Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 452: babysitter

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The conditions of the county public security bureau are very poor, but the fine car that Xu Weixin rides is the newly purchased Fukang this year. It is considered a "luxury car" in Yushan County, but the space in the car is very small.

Xu Weixin couldn't squeeze into the back seat with a beautiful woman who was close to the county magistrate Shen, so he could only sit in the most comfortable passenger seat, and let Shen Huai, Yang Lili and her cousin Yang Wei squeeze into the narrow back seat.

Yang Lili was sitting next to Shen Huai, perhaps because she didn't have the will to struggle, and the thick padded coat made her feel at ease.

After being on the road for so long, the sky was getting dark, and Yang Wei had not recovered from the shock just now. She sat by the car window, looking at the twilight outside the car window, and also watching Shen Huai and her cousin Yang Lili on the car window. reflection.

Yang Lili noticed her cousin Yang Wei's small movements and was a little worried.

Although Yang Wei was unwilling to contract the marriage for her family at such a young age, she went out to join herself and wanted to venture into the outside world, but after all, she was just a little girl who was only fifteen or sixteen years old and dropped out of junior high school. She had never experienced the world. Sinister, she hasn't been honed yet. The scene just now left an indelible mark of power in her heart. Yang Lili really doesn't know how it will affect her future growth path in life.

The little girl was silent in the car for a while, as if she had made up her mind again, she dared to turn her head and asked Shen Huai: "Shen County Magistrate, why are you crowding the bus to go to the city like us? Ah, I heard from my cousin, don't you all have their own cars when you are an official?"

Shen Huai glanced at the little girl and didn't mind her initial indifference and disgust, and said with a smile, "If I go back by bus, I'll ask you and your sister to slip through my fingers."

The little girl blushed. In the twilight, her childish face was not so pale and thin, but more beautiful. Even though she was a little shy to tease Shen Huai, she boldly opened her **** eyes and looked at Shen Huai. His face, but there is still a jerky and small wings in his expression.

Yang Lili turned her head to the side and looked at the twilight outside the car window. The woods above the hills and hills had been cut down heavily. With the addition of a few thin and thin trees, the branches and leaves withered in winter. Very ugly.

The little girl's careful thoughts, how could Yang Lili not be aware of her young age, not willing to be like her mother, marrying at a young age, suffering in a difficult place for a lifetime, and stepping out is both brave and scheming.

Thinking about it, it's no wonder, all the powerful and majestic figures, all the hideous figures who told the common people to shy away, but under the look of Shen Huai, his face changed, and he was as timid as a mouse, how could he not be convinced to enter the world The heart of a girl who is not deep, but full of hope for a better life

Yang Lili naturally knew that it was impossible for Shen Huai not to know her cousin's scheming, and to understand her cousin's state of mind at this time.

Listening to Shen Huai's cat-and-mouse and joking words, Yang Lili's face was a little hot, and her heart was a little sad. She remembered how cautious, curious, and ignorant she was when she came out of Yushan. How is it different from her cousin at this time?

"I thought Magistrate Shen and you guys made an appointment to take the shuttle bus to the city together." Xu Weixin turned around and smiled to please.

"Why?" Shen Huai said with a smile, "If we make an appointment, just let the county send us a car to take us back to the city. It's not a glorious thing to be kicked out of the bus by the county again because of this crime. "

"That's because Magistrate Shen went deep into the masses. There are many leaders in the county, but there is no way you can do this," Xu Weixin said flatteringly, "If it weren't for you, Magistrate Shen, we wouldn't have discovered such a serious problem in the passenger line. Of course, I am also responsible for this matter, and I want to review it with you, the county magistrate."

Shen Huai narrowed his eyes and looked at Xu Weixin, who was only in his early 40s this year. Even if he was disdainful of trying to please him, he would not put it on his face, and said, "I noticed that our cadres are a little slack and sloppy. Mentality, these mentalities must be overcome before work can move forward.

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended reading: Attack 3000 after fast crossing

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

I will continue to promote the rectification work in depth, and then I will find you, Lao Xu, to study it. "

Xu Weixin was of course not qualified to show his face to Shen Huai, thinking that Shen Huai's words were instructive, his tone was not too heavy, thinking that Shen Huai's main purpose was to rectify some current bad styles, and he had no intention of digging many people from the root. After the fall, he said tentatively: "I will seriously follow your instructions, Shen County Magistrate, and seriously reflect on it. After the Spring Festival, I will conduct a profound review with you, Shen County Magistrate. We must also rectify the situation within our bureau."

Shen Huai nodded, acquiescing to Xu Weixin's attitude.

Tomorrow's sun will rise as usual, and the whole society will still be maintained. Shen Huai has no intention of tossing Yushan upside down. There are many drawbacks in the system that need to be vigilant, overcome and digested, but he never thought that it would be possible to have it. A safe bet is to cut it off at once.

All efforts should be to make things better, not purely to knock something down or break something.

Seeing Shen Huai's acquiescence in the internal rectification of the County Public Security Bureau and no major surgery, he felt a little more at ease. Seeing that Shen Huai's face was a little tired, he seemed to want to rest, so he had to turn around and not bother him to sit next to the beautiful woman behind him.

Xu Weixin still doesn't know that Liang Zhenbao talked to him this morning, why he was suddenly asked to cooperate with Shen Huai's work, he didn't know what Liang Zhenbao did to Shen Huai, or what Shen Huai did to Liang Zhenbao, but there was one thing in his mind. It is clear: Liang Zhenbao and Shen Huai have reached a tacit agreement on certain matters.


Liang Zhenbao is the secretary of the county party committee and Shen Huai is the executive deputy county magistrate. The two of them stand in the same line, which means that unless there is a strong confrontation within the county standing committee or direct interference from the city, most things in the county will not be turned over by the two of them. Human palm.

Xu Weixin was promoted by Liang Zhenbao. Logically speaking, he could send Shen Huai and the others to the city in a fine car, and there was no need to accompany them on this trip in person.

However, Xu Weixin knew that Liang Zhenbao had no strong support in the city. The reason why Gao Yang was not allowed to be the secretary of the Yushan County Party Committee was mainly because he was old enough, and there were few seats at the same level as Yushan. Even worse; as far as Gao Yang is concerned, his attitude is also a little swaying, maybe he doesn't want to call out the poor Yushan.

Xu Weixin knew that if he followed Liang Zhenbao, his life as the county public security chief would almost be over, and there should be no hope for the deputy county magistrate or the political and legal secretary. Dare to move to another home.

Everyone knew that Shen Huai had offended Tan Qiping, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and kicked him to Yushan to sit on the bench. But a person who offends the secretary of the municipal party committee can still sit on the bench and sit on the seat of the county standing committee and executive deputy county magistrate. The background behind it is deep, one can imagine; not to mention that Shen Huai has been in Donghua for the past two years. The power of the limelight, few department-level cadres can match.

This shows that some people in the city don't want to see Shen Huai turning around in front of them, but they have no choice but to hide it for a few years.

Such a character, even if he has to dormant temporarily, will always have a bright day when he will rise again.

Before Liang Zhenbao retired from the second line, Xu Weixin did not dare to invest in another home, but Shen Huai and Liang Zhenbao had a tacit understanding, and Shen Huai was the executive deputy county magistrate in charge of the county public security bureau. Xu Weixin hoped to go with the flow with Shen Huai. relationship to pave the way for the future.

It's just that he couldn't figure out Shen Huai's attitude towards him, and he couldn't figure out Shen Huai's preferences, and he didn't know how to choose what he liked.

After Wenshanyuan's house was withdrawn, Shen Huai had no fixed residence in the city and did not want to live in a hotel, so he asked Xu Weixin to **** them directly to the old house in the east of Meixi Town.

The courtyard door opened halfway, revealing the face of a young woman. Looking at Shen Huai, she naturally showed a gentle smile. Her face was fair and beautiful, even slightly better than Yang Lili, who was in the car with them. Her dark and bright eyes watched Shen Huai's face looked affectionate and charming. Seeing that the women who came into contact with Shen Huai were all beautiful, they were Yang Lili's cousin, even though they didn't grow, it could be seen that she was a beautiful embryo. Xu Weixin envied her. I also feel the beauty of power.

From the crack of the door, Xu Weixin could still see that several people were already here waiting for Shen Huai's arrival.

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended reading: Attack 3000 after fast crossing

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

Shen Huai didn't mean to invite Xu Weixin to come in and sit down, and Xu Weixin didn't dare to complain about his dissatisfaction.

The gate of the courtyard opened and closed, Xu Weixin saw three good cars parked under the parking shed on the right, and told him to vaguely know that the people waiting for Shen Huai in this house were Shen Huai in Donghua. My confidant, an inexplicable thought popped into my mind, maybe this mighty dragon would not be dormant in Yushan for too long.

Shen Huai only planned to stay in Donghua for one night, and could not find too much time to meet the people of Donghua separately. He didn't expect to attract a lot of people in the hotel, so he asked Chen Dan to prepare it in the old house, and he invited Yang Haipeng and Zhao Dong alone. Come over for a potluck; the others will have time to see you later in the year.

Seeing that Kou Xuan was also in the old house, and looking at Kou Xuan, who was already beautiful and charming, Shen Huai asked, "Why are you here?"

"I was waiting for Sister Li to bring Yang Wei back at the station. When I met Sister Chen Dan and Xiao Li, I realized that you were delayed on the road; I'll come and wait for you together," Kou Xuan said.

Only then did Shen Huai know that Chen Dan and Xiao Li had waited for him at the station long before he called him. He glanced at Chen Dan and smiled, blaming her for not answering the phone.

Shen Huai talked to Yang Haipeng and Zhao Dong about the reason for the delay on the road, pointed to Yang Lili and smiled with her cousin: "I am afraid of many things myself. It's just that those local ruffians must have seen me and two of them. The beauties sit together and feel unhappy, they have to provoke me"

The dinner here was already prepared by Xiao Mingxia and Yang Haipeng's wife for Chen Dan. Everyone was hungry, joking and talking, and then went to the table to have dinner.

Shen Huai was not used to the taste of Yushan. He hadn't eaten any delicious food for nearly a month, and he was also starving. He didn't drink alcohol before serving, and he filled a bowl of rice and devoured it.

Chen Dan smiled and asked, "Will I be wronged in Yushan, I haven't eaten for several days?"

"I ate in the government canteen all day in Yushan," Shen Huai said. "The staff of the canteen treats me with enthusiasm, but the level of cooking is really unsatisfactory. A dish can use half a catty of meat oil, which can make people tired to death. ; Now eating the dishes you make is really fragrant, I can't help but eat two more bites."

"Doesn't this leader have to have a nanny?" Yang Haipeng's wife said, "Isn't Manager Yang's cousin looking for a job? Let her be a nanny for you, isn't it just a canteen or restaurant to eat all Not particularly healthy for the body."

Shen Huai glanced at the little girl and saw that her eyes had a juicy look. He shook his head and smiled: "This big boy, come to me, I will take care of her, or she will take care of me"

"I have helped the family with many things since I was a child." Yang Wei was dissatisfied with Shen Huai's contempt, and said with courage.

Shen Huai could see Yang Lili looking down at the table, but she didn't raise her head when she talked about this topic, probably because she didn't want her cousin to "go into the tiger's mouth", he just smiled and ignored Yang Wei's words. Li helped bring the dishes to the table, looked at her high ponytail, grabbed hold of her, and asked, "Have you started to review, don't think that you can be lazy when I'm not in Meixi, have you thought about it? School to apply for”

"Ah," Xiaoli grabbed Shen Huai's braid, her face blushed, she didn't struggle, and she didn't dare to look at Shen Huai's face, she whispered, "The college entrance examination is still half a year away, who knows what school I can get into? "

Seeing Xiao Li's appearance, Shen Huai suddenly realized that his actions were too intimate, making Xiao Li uncomfortable, he let go of his hand in embarrassment, and just said, "Now that the goal has not been set, it is also lazy; you ask Zhao Dong , Yang Haipeng and the others, the last half year is for sprinting, not for swinging," he said to Yang Lili, "Yang Wei is too young, if she can read, you should arrange for her to study, and her life will be broader in the future. It's been a while since I made money."

Shen Huai really wanted to take Yang Wei as a nanny, but Yang Lili had no way to refuse. After hearing what Shen Huai said, she just nodded in agreement.

Covering up the embarrassment just now, Shen Huai watched Xiao Li hide in the kitchen a little shyly, and sighed secretly, no matter how young a girl is, she will always grow up one day, and there will be no way for her to be like before. So close. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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