Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 387: water leak

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Now that a decision has been made, it is necessary to strive for the initiative as much as possible to restore the disadvantage.

The next morning, before rushing to the Nanyuan Hotel for the seminar, Tan Qiping brought Gao Tianhe, Pan Shihua, and two other deputy secretaries of the Municipal Party Committee and Yu Chengzhen, the head of the Municipal Party Committee Organization, who were at home. Job change issues.

The resignation was initiated by Shen Huai, and the organizational procedures could be simplified.

He had to rush to Nanyuan to preside over the preparatory seminar for the new district. Tan Qiping had no time to delay. After introducing the situation, he made a straight-to-the-point suggestion and agreed to Shen Huai's resignation as deputy head of the district and secretary of the Party Committee of Meixi Town and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Meixi Port Industrial Park. After taking office, Shen Huai was promoted to be a member of the Tangzha District Committee, a member of the Standing Committee, and concurrently the chairman of Meishan Iron and Steel Group.

Shen Huai resigned in a semi-public occasion yesterday.

They couldn't figure out what Shen Huai was thinking, and at that time, Gao Tianhe tried his best to prevent Shen Huai from completely leaving the place.

At this time, listening to Tan Qiping's suggestion, others felt that it was really hard to say whether Tan Qiping was not.

Shen Huai, the former deputy head of the district, also served as the secretary of the Party Committee of Meixi Town, the secretary of the Party Working Committee of Meixi Port Industrial Park and the chairman of Meishan Iron and Steel Group.

Although the two positions of Deputy District Chief and Secretary of the Party Committee of Meixi Town are both administrative deputy divisions, everyone has been immersed in the officialdom for half a generation, and has long ceased to use simple administrative attributes to classify power. I know in my heart that the post of Secretary of the Party Committee of Meixi Town is much more important than an ordinary deputy mayor.

Otherwise, why would Su Kaiwen, Tan Qiping's secretary and the son of the provincial party committee secretary, go to Meixi Town, and live under Shen Huai as the deputy secretary of the town party committee.

At this time, Tan Qiping proposed to remove the two positions of the party committee secretary of Shenhuai Meixi Town and the party working committee secretary of Meixi Port Industrial Park, and to promote him from the deputy district head to the district committee standing committee.

However, this year, zhngyāng officially promulgated the Interim Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres, and put forward clear requirements for Party and government leadership positions above the county and division level, the number of years of work, the number of years of work in lower-level positions, and the age of the party.

If Shen Huai wants to take the career development path of the local party and government system, no matter how deep his background is, he usually needs to have a process from ordinary deputy county level, regular deputy county level, and then promotion to district and county party and government positions.

Without this process, it is extraordinary promotion.

It is not impossible to make extraordinary promotions at present, but within the party and government system, any person's extraordinary promotion will be watched by countless pairs of eyes. No matter how deep your background is, if you have enjoyed two extraordinary promotions in your life, you will basically be pointed and poked at by others. Only with extraordinary political achievements and abilities can you stand firm.

Shen Huai's resignation was initiated by Shen Huai, and the position of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee is a more critical step towards the leadership of the district and county party and government. At this time, Tan Qiping accepted Shen Huai's resignation as the Secretary of the Party Committee of Meixi Town and the Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Industrial Park. He was recommended to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, and others would not be able to say anything.

It can't be said that Shen Huai is not qualified to be a member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, and he offends many people at the same time.

Although Gao Tianhe knew that Shen Huai's position would be weakened to a considerable extent after such adjustment of his position, he could only accept this arrangement at the moment.


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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: is the killer is the princess

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Tianhe had a phone call with Shen Huai yesterday, but Shen Huai had no intention of having a deep conversation with him. He couldn't figure out what Shen Huai was thinking.

Tan Qiping was exchanging ideas with Yu Chengzhen, Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee. Gao Tianhe sat on the edge and speculated secretly:

Could it be that Tan Qiping's arrangement was already in Shen Huai's calculations. He made some concessions temporarily, but he did not leave the local government and maintained his position in the local party and government system. After the new Meishan Iron and Steel plant was completed and operated stably, kill a carbine

If Shen Huai really thinks about it like this, it will not be a bad idea.

However, no matter what Shen Huai was thinking, Gao Tianhe said directly: "Secretary Tan's arrangement is very good, and Shen Huai should be allowed to focus on Meigang first, and then when Meigang is completely on the right track, It is reasonable for him to put his energy back to the overall development of the local area."

When Gao Tianhe saw the stern look in Tan Qiping's eyes, he laughed in his heart. He wanted Tan Qiping to sleep thinking about Shen Huai being so harsh, so that the pressure on him would be less.

Before the morning seminar, Pan Shihua approached Shen Huai and told him the city's preliminary arrangement decision.

Besides obeying the decision of the organization, what else can Shen Huai say?

Song Hongjun squeezed a sweat and said, "You're really not afraid that Tan Qiping will wipe out your local position."

If Shen Huai wanted to make Meigang his own, he would naturally no longer be able to hold both party and government positions, and there would be no good thing about becoming an official and making a fortune. Tan Qiping is **** for tat, and it is better to hang on than to leave completely.

Another is that Shen Huai works part-time at the local level, which is beneficial to Meigang's development without any harm.

Shen Huai glanced at Tan Qiping, who sat on the rostrum with the draft of the document and didn't even look this way, suppressed his voice and smiled at Song Hongjun: "Tan Qiping has served in the organizational system for all these years, and he has been playing the way of balance for half his life. The temper is much more delicate than you think. I don't dare to take this risk for someone else. Besides, I don't want to touch the Meixi New Area, and he will give me a consolation prize."

Song Hongjun shook his head and smiled bitterly. The more and deeper he got in touch with Shen Huai, the more he realized that the Song family's previous impression and understanding of him were so superficial; wasn't the conflict between Tan Qiping and Shen Huai caused by too much contempt?

"What do you think my uncle will be in now?" Song Hongjun asked again.

"Who knows?" Shen Huai said, he felt a little cold in his heart when he said this.

Song Hongjun also sighed lightly:

The daughter died tragically on the farm and did not want to go abroad. The grandson was aggressive, distorted, and unbearable for education when he was a teenager. In the eyes of the Shen Shan couple, isn't all this caused by Shen Huai's father abandoning his wife and son?

Shen Huai's father has no closeness to Shen Huai, and among the people he fears the most in his life, the Shen Shan couple are also indispensable.

The Shen Shan couple traded the inheritance rights of the family fund with Sun Qishan, in exchange for 30 million US dollars to be injected into Meigang, it is strange that Shen Huai's father can sleep peacefully

But that's fine, Song Hongjun thought to himself, Shen Huai's father was afraid, but he wouldn't point fingers at Mei Gang's affairs easily, but the relationship in the future was so twisted that he couldn't see anything at all. The way out is to sigh in addition to sighing.

Li Gu only returned to Xucheng late last night, and did not bother Tian Jiageng, the secretary of the provincial party committee. The next day, he went to the provincial party committee to meet with Tian Jiageng and talked about his experience in Donghua.

"Shen Huai really wants to break away from the locality," Tian Jiageng asked.

"I can't see through." Li Gu shook his head.

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: is the killer is the princess

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

Shen Huai is a son of the Song family, and Tan Qiping is a young official of the Song family. How to adjust and ease the conflict between them is the Song family.

Tian Jiageng and Li Gu could guess all kinds of possibilities, but as outsiders, they couldn't see the true intentions and choices of Shen Huai and Tan Qiping hidden in the fog.

Shen Huai really wants to leave the place, even the secretary of the provincial party committee can directly interfere. Tian Jiageng will no longer go to the matter of Shen Huai's escape from the place. He asked Li Gu: "Are you on the ground? After a trip, did Meixi New District make a difference?”

"Donghua should have established the Meixi New District two years ago," Li Gu also said, returning to the macroeconomic situation to look at the problem, "but the two towns of Meixi and Hetang have been delayed from the Xiapu District for several years. The local infrastructure construction is very backward, and it really depends on Shen Huai to open up the situation in the past two years. As long as this process is not interrupted, even if Shen Huai is not in Meixi, the development of Meixi New Area is worth looking forward to.”

Li Gu personally neither likes nor dislikes Shen Huai.

At this time, the personal conflict between Shen Huai and Tan Qiping had become increasingly acute. Shen Huai continued to stay in Meixi, and he did not think it would be any good for the future development of Meixi New Area.

"Xucheng has a little improvement, but the province's introduction of foreign capital this year may only be 6.7 billion US dollars, and Meixi alone accounts for nearly one-third. If the Meixi New District is really screwed up, there are so many people. It is extremely irresponsible for the overall situation of local development." Tian Jiageng said.

Li Gu knew that Secretary Tian was dissatisfied with the team that fought fiercely in Donghua, but now there are a few teams in the local government who do not engage in internal fighting, at most Donghua's team, and the contradictions are more exposed.

The economy of Donghua City will have a more substantial growth this year than last With the economic development, the finances have become relatively well-off, and the social situation is stable. Even if the Donghua team has some flaws, it is no longer a province. Here is an excuse to adjust the Donghua team.

Li Gu said: "Governor Zhao often says that it is better to be quiet than to move. It seems that we can only do this."

Zhao Qiuhua often said that "moving is worse than being still", in the final analysis, he was afraid that they would use personnel transfer to shake his foundation in Huaihai.

In this regard, Tian Jiageng is also helpless. He has too many restraints in the province. The bosses above Zhao Qiuhua and Song Cui are all waiting for them to leak in Huaihai, so that even if they want to take big steps, they can't prevent a cold. The ropes swung over and tripped them.

The three-day seminar passed quickly, and Shen Huai was in a good mood. He came to attend the seminar every day, and he never missed a day or was late for a minute.

Tan Qiping was unhappy, he didn't want to meet Shen Huai; Sun Qiyi had a headache for his eldest brother's actions; Xie Zhi gritted his teeth at Shen Huai, but could not publicly expose Shen Huai's evil deed of grabbing her buttocks, he could only hide from him Only Su Kaiwen's heart was quietly blooming.

Su Kaiwen will not think about too complicated matters when he is not in his position and does not seek his political affairs. What he is most concerned about at this time is whether he can successfully take over the power of Meixi Town, and whether he can be in the upcoming Meixi New District. Hold tightly to the position of Secretary of the Party Working Committee.

Shen Huai's voluntary resignation has become a fact. For Su Kaiwen, the biggest obstacle in the first half of his life suddenly disappeared.

Of course, the joy in my heart will not be visible. Su Kaiwen knows how bad Tan Qiping's mood has been in the past few days. As soon as the seminar ended, Tan Qiping instructed the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee to find Su Kaiwen, Huang Xinliang and others to organize a talk and prepare Quickly adjust the personnel arrangement of Meixi Town to make Meixi New District take shape as soon as possible. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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