so he turned up the collar of his coat and followed Hu Mei, Cheng Yue and the others.

"It's a good class reunion, you're going to go too far..." Gu Ziqiang put his hands in his coat pockets and stood on the street with the cold wind on his back, watching Shen Huai and Cheng Yue walk in, he couldn't help but blame Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao is a strong opinionated person, so naturally he would not be moved by Gu Ziqiang's advice, he grinned and said, "You guys are still Hu Mei, but you are too soft-hearted - the weather was minus four or five degrees back then, that kid pushed Hu Mei away. Going down the ice-breaking river, I didn't blink a single eye; if we hadn't happened to be there, jumped down and pulled Hu Mei up, it would be hard to say whether Hu Mei would have survived. I finally caught this kid today, so I just tossed him a little. , are you soft-hearted?"

Gu Ziqiang said with a wry smile: "How old were we back then, if it wasn't for this accidental encounter, who would still hold grudges for what happened back then? But you remember."

"You're right, I really can't forget that the bridge of the nose was interrupted by him," Zhang Hao said, "You guys are really easy to deceive. What do you believe when people say anything? You didn't see that kid walk in and put the clothes on. The collar is turned up to cover his face? This shows that he has a guilty conscience."

"Having seen each other for many years, even if you put some gold on your face, how big of a deal can it be?" Gu Ziqiang shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "You were waiting outside for the young army and the others to come over, I'll go first..."

Donghua Hotel is a normal business hotel to the outside world, and it is also a side business that Donghua Office in Beijing is mainly engaged in to increase income.

Shen Huai walked from the hall of the catering department to the box, and saw that this place had been redecorated compared to when he came here in August, and the service staff wearing red forged gold embroidered silk cheongsam looked quite good.

Shen Huai thought to himself, it seems that Chen Bing realizes that there is no hope of being transferred back to Donghua for another position in the short term, and he is not willing to leave Yanjing mediocre. style.

Shen Huai, Cheng Yue, and Hu Mei advanced to the box, the heating was sufficient, and asked Cheng Yue, "Do you have a good relationship with Zhang Hao?"

"Yeah," Cheng Yue said, "Zhang Hao lives in the same alley with Qiangzi's family. In fact, I and Hu Mei and the others live very close to each other. It seems that there were not many classmates living there at the time. Don't know where your hometown lives?"

"In the past, my family lived on West Temple Street; now my family members work outside Beijing. If I go back to Beijing, I have to live in a hotel or a relative's house," Shen Huai said.

West Temple Street is very long, and the residential area in the section of Zhonghai is relatively central. There are ordinary ministries and commissions' families at the head and tail, and many ministries and commissions are distributed on the left and right.

Shen Huai could see that Gu Ziqiang was more casual in front of Zhang Hao. He didn't tell Gu Ziqiang to weaken his aura and rely too much on him because he said that Zhang Hao was a good mix and had a more flamboyant personality.

Shen Huai thought to himself, in addition to Gu Ziqiang's close relationship with Zhang Hao as a child, it also shows that he is neither arrogant nor humble, and has some arrogance. It takes some patience to follow him to live a poor life.

Shen Huai was also very happy to see one or two characters from the old classmates. Watching Gu Ziqiang come out alone, he flicked a cigarette for him, and asked, "The mouse is waiting for the young army outside alone?"

"Well," Gu Ziqiang replied, still not forgetting to excuse Zhang Hao, comforting Shen Huai, and said, "This Zhang Hao, after earning a little money in the past two years, has thorns in his eyes, we will try to eat him. Two drinks, just let him get away with it..."

Shen Huai laughed and said he didn't mind.

On the third day of the new year, the classmates in Beijing who were already busy couldn't leave, but it was not slow for the others to come to the dinner. Twenty-six students had arrived temporarily before the opening of the table at six o'clock.

There were three round tables in the box that Zhang Hao ordered, and the last person who arrived almost filled the three round tables. Shen Huai couldn't help but nodded secretly. Zhang Hao and Gu Ziqiang were still somewhat confident in their appeal in the former classmates' circle.

There were only fifty-seven people in their class at the time, and it was a temporary gathering. Although everyone was free in time for the Spring Festival and most of them were in Beijing, it was not easy for Zhang Hao and Gu Ziqiang to gather twenty-six people; I don't know if they rushed over to find him to have a grudge or a revenge.

The cold dishes were put on the table first, and watching the waiter behind Zhang Hao bring in four boxes of Fen wine, Shen Huai knew that he would not explain it here today, and he was afraid that Zhang Hao and the others would not be able to settle their old grievances.

Shen Huai took off his coat, unbuttoned his shirt, rolled up his sleeves, and put the glasses on the glass turntable with everyone. Ren Zhang Hao and the others filled the glasses with fragrant Fenjiu, and said with a smile, "I'm considered to be today. To confess here..."

Asking Shen Huai to see through his mind, Zhang Hao's eyes could not help but dodge for a while. Another Hu Chujun, who was close to Gu Ziqiang and Zhang Hao, came over and said:

"You've been gone for almost ten years, you have to do the math, how much wine you've drank with us, and you can't make it up? Of course, we need to negotiate the rules first when we drink, except for the lady, the first three glasses of wine, the first One cup is divided into five mouthfuls, the second cup is divided into four mouthfuls, and the third cup is three. It's poured, and then it's okay to exchange beer for beer, and Coke for Coke, it doesn't matter, it's about a free combination-how, this drinking method is more elegant than the one in your government, right?"

Three cups of liquor is a pound. Shen Huai had never drunk with his former classmates before, but the first three cups of wine could not say that Zhang Hao and the others were bullying him.

Some people in the townships below Donghua drink even more fiercely than this, but no one will drink him, but today's situation is special, and he can't put on any airs - he doesn't know that Zhang Hao was brought to his table, There are a few people who can survive these three glasses of wine.

"Whoever is still awake then, remember to help me open a room upstairs, don't leave me on the street..." Shen Huai said with a smile.

Some people rushed over, even if they were really looking for Shen Huai to repay their old grudges, but seeing Shen Huai so refreshing, they were embarrassed to be too aggressive.

Two glasses of wine are divided into nine mouthfuls, and some people can't bear it. If they go to rest on the other side, they will be defeated. Shen Huai knows that he is not qualified to voluntarily admit defeat today, so he hastily followed everyone's rhythm while chatting and drinking. .

In the end, there is no deep hatred. When the wine is full, everyone starts drinking, and everyone's posture is relaxed, the atmosphere gradually warms up, and they speak casually.

Although Shen Huai doesn't drink alcohol much, it's also an "alcohol" test. There is no difficulty in coping with the first three glasses of wine. The difficulty is that in the next free combination, there are still seven or eight male students who can drink. Everyone toasts him with half a glass and a glass of wine, and he has to hang here.

On the other hand, Gu Ziqiang felt that it was unfair for everyone to point the finger at Shen Huai, and it would make the class reunion boring. His face was already drunk, and he stood up and said without doubt: "Don't do any free combination, we Then drink the second round. The third round is to drink three glasses of wine together, and no one will bully anyone. Let’s change the three-two-one drinking method; if we change beer, it’s one to five, how about it?”

Not everyone was like Zhang Hao who had to push Shen Huai down. Seeing that he was making a fool of himself, some people agreed with Gu Ziqiang to change the three-two-one method and then engage in the second round.

Gu Ziqiang was also at the end of his fight. He took the first sip of the fifth glass of wine, and his calf was soft. He slid down the table and knocked over the dishes in front of him.

Shen Huai and Cheng Yue dragged Gu Ziqiang to the chair, drank the fifth glass of wine in one and placed it in front of Zhang Hao, and said, "Isn't it worth it today, we will have a chance to meet again later?"

"Forget what happened in the past. If we continue to toss, Shen Huai will rarely come back to Beijing. If we bully him alone, it will appear that we are too human." Gu Ziqiang was lying on the table, unable to lift his head, but he was still drinking. If there is more, if he speaks without any scruples, he will directly open Zhang Hao's mind, and persuade him to stop pouring Shen Huai wine.

Zhang Hao didn't think that Shen Huai could be so awake after drinking a glass of white wine. He also had a temper and refused to accept it. He drank all the white wine in the glass, resisted the tumbling in his stomach, and brought three empty glasses and placed them there. Shen Huai walked up to him and said, "Our debt is cleared, but the debt you pushed Hu Mei into the river was not so easy to forget. If you drink three more glasses of wine, the debt will be considered." She pushed the person who persuaded her away. , opened a bottle of Fenjiu and filled three glasses.

"I didn't have a good time, I didn't have a good relationship with everyone, and I did a lot of **** things; to be honest, I was also very guilty, and I wanted to apologize, but I don't know where to start. Since the mouse gave me such an easy choice, then I will Drink these three cups, and say sorry to Hu Mei, the mouse, and other classmates..." Shen Huai poured the Fenjiu down one cup after another.

After the third cup of wine, Shen Huai lost consciousness almost instantly and slid down the table... (83中文网)

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