Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 356: Secretary of Jihe County Party Committee

(Thank you brothers for your understanding and support!)

Seeing Ji Chengxi reaching out, Zhang Biqiang shook it in a panic.

The fright and surprise that this day gave Zhang Biqiang was enough to make him remember for a lifetime:

On the same plane, I met two beautiful women with good temperament. I thought they were having an affair, but they had a fight with Liu Fulong at the airport. They were dragged to the police station and almost got jailed for a few days. After the identity of the person, I was so scared that I was so scared that I didn't know whether to force Liu Fulong to take him to the Qinghe Hotel with broken bones or peeling skin; The shot was a kick to Liu Fulong, until Ji Chengxi appeared and revealed the love relationship between Shen Huai and Cheng Yi - this series of twists and turns made Zhang Biqiang, who thought he had experienced the storm, his heart almost couldn't bear it.

Zhang Biqiang now only knows that Liu Fulong is the son of Liu Chuandong, deputy secretary of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee in Hebei Province, and only knows that Cheng Yi is the daughter of Cheng Wenguang, deputy secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee. He is not sure of Shen Huai's identity. Yimen is the right person, even if it is bad, it will not be too far. This is undoubtedly confirmed by the beautiful girl who appeared later, Ji Chengxi's cordial attitude towards Shen Huai, and Cheng Wenguang's decisive maintenance of Shen Huai.

Ji Chengxi said that he was the secretary of the Jihe County Party Committee under Qinghe City. Naturally, Zhang Biqiang would not be naive enough to think that Ji Chengxi, the County Party Secretary, must be the subordinate of Liu Fulong, his father, Liu Chuandong, the deputy secretary of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee. It's true, but thinking that this kid is in his mid-thirties, and he was directly transferred from the State Council to a local county party secretary, even with his toes, he can understand that the young man in front of him shaking hands with him has a family background beyond what ordinary people can imagine. So simple.

If the relationship in the officialdom can be directly explained by the administrative level, it will not be so complicated.

But looking at Ji Chengxi's ignoring attitude towards Liu Fulong, his eyes seem to have undisguised disgust. He also knows that in Ji Chengxi's eyes, he has not paid much attention to Liu Fulong and his father Liu Chuandong.

Zhang Biqiang thought too much news that made his heart stop. He held Ji Chengxi's hand and forgot to release it.

On the contrary, Xiao Wu pouted and laughed at Ji Chengxi and said, "Brother, someone is interested in your hand."

Zhang Biqiang came back to his senses in shock, his face flushed, he withdrew his hand, and repeatedly greeted: "Secretary Ji, hello, hello, villain Zhang Biqiang, please give me more advice in the future."

Ji Chengxi smiled indifferently, invited Zhang Biqiang and Cheng Wenguang's driver to go in for dinner, and said to Xiao Yujie of Qinghe Beijing Office: "Director Xiao, Cheng Yi and District Chief Shen are my friends, can you give me a different box? Add some more special dishes?"

Listening to Xiao Yujie's repeated promises, Ji Chengxi invited Shen Huai to go inside, leaving Liu Fulong, Yu Peili and others on the spot, ignoring them.

Cheng Yi glanced at Yu Peili, she could see through Liu Fulong and didn't bother to pay attention, while Yu Peili was innocent, but thinking that it was inappropriate to call her in at this time, she made a phone call gesture with her: "Contact again."

Yu Peili was also completely befuddled, she was utterly disappointed with Liu Fulong's performance today, but she couldn't really leave Liu Fulong behind, she could only forcefully watch Cheng Yi and the others go in first.

Liu Fulong also stood there dumbfounded, with mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't really care about Yu Peili's feelings. He had lost all his face today, but what could he do? He didn't even know what Shen Huai's identity was. It's just that Shen Huai's posture is spread out, as long as Liu Fulong has regained his senses, he will be able to see some bright spots.

When his identity as the deputy secretary of the Qinghe Municipal Party Committee and the acting mayor's son no longer played a small role, Liu Fulong had no idea what he should do. He just asked Xiao Yujie at a loss: "Uncle Xiao, who is this Secretary Ji?"

There are not many people in Qinghe City who know Ji Chengxi's identity. Liu Fulong has been studying in the UK, and naturally he doesn't know the origin of the newly appointed Secretary of the Jihe County Party Committee, but Xiao Yujie, as the director of Qinghe City's Beijing Office, can't figure out Ji Chengxi's identity. , is a dereliction of duty.

Xiao Yujie watched Ji Chengxi and Shen Huai walk in side by side, and only then did he truly affirm that Liu Chuandong's son kicked the iron plate this time and provoked the wrong person. Honestly said: "Jihe County Secretary of Discipline used to be a secretary in the General Office of the State Council. He was transferred to Jihe as the county party secretary in February this year. He is only 31 years old this year. I don't know if Ji Lao's grandson is or not."

"Ji Lianyun?"

The 31-year-old county party secretary is not particularly rare in China, but Liu Fulong, a domineering and aggressive person, as a son of an official, is still clear about some basic personnel relations in the central government.

Liu Fulong seemed to pour a bucket of ice and snow on his head, and his mind suddenly woke up. He felt resentment towards Shen Huai, but he knew that Shen Huai was not something he could mess with, and he even had to think about how to deal with the next mess.

He didn't even care what kind of bad impression Cheng Yi would have of Cheng Yi. He couldn't help but wonder, what would be the consequences if his actions today reached Cheng Wenguang's ears? If his dad knew what he did today, how would he discipline him?

Thinking of this, Liu Fulong couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, and he didn't even bother to liquidate the offense that a small character like Zhang Biqiang had done to him.

Xiao Yujie saw that Liu Fulong's nose was blue and swollen, his lips were broken, blood scabs formed, his right face was scratched several times, and his clothes were not wrinkled. He wondered if Liu Fulong and the young man next to Cheng Wenguang's daughter had fought a lot before. , he didn't ask any more questions, he helped him enter the hotel, and said to Yu Peili: "Peili, President Yu happens to be in the hotel..."

"My dad is also?" Yu Peili asked in surprise, but looking at today's scene, she didn't know whether to let her dad know or not to let her dad know.


Zhang Biqiang is not stupid. He knows that as long as he has a relationship with Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi, he doesn't have to worry about unintentional offenses at the airport, and seek revenge for Liu Fulong, a small-minded official boy.

Shen Huai took the initiative to introduce him as a friend he met on the plane, and invited him to go in for dinner with him. Zhang Biqiang was full of sincerity and gratitude; he followed Cheng Wenguang's driver closely and entered the hotel.

Ji Chengxi originally planned to invite Tan Jun to lunch at the booth in the lobby, but Shen Huai and Cheng Yi had to be more formal and changed to the box.

Sitting down in the box, Ji Chengxi was quite formal and explained to Shen Huai the reason for his return to Beijing this time, saying:

"I have been working in Jihe County for less than two months, and the situation is not familiar. It happened that there was a railway project in Jihe County that needed the approval of the ministries and commissions, so I ran back to take the lead. However, I was afraid that my family would call me opportunistic. So I came back secretly, and no one told me. Instead, I let Xiaojun know the whereabouts when she was on the phone with her sister-in-law, and the girl ran over to blackmail me for a meal and a gift..."

Shen Huai glanced at Xiao Wu, laughed, and said, "Then I have to stay away from Xiao Wu in the future. I'm not strong enough to rob her." He put down his briefcase, took out his mobile phone and charger, and leaned down. Find an outlet and plug it in. The mobile phone is not easy to use abroad. Before returning to China, I forgot to fully charge the battery. When I used the mobile phone after getting off the plane, I found that the mobile phone was out of power and could not contact anyone.

Xiao Wu didn't seem willing to scold his cousin like this in front of Shen Huai, and said with a shy and shy tone, "I don't think it's uncommon for you to invite me to dinner. I'll check your post for my sister-in-law, won't it?"

Ji Chengxi laughed, pulled Shen Huai to sit beside him, and said, "I've always wanted to find a chance to get together with you, but you're also busy. I only stayed in Beijing for three days during the Spring Festival. The elders in the family have to go all over, and my wife's family You can’t be neglected there, and you won’t have a chance to find you. You’re passing through Yanjing this time, so you’re not in a hurry to go back to Donghua, right?”

"I booked a ticket for tomorrow to go back," Shen Huai said, "I made an appointment to meet Hong Jun in the evening."

"Brother Hongjun is also in Yanjing?" Ji Chengxi asked, "Well, then, if you find a place to drink at night, remember to bring me," and asked Chengyi, "Don't think that I hinder the two of you from falling in love? "

"...Who is the couple with him? I haven't reversed the jet lag yet, so I went back to sleep after eating." Cheng Yi said that so many things happened today, which made her feel upset, but she felt strange. Here, Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi should belong to two categories, why does Ji Chengxi seem to value Shen Huai very much?

Ji Chengxi didn't say anything to Cheng Yi, and said to Shen Huai: "Xiaojun, her father, show me all the articles you wrote. It's really well written. Combined with your actual situation in Meixi Town. The work and some experience in the development of Meixi Town are of great reference for the future development of Jihe County. If you hadn't rushed back tomorrow, I really wanted to drag you directly to Jihe..."

Shen Huai did not expect that Tan Shiwei had read several articles he published, nor did he expect that what Ji Chengxi said to him at the airport last year was not polite, but that he had always paid attention to Meixi Town——

Brother Even if the qualifications are poor, they can receive much better education and training than ordinary people. Under the influence of their ears and eyes, they have a clearer understanding of the rules of this society than ordinary people, but there is also a A common, or fatal weakness, is that they stand too high, it is not easy to see the truth at the bottom, and they lack the pragmatic spirit that is really needed to do business.

This is clearly reflected in the younger generation of the Song family. Not to mention Song Hongqi, Song Hongyi, Song Tong, and others, even Song Hongjun, can't be said to be particularly pragmatic.

To be honest, Shen Huai was a little surprised that Ji Chengxi was only serving as a county magistrate.

After meeting at the airport last time, Shen Huai had some thoughts on Ji Chengxi, knowing that Ji Chengxi is 31 years old this year, and has worked in the State Council Office for eight years, during which he studied for a Ph.D. This time he went to the place and directly served as the deputy secretary of the prefecture and city, and there was nothing too abrupt.

And the Ji family pushed him directly to Jihe County, so that he started from the head of a county, he should have a longer-term and more pragmatic consideration.

Just as Shen Huai was about to say a few words politely to Ji Chengxi, the phone that was plugged in rang. He leaned over to take it and smiled at Ji Chengxi: "Tell Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive - Hong Jun's phone." (83 Chinese network)

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