Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 364: ugly scene

By mid-May, the steelmaking line of the West Ummings Steel Works was largely dismantled, and the 36,000-ton steelmaking equipment was packed and transported to London for loading.

Although catching up with the May strike of British port workers, related inspection and customs declaration work was forced to be suspended, and a large number of equipment were forced to stay in the London port, but the first batch of equipment completed the inspection before the large-scale strike started. Procedures, set sail to the country.

At the same time, after the completion of the equipment dismantling work, David Allen, general manager of the Birmingham Steel Plant of West Umins Industrial Group, and others, accompanied by the Birmingham Economic and Trade Mission, accepted the invitation of Shen Huai and Tangzha District Investment Promotion Bureau, and went to Donghua. Conduct a visit.

In late May, the first batch of equipment shipped by the British shipping company arrived at Meixi Port Terminal.

No matter from the construction of the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant, the development of Meixi Port and the economic development of the Southeast China region driven by the Meixi Port Industrial Park, this can be said to be entering a new stage.

Huaihai Province is relatively lagging behind in attracting investment. It is a rare precedent in Huaihai Province to invite multiple investors from industrially developed regions in the form of economic and trade delegations to enter the country to inspect the investment environment at the same time.

In addition to the extra attention given by Donghua City, Vice Governor Song Bingsheng also came to Donghua on May 28 to meet the members of the economic and trade delegation on behalf of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Accompanied by district officials, they rushed to the Meixi Port Wharf to visit the unloading operation.

After the completion of the foundation pile foundation project of the new plant, large-scale structural parts must be installed first, so the first batch of steel-making equipment that arrived in China were all bulky and bulky structural parts.

Some structural parts, even after the split, still have a span of 20 to 30 meters and weigh more than tens or even hundreds of tons. This is a big test for the newly established Meixi Port Company.

When the management can't keep up, the unloading site will inevitably appear a little messy.

At the same time, these large-scale structural parts cannot be boxed, and it is not necessary to carry out special protection when dismantling and shipping them. After being exposed to the external environment for several months, it is inevitable that they will appear rusty and look very good. Not good looking.

The relatively ugly scene caused a lot of discussion among the visiting officials:

"This batch? This batch of broken copper and iron, shipped to China, can it be reassembled into a production line, isn't it a scam for the British?"

"Whether it can be done or not, the key point is that this batch of equipment is cheap. I heard that it is slightly more expensive than scrap steel."

"It's cheap? Do you think it's over after you buy the equipment? You don't need money to dismantle it, and you don't need money to install it? I heard that engineers from the UK will be hired for commissioning in the future. This is different from China, where an engineer is killed for a thousand dollars a month. ; Hiring someone else's engineer will cost tens of thousands of dollars a month for one person. If you buy equipment, you have to import related technologies from the UK, which costs millions of dollars. Even if it is shipped back to China, They all use British shipping companies. Meigang reported data to the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission. It is said that after the new factory is built, the foreign exchange paid to the British will cost about 30 million US dollars. Which one is cheaper? , there is no reason to sell it by mistake, do you think the British are all fools and give you the equipment for nothing?"

"That's right, I heard that these are all equipment that needs to be scrapped in the UK. But how do you say, whoever goes to the place now, doesn't he prop up the scene first? As long as the scene looks good and the political achievements are achieved, who cares whether the factory can be built in the future? Can it work? Will it make money when it runs?"

Song Wenhui looked back and saw that most of these officials who were open-mouthed behind were from the economic and trade system of Huaihai Province. They winked and talked, as if they were hiding their self-righteous filth in the deal with West Yomins.

Song Wenhui noticed that the fourth brother's face was ugly, and she seemed to be holding back her temper and carried out the scheduled visit first.

This time, the province asked Song Bingsheng to lead the team to Donghua, which can be said to be out of some kind of goodwill.

During this period of time, Donghua has indeed achieved great economic development, which is directly related to the large-scale and rooted penetration of the Song Dynasty into the Donghua area; and the existing achievements of Meixi Port Industrial Park are directly related to Shen. Huai single-handedly facilitated.

Others in the province don't know the relationship between Shen Huai and Song Bingsheng, but Tian Jiageng and Zhao Qiuhua are clear that letting Song Bingsheng lead the team down can also be said to be a show of affection to the Song clan, and they don't care that the power of the Song clan is in this corner of Donghua. how much it is strengthened.

It's just that Song Bingsheng was in charge of the province's agricultural work before, and was not in charge of the economic and trade system, but this time, the British investors were asked to discuss cooperation, and officials from the provincial economic and trade commission would naturally have some officials accompanying him.

The officials of the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, although they respect Song Bingsheng as the vice-governor, but they are not as good as officials. They don’t have much respect for Song Bingsheng, so they discuss any topics relatively casually, and they are not afraid of accidentally offending Song Bingsheng. For small shoes.

Of course, if they knew about the relationship between Song Bingsheng, Shen Huai, and Meixi Port Industrial Park, they would be somewhat restrained. Precisely because they didn't know, the teasing tone between the words was a little unscrupulous, and they didn't care about the feelings of the local officials at all, and even envied Shen Huai and other local officials.

For the officials of the provincial economic and trade system, Shen Huai and other Meixi town officials are much younger than them, and they are already deputy divisions and main divisions; while the local deputy divisions and main divisions are obviously smaller than the provincial ones. The actual power of the department and the department is much greater, and the benefits that can be obtained are much more. How can they make them feel comfortable with the officials of the department who have been grinding their butts for more than ten or twenty years?

Song Wenhui looked at Shen Huai again, and Shen Huai looked at the vast Jiangtian outside the pier with folded arms. She seemed to turn a deaf ear to what these people were talking about, and she didn't mean to see his father's face.

Song Wenhui sighed in her heart. For officials who don't know how to do it, seeing such a large pile of rusty structural parts scattered on the dock will make everyone feel a little colder, and probably will also feel right from the bottom of their heart. The prospect of Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant is pessimistic and disappointing, but it is obviously difficult and thankless for officials who do not know how to understand the operation of the industrial system.

Tan Qiping accompanied Song Bingsheng and others to visit the bulk seagoing ship of the British Shipping Company. Song Wenhui was one step behind and said to Shen Huai in a low voice: "My aunt may have done you a disservice this time..."

Shen Huai smiled and said: "Mei Steel will be able to prove itself after the new factory is built, and it's not bad for a year and a half. In the future, this will also let some officials who used to only sit in the office know that some things are better than theirs. It looks more complicated on the surface, auntie, do you think this can be considered a good thing?"

Song Wenhui smiled, knowing that the matter had come to an end, and it was impossible to go back on it, so she could only look forward.

Sun Yalin pouted, Shen Huai originally did not agree to let the provincial officials come to visit the work site.

For those who know the details of the operation of the industrial system, even if the casing of a color TV is removed, the beauty of it can be seen in the face of a pair of parts. But for other people, they can only look at the glossy outer shell. If they see the scattered parts inside, it will be **** if they don't feel cold.

Now, most of the steelmaking lines, weighing nearly 20,000 tons and nearly 10,000 structural parts, are stacked on the open yard of the wharf. It is a miracle that the scene can be beautiful.

On the other hand, Song Wenhui didn't think too much at first, but thought about how to ease the tense father-son relationship between Shen Huai and Song Bingsheng, hoping that Song Bingsheng would see Shen Huai working in Meixi Town for less than two years. With such a great achievement, it can change the impression of Shen Huai, and advocates to arrange a more in-depth visit to Meixi Town, but I did not expect that it would have the opposite effect.

During the disassembly and transportation process of these large-scale structural parts, it is impossible to carry out detailed protection at all. What kind of large iron block will not be embroidered when exposed to such a high humidity environment?

However, as long as the rust degree of these large-scale structural parts is controllable, after they arrive at the construction site, they can be put into use after further rust removal and anti-rust treatment.

This will save a lot of construction time for the construction of Meishan Steel's new plant.

A steel plant with an annual production capacity of 600,000 tons usually takes more than two years to construct. Although the final investment in the construction of Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant may not be much less, the key construction period can be shortened by nearly half, and the time benefit saved is worth half of the plant. All they could see was a pile of rusted scrap metal in front of them.

Song Bingsheng resisted the unhappiness in his heart. After visiting the operation of the wharf, the subsequent visit was over hastily, but he returned to Shangxi Garden to rest and eat.

When only Tan Qiping, Song Wenhui, Liu Weili, Pan Shihua, Hu Shuwei, Su Kaiwen were left in the room, Song Bingsheng couldn't help but ask Tan Qiping, "Old Tan, what do you think of the new Meigang project?"

Tan Qiping just smiled and said: "It's nothing, reform and opening up is to cross the river by feeling the stones, even if you fail, you can learn a lesson, even if you pay tuition..."

What can he say? He had opposed Shen Huai's construction of a new Meisteel factory from the very beginning, but Shen Huai insisted on going his own way, without the opinion of the district and the city, and started anew.

"The tuition fee of 600 million is too expensive." Song Bingsheng sighed.

"It's too early to draw a conclusion now, isn't it?" Song Wenhui couldn't help defending Shen Huai.

"Tian and Zhao, who don't want to see the Song family's jokes, how could they have good intentions for me to come down to investigate this time?" Song Bingsheng listened to the officials below for a long time. After a long time of fire, when I heard that the younger sister Song Wenhui was still partial to Shen Huai at this time, she couldn't help but complain, "In this case, it would be better for the Huaineng Group to take a smaller pace. Our country can't afford to pay that much. With a lot of tuition fees, the Song family can't have such a joke for others to see..."

Song Wenhui was also annoyed, and she couldn't face it. She asked the fourth brother not to intervene in Dongdian's internal affairs, and looked away with an ugly expression.

"I said two o' Shen Huai put on a face for a long time, he could hold back his displeasure, but his father's words were too heavy, too extreme, and in front of Tan Qiping, Pan Shihua, Liu Weili and others directly denied the work achievements of Meixi Town during this period of time, and he could not turn a blind eye.

If he doesn't speak at this time, it's hard to say whether Pan Shihua and the others will use chicken feathers as arrows to suppress the pace of development of Meixi Town, but when this news comes out, it will be a direct blow to Meixi's morale, and the new factory of Meishan Steel will take over. In the future, it will continue to borrow construction funds from the provincial and municipal banking institutions, which will also be seriously affected.

Shen Huai put his hand on the table and said,

"First, the construction of the new plant of Meishan Iron and Steel currently operates independently of Meishan Iron and Steel, so it only needs to be responsible to the investors, not the local government. This is also one of the current efforts by the State Council and the provincial government to promote enterprise restructuring. The main purpose. We want to build a modern enterprise system with 'clear property rights and clear rights and responsibilities'. If the construction of the new factory fails in the future, I will bear all the responsibilities to the investors. Second, when the new factory is built, I will invite other provinces and cities. The leader came to guide the work..."

As soon as Shen Huai's words came out, Song Bingsheng's face was ashen with anger. (83 Chinese Network)

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