Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 345: Shangxi Garden

(Thanks to the then brothers for their enthusiastic support)

The domestic food culture has formed many factions. Huaihai Province is sandwiched between Lu and Yang, and it is also a place where water and land meet, forming a fusion of old and hybrid tastes, which is not particularly outstanding.

However, in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the wealthy and noble families in the province lived a luxurious life because of their wealth, and there were also people who were extremely particular about their diet. The Sun family was one of them.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Sun family had a story of "cooking three catties of venison every day, and cooking it from the morning to the shadow of the sun." After half a century of pondering, a set of well-established private cuisine with valuable ingredients has also formed in the Sun Residence.

In the Sun family mansion, the hall that served a family of dozens of people for meals was called Shangxi Garden, which is also the origin of the name of Shangxi Garden.

On the eve of liberation, the Sun family fled overseas in a panic, and naturally they would not have the heart to take the cooks with them, and let them go away.

For Shangxi Garden to become a model of Donghua's high-end catering, the dishes are naturally the top priority. To be high-end, and to have dishes different from Huxi Academy and Nanyuan, to avoid unnecessary competition, and to be unique, is naturally not an easy thing.

In the end, it was Sun Yalin who personally helped to find the chef of the Sun family who stayed in Donghua. At this time, Peng Yuhai, an old man in his 80s, recommended his third-generation descendant, Peng Yuliang, to come to Shangxi Garden to be the chef. Restoring the essence of Sun's cuisine in the early years.

To entertain Zhao Qiuhua, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Su Weijun, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, to be praised is an important matter for Shangxi Garden.

Although Shen Huai told Chen Tong not to be nervous, but he really wanted to operate here, and he was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

After returning from Caijiaqiao Community, Shen Huai ran to the back to see the preparations for the dinner. Seeing that Chen Dan was also standing in the kitchen, he jokingly said, "I'm so worried, just do it, who would dare to do it? Saying that today's food is not delicious, I will slap him in the face with a plate."

Chen Danjiao glared at Shen Huai angrily and said, "There is absolutely no preparation here, and some ingredients need to be prepared two to three days in advance, even if they borrow from Nanyuan, they will not be able to make it in time. For the real Sun's cuisine, we can only do it now. Make two tables, and the other six tables of dishes can only be replaced by ordinary dishes. Director Liu, Pan Shihua and Secretary Tan asked for instructions? I went to ask for instructions, do you think there is any problem..."

"No problem," Shen Huai said. "The main leaders of the province and city and representatives of Fuji Steel will only be able to sit at two tables, and the others will not be so particular about it. I'll go and tell them."

Shen Huai is not very particular about clothing, food, housing and transportation, but Sun Yalin is not too picky, but when it comes to the fine knowledge of clothing, food, housing and transportation, the profound heritage of a century-old family can make most people feel inferior when they stand in front of her.

The craftsmanship of the chef of Shangxi Garden was personally studied by Sun Yalin. Shen Huai didn't think there would be any problem, so he asked Chen Dan to pull the menu to show him. The table food probably eats up the average worker's salary for a year.

Anyway, Shen Huai couldn't help feeling distressed, and ran back to Tan Qiping with the menu.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it can only be like this. Seeing that Shangxi Garden is almost ready, the banquet will be announced.

Although Zhao Qiuhua is also a person who does not get tired of eating, but he came out of the South Garden at noon and walked down this large circle, and he was hungry. The food in Shangxi Garden was indeed above the standard. After a feast, he was full of praise. .

It is necessary to arrange Zhao Qiuhua and Su Weijun to rest early, and to leave enough time for them to mingle with local officials. The banquet will end before eight o'clock. Tan Qiping, Wu Haifeng, Gao Tianhe and the others will accompany Zhao, Su and others as well as the Japanese representatives to return to the south. Garden Hotel.

Shen Huai had no intention of blending with Zhao Qiuhua and Su Weijun, standing in the parking lot on the west side of Shangxi Garden and saying goodbye to them.

This time, the provincial leaders came to Donghua to participate in the signing ceremony. Although the municipal party committee presided over the ceremony, the expenses for the reception, including the handling of some commemorative gold coins for the signing ceremony presented to officials such as Zhao Qiuhua and their entourage, were all collected from the joint venture factory preparatory team. Walk.

Guo Chengfeng took Shangxiyuan's bill and came to Zhou Ming to sign it; Zhou Ming looked at the numbers on the bill and was a little dazed for a while.

Nobuo Yamazaki, who was standing on the side, saw that Zhou Ming was holding the bill and didn't move, he thought he was waiting for him, and he signed it and handed it back. In the past, Nobuo Yamazaki came to Donghua as a guest, but from now on, as the Japanese general manager of the joint venture factory, he will lead the Japanese team to stay in Donghua and participate in the preparation, construction and future operation of the joint venture factory. It's half a master.

For foreign-funded enterprises that entered the mainland first, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japanese companies are the most adaptable, while European and American companies are much worse. This is mainly due to the fact that Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japanese companies are not fundamentally different from the mainland in terms of culture. Japanese companies are not necessarily worse than domestic companies in dealing with bureaucracy and human society.

The total investment of the joint venture factory is as high as 600 million, and 10 million is used to clear various joints, entertaining such an important person as Zhao Qiuhua, and a banquet costs 108,000, which is normal for Yamazaki Nobuo.

Zhou Ming sighed to himself, and could understand why He Yuelian was keen on doing high-end catering. Damn, having too much money is really a bite.

Nobuo Yamazaki said goodbye to Shen Huai: "In the future in Meixi Town, please take care of me."

Shen Huai smiled and said, "Mr. Yamazaki, you're welcome."

Zhou Ming glanced at Shen Huai awkwardly, feeling that it would be difficult to follow him without saying a word, but he was afraid that Shen Huai would give him a look instead. Fortunately, Shen Huai turned his head to talk to Zhou Zhibai, so he pretended he couldn't see it, turned his head and got into the car. On the other hand, Luo Li, the vice president of the joint-venture factory and the municipal steel factory, came over to have a few words with Shen Huai Xuan before leaving by car.

Not everyone has to go to the South Park to join in the fun or serve carefully, so they just said goodbye and left.

People dispersed one after another, and the busy day stopped.

Shen Huai said a few words to He Qingshe, Huang Xinliang, Liu Weiguo, Chu Yiliang and others, asking them to go back first, so he walked back to find Chen Dan.

"Governor Zhao, don't you have to follow him?" Chen Dan asked in confusion when he saw Shen Huai walk in lightly in his brother Chen Tong's office.

"It's not from the same line, it's useless for me to get close," Shen Huai shook his head and smiled, "I brought two million in cash and sent it over, Zhao Qiuhua would dare to accept my money?"

Shen Huai sat down on the sofa and saw Chen Tong and Zhu Liling, the lobby manager of Shangxi Garden walk in, and said, "It's really good that Shangxi Garden can maintain the same level as it is today."

"Is it really possible?" Zhu Liling asked uncertainly, "I've been worried all night, I'm afraid that there is some negligence and you will scold Secretary Shen."

"If you want to say what you're not satisfied with," Shen Huai gestured at his hip and said, "It's not high enough here!"

Zhu Liling bent down subconsciously and covered the slit of her cheongsam, not to give Shen Huai a chance to see her exposed white and tender thighs again - she didn't show much at first, but she was so embarrassed that she asked Shen Huai to tease her. flushed.

"Nonsense," Chen Dan smashed Shen Huai with a smile, and said angrily, "There is a restaurant on East Street, and there are people with high slits there. They say they want to recruit a club, and they are all beautiful girls. ——There will be a place for you to fool around in the future."

Shen Huai said to Zhu Liling seriously, "Do you have any trusted friends in Nanyuan?"

"One or two, what's wrong?" Zhu Liling asked.

"There will be some people going to see Zhao Qiuhua and Su Weijun tonight, you can help me care about the license plates of these people," Shen Huai said, "don't pass it on as I ordered."

"What's wrong?" Chen Dan asked.

"The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for the benefit," Shen Huai said with a smile, "Donghua used to be a shabby place, no one looked down on it, so I wasn't afraid of others thinking about it - now there are big projects in Donghua, and I want to call others. It's impossible not to be greedy, don't you think that everyone else is a fuel-efficient lamp?"

Chen Dan didn't ask any more questions, knowing that the world Shen Huai lives in is much more complicated than ordinary people imagine, just like a movie - Shen Huai picked up his jacket, stood up, and said to Chen Dan, "Old bear he My little granddaughter Moon Moon, I said that I want to go over and have a look, the favor has not been sent yet; you can accompany me over there, okay?"

"Well..." Chen Dan picked up his jacket and walked out with Shen Huai.

"By the way, I want to run a high-end liquor store on East Street and take the agency rights of the two wineries in Donghua. What do you think?" The opportunity was not easily missed, so he followed Shen Huai and his sister out, asking questions as they walked.

"Okay," Shen Huai said. "If you have an idea, try it out. There's no harm, as long as you don't do anything illegal. To put it vulgarly, don't expect me to wipe your ass."

Chen Tong touched the back of his head and said embarrassedly, "I don't do things like I used to have no brains."

Shen Huai patted his shoulder with a smile and walked out with Chen Dan.

Sitting in the car, Chen Dan fastened his seat belt, sighed lightly, and said, "It is said that 200,000 yuan can run a school, and this meal will eat half of the school."

Shen Huai turned the steering wheel and reversed the car, and said to Chen Dan, "If you want to be a capitalist, you are really not as qualified as Chen Tong; but he didn't have the nerve to tell me that he would continue to contract the cultural station building."

The Zhuxi Hotel will be taken back by the town in July. In the past, the customer source of the Zhuxi Hotel would be diverted to the Pengyue International Hotel, the Meiyuan Restaurant and Youth Hostel run by He Yuelian, and the Zhuyuan Hotel under construction. Chen Dan would focus on Shangxi Garden. , mainly for high-end catering.

Chen Tong wants to be a high-end wine monopoly, and he should be somewhat unwilling to divert the customer source of the Zhuxi Hotel, and the operating experience of the Zhuxi Hotel can also tell him that the profit of wine is quite rich.

"People always have to be content, let's talk about the appointment with Peng How can I go back?" Chen Dan said.

At the beginning, Pengyue provided a loan of 40 million yuan for the construction of Zhujiang River. One of the conditions was that after the completion of Zhuxi Avenue, the town government took back the contracting rights of the cultural station building to ensure that more tourists would be diverted to the Pengyue International Hotel. Change the status quo of Pengyue International Hotel, which has suffered losses in the past two years.

Although the Zhuxi Hotel is not scheduled to close until the end of June, the opening of Zhuxi Avenue for a week has already brought a considerable number of tourists to the Pengyue International Hotel.

This is also because a hotel in Zhuxi is far from meeting the economic development needs of Meixi Town.

Some customers are not sensitive to price, but are more concerned about enjoyment. With the opening of Zhuxi Avenue, the Peng Yue International Hotel, which was renovated to a three-star standard, has naturally become their first choice for staying, dining and banqueting.

At present, it seems that even if the Zhuxi Hotel is not closed, it will not affect the Pengyue International Hotel's recovery of profitability, but if Shen Huai wants to take back the cultural station building and allocate it to Meixi Middle School, the plan will not change.

Chen Tong did not propose to keep the Zhuxi Hotel, and he was not too greedy. Shen Huai was still quite relieved. He was also afraid that Chen Tong would be young and energetic at this time and would not know how to advance or retreat. (83 Chinese Network)

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