Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 409: unhappy

(Continue to think about the idea today, or there is only one update, sorry)

Song Hongqi called to urge him to have dinner, but Shen Huai noticed that it was already dark outside the window, so he took the old man's car and went to his second uncle Song Qiaosheng's house together.

In early and mid-December, the temperature in the south began to cool, and Yanjing City had already experienced a cold snap. The temperature of minus seven or eight degrees had frozen the asphalt streets white, and the branches and leaves withered.

At this time, although it was the evening rush hour and the streets were full of traffic, sitting in an old Audi car and listening to the cold wind whistling outside the window, I always felt that the winter in Yanjing was very depressing and cold.

Occasionally strong winds swirl, and the sand particles hit the car windows with a "pop" sound. Watching the pedestrians riding bicycles on the street cover their noses and faces, it is difficult to walk in the wind, which makes people feel the power of the sandstorm in Yanjing after winter. .

The old man asked the driver to turn on the radio to listen to the radio, and the news of the sandstorm was broadcast on several channels.

Shen Huai looked at the street lights near the car window, which were obscured by the sand and dust. Yanjing, which was full of sand and dust and the weather was dry, was really not a good city to live in.

The dinner was arranged at the second uncle's house. Apart from Song Hongjun's parents rushing over, to Shen Huai's surprise, Xie Haicheng was also in Yanjing at this time, and he and Xie Zhi also appeared in the room at this time, looking at Shen Huai with a smile. , and ran over enthusiastically to help the old man pick up his coat.

The heating in the room was sufficient, so Shen Huai took off his thick coat after entering the room with the master.

Song Hongqi came in with a white-colored porcelain Maotai in one hand, and a bottle of celadon-packed bamboo leaf green in the other, and asked the old man what wine he would drink in the evening.

"Shen Huai, what wine do you want to drink?" The old man asked Shen Huai, letting Shen Huai make up his mind.

"Fenjiu Bamboo Leaf Green is good, let's drink Bamboo Leaf Green at night," Shen Huai said.

"Okay, just Zhu Yeqing. This wine is soft, easy to taste, not on the top, and it tastes better than Maotai. But with Song Jian, an alcoholic, who drinks Zhu Yeqing at night, he can make two bottles by himself. It's not enough for him to drink alone." The old man said.

"Dad, you're right. You even encouraged Song Jian to drink, knowing that Song Jian was not in good health." The aunt complained beside him.

Shen Huai knew that Song Hongjun's father, Song Jian, was a famous drinker when he was in the army. Later, he got hepatitis. His aunt restricted him from smoking and drinking. Should I quit smoking?? Smoking and drinking, so Song Hongjun's father, Song Jian, can often have a good drink in the presence of the old man.

"You left the old man alone to talk for so long, what did the old man give you?" Song Hongjun leaned over and asked in a low voice.

In the afternoon, I chatted with the old man on a lot of topics. When Song Hongjun asked this abruptly, Shen Huai also found it difficult to answer - not only Song Hongjun had doubts in his heart, but in the afternoon Song Qiaosheng, Song Bingsheng, and Song Wenhui all drove the old man away first, and the old man said yes. Leave Shen Huai to write a few words to him. Everyone knows that the old man left Shen Huai alone to talk and do ideological work.

At this time, Shen Huai and the old man came from the mansion together. The grandfather and grandson were talking and laughing. The expression on Shen Huai's face was not as tense as when he first got off the train. Everyone also wanted to know that the old man had chatted with Shen Huai. what.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Shen Huai dragged his coat from the hanger and sat down on a chair, and said to everyone:

"Grandpa did ideological work for me in the afternoon, and made me realize that my previous thoughts and behaviors were immature. In Donghua, I only cared about my personal feelings and only wanted to lose my temper, which damaged Tan Qiping's prestige and undermined the unity. , this is very inappropriate. When I go back to Donghua this time, I will make a review with the municipal party committee, and I plan to resign from all positions in Meigang, so that I can reflect on myself for a while..."

"I want to give Tan Qiping a step down; but if he resigns Mei Gang, will it be too serious?" The eldest uncle Song Jian asked with some confusion.

"It's nothing serious or not, he really has the ability, and he will have the opportunity to manage a larger and more important enterprise in the future; if he is incompetent, just trying to drive the ducks on the shelves will only hurt him - you can let go first It's really good for him to reflect on his mistakes and study more," Song Bingsheng saw that the old man's persuasion in the afternoon worked, and his mood was slightly better, but seeing Shen Huai's face, he couldn't help but scold him again, "You Say you, you must have such an understanding long ago, why bother to toss everyone like this? After you return to Donghua, you must have a deep introspection with Tan Qiping and review your mistakes."

"Can you just say a few words to me?" The old man, Song Ye, glared at the fourth child and told him to shut up.

Xie Haicheng looked at Shen Huai in astonishment, he couldn't see the slightest abnormality in his eyes, but he didn't think Shen Huai would retreat so willingly.

In front of the elders and Hong Qi, Xie Zhi would not hesitate to test Shen Huai's details, but also pondered his words and attitude suspiciously.

Song Wenhui and Song Hongjun remained silent. They were very familiar with Meigang's shareholding and management structure. Even if Shen Huai resigned from his post in Meigang, no one could restrict him from controlling Meigang behind the scenes.

What's more, Shen Huai had already made some personnel arrangements before returning to Beijing this time. Even the chairman of the Meigang Group was directly appointed by the Donghua Municipal Party Committee, which could not change the actual control of Meigang.

"Shen Huai's ability to understand the general situation and take into account the overall situation also shows that he is truly mature," Song Qiaosheng said with a slight smile, "This time, we want to maintain Tan Qiping's prestige in Donghua, and on the surface, we want to punish you severely, but the family will not What kind of grievances did you really suffer outside? After you resigned from Mei Gang, what are your plans for the next personal development?"

"If possible, I'd like to go to Mount Yu," Shen Huai said bluntly when he saw Er Bo asked directly, "Master Cui Xiangdong told me that he fought guerrillas in Mount Yu during the revolutionary period and had feelings for Mount Yu. In 2008, he was tired of living in Xucheng dry house, and he wanted to go to Yushan to retire. I just thought, if I go to work in Yushan, I can pick up Mr. Cui as a companion, and I can study with him more often. "

Song Qiaosheng smiled embarrassingly. The person Cui Xiangdong usually hated the Song family most was him. Shen Huai offered to go to Yushan to pick up Cui Xiangdong as a companion. It was not a matter of telling him to laugh or not to laugh.

"Are you going to Yushan?" Song Bingsheng asked in surprise.

"Well," Shen Huai nodded and said, "I know that I'm not mature in many aspects. The main purpose of going to Yushan is to calm down and reflect and study, so I don't want any jobs. It's okay to be a deputy county magistrate. ."

It is precisely Shen Huai who caused so many troubles in Donghua during this period of time and caused such a big conflict with Tan Qiping. The Song family is more concerned about Donghua's situation, and they all know that Donghua has a very poor person who can rank in the whole country. County Yushan.

Although Donghua is lagging behind in development, it is near the sea and has great potential for development. The development of Meishan Iron and Steel also explains this to a certain extent. And people in the city, life and work are relatively more comfortable.

Although Yushan also belongs to Donghua City, it is nestled in the northwest corner of Donghua, deep in Yuling Mountain. It can be said that it is a real poor mountain and bad water. Nearly half of the county's population is extremely poor. Going out, let alone doing business, life is also very inconvenient.

Most people will do everything possible to avoid working in such places.

Shen Huai was currently a member of the Standing Committee of Tangzha District Committee and Chairman of Meigang Group. He really wanted to resign Meigang and his positions in Tangzha District, and be transferred to Yushan to only serve as deputy county magistrate. In the eyes of outsiders , this punishment can really be regarded as very "severe"——

Of course, the more severe the "punishment" Shen Huai accepts, the more he can help Tan Qiping regain his prestige in Donghua and regain his initiative in the Standing Committee.

"Dad, should I call Tan Qiping to communicate first?" Song Bingsheng was skeptical about Shen Huai's words, and suddenly he didn't know what he was thinking. Did you say you changed your mind?

The old man waved him to call.

Song Bingsheng ran to the next room to make a phone call. After a while, he ran back and said to everyone, "Shen Huai took the initiative to ask to go to Yushan to exercise, but Tan Qiping still hopes that he can do some work in Yushan. He said that Shen Huai was in Yushan. Tangzha District is already a member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, and when he arrives at Yushan, he can't be wronged and only serves as an ordinary deputy county magistrate. He thought about calling members of the Donghua City Standing Committee recently to discuss whether Shen Huai could be arranged to serve as the executive deputy county magistrate in Yushan. ."

"If you get it cheap and buy it well, our Song family will miss him as an executive deputy county magistrate?" Song Wenhui said angrily.

"Okay, don't talk too much," the old man said to his younger daughter, "Shen Huai went to Yushan to hang up with the deputy county magistrate and then exercised. I don't think there is anything bad."

If you don't look at the huge gap between Yushan County and Tangzha District, from ordinary district standing committee members who are not in charge of specific work, to standing committee members and executive deputy county magistrates, it can be said to be a small step forward.

"After you go back to Donghua, firstly, take the initiative to review your mistakes with the Municipal Party Committee, and secondly, take the initiative to request to go to Yushan to exercise." Song Bingsheng instructed Shen Huai.

Shen Huai didn't care, and nodded silently.

At this moment, Zhao Mu put the dishes on the table, and Song Hongqi brought two bottles of Fenjiu Zhuyeqing, opened them, and filled the glasses for everyone.

Shen Huai didn't have any happiness or unpleasantness in his heart, so he drank with him.

The other people seemed to have a concern, and they were very interested in drinking, and they quickly drank all four bottles of Zhuyeqing upside down. There are not many people in the Song family who drink Fenjiu, and Song Qiaosheng didn't save much bamboo leaves here, so he changed to Maotai.

Song Bingsheng was in high spirits and asked Shen Huai to toast Xie Haicheng: "I don't know how much your uncle has been worrying about your business. You have to toast your uncle with a glass of wine."

Hearing his uncle's words, Song Hongjun couldn't help frowning and winking, and sighed in his heart: After all, his uncle still doesn't take Shen Huai seriously. He really thought that Shen Huai's temper softened this time, and he would be able to make him round and flat. , you can listen to his command and not complain at all about Xie Haicheng's runs over the years?

There shouldn't be anything about Xie Haicheng today; even if Xie Haicheng came to eat, Shen Huai should not be forced to bow to Xie Haicheng. Seeing that his uncle asked Shen Huai to make a toast to Xie Haicheng at this time, Song Hongjun sighed in his heart and couldn't help sighing secretly, his uncle really looked down on himself too much.

Shen Huai really didn't want to give Xie Haicheng a toast, and after listening to his father's instructions, he just looked up at Xie Haicheng first.

Xie Haicheng thought of the words he and Sun Qiyi had ridiculed Shen Huai in person when he and Sun Qiyi participated in the preparatory seminar in Meixi New Area in Donghua. At this time, he told Shen Huai to stare at him, feeling guilty, and covered up with a smile: "**What is that snack? Just standing on the side and pointing, the main reason is to hope that they will take less detours. Of course, we may not be popular. "

"How dare I not welcome you, I will work in Yushan in the future, and I hope you will give me more advice." Shen Huai said something softly or hard, seeing his father looking at him with dissatisfaction, he didn't want The good dinner party was unpleasant, so I had to bite the bullet and raise the glass to toast with Xie Haicheng.

"Don't be so polite." Xie Haicheng also stood up politely, ready to accept Shen Huai's toast.

Shen Huai's cell phone on the table rang at the right time, he put down the wine glass, picked up the cell phone and ran aside to answer the phone first.

Seeing that Shen Huai's rebellious temperament had not changed at all, he didn't speak in a strange way, and he was very impolite to put Xie Haicheng there to answer the phone first, Song Bingsheng couldn't help but get annoyed again, he looked at him coldly, but saw Shen Huai answering. His face became dignified when he was on the phone.

Song Wenhui also noticed the change in Shen Huai's face after she answered the phone, and asked with concern, "What's wrong, what happened?"

Shen Huai closed the phone and said, "There was a vicious production accident in Donghua, and the casualties were very heavy..."

"What?" Song Wenhui was taken aback. It's all until the end of the year. Local governments, enterprises, etc., are afraid of encountering evil or accidents, so she asks, "How serious is it?"

"Tell me about you, tell me about you," Song Bingsheng couldn't help but taught Shen Huai a bitter lesson when he heard something happened to Donghua, "How many times have I told you, it's not your burden, you shouldn't. You can't take responsibility for such a big company. When will you ever listen to me? Do you think we can't do anything to kill you? Tell me, what ability do you have to manage such a big company? You are lucky and can represent What? How old are People of our generation have crossed more bridges than you have walked, and have eaten more salt than you have eaten. Don't you listen The old man said that the loss is in front of you. I have already said that the Meigang in your hands will definitely have problems; The end? You asked me to say hello? How to say ok?"

"Can you just say a few words less, do you wish that something happened to Meigang, so you're happy?" The old man patted the table angrily and questioned the fourth son, and then asked Shen Huai, "What happened to Meigang?"

Shen Huai didn't look at his old man, and said to the old man: "Mei Steel has no accident, it was a serious explosion accident in Shigang Group, seven workshop workers were injured on the spot, and eight severely burned workers are being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment... …”

"Is it Shigang Group?" Song Bingsheng was there stupidly.

"Yes, your lesson is right, but you should tell the people of Donghua Iron and Steel Group what you said. There is no problem with the management of Meishan Iron and Steel, and there is no accident in production," Shen Huai replied in disgust. He said to the old man, "I will go to the Donghua Hotel now to learn more about the situation. If there is a train at night, I may go back by train directly. If such a vicious accident occurs at the end of the year, the enterprises in the city must pay close attention to production safety. If I leave at night, I won't come to say goodbye to you." (83 Chinese website)

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