Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 690: be bullied

Song Hongqi only returned from a business trip for a week, and he also had a lot of things to deal with, but Xie Zhi rarely came back to stay for a few days, so he could only spare time to accompany him to eat and go shopping.

It's just that Song Hongqi was thinking about things in his heart, and his mood was uneasy. He thought that Shen Huai and Cheng Yi had been in Yanjing for the fourth day, and he didn't say that he wanted to leave. He always felt that there was more hidden behind this matter. See through the strange.

Not to mention what is strange about Shen Huai and Cheng Yi spending so long together, Shen Huai and Cheng Yi are in a relationship, and how long they love each other is their freedom.

Due to the report of excessive land acquisition, the inspection team of the Huaihai Provincial Party Committee is now stationed in Xiapu for inspection and inspection. Shen Huai is in full charge of the work of the Xiapu County government at this time.

Counting the few days Shen Huai stayed in Huaixi and Xucheng before, Shen Huai had been away from Xiapu for more than a week, and he still did not intend to rush back at this time, which meant that Shen Huai was no longer in Yanjing at this time. Asking for help for Mei Gang's current predicament, he suspects that after he and Xie Zhi left the racecourse yesterday, Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi had a further substantive conversation.

Seeing Hong Qi shopping with him and looking absent-minded in the mall, Xie Zhi couldn't help but get angry with him, carrying a few bags of harvest from today's shopping, sitting on his shoulders and asking, "You said Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi Will there be any secret deal that will put Cheng Wenguang's hopes of serving as governor of Hebei Province on the Ji family?"

Song Hongqi thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "The Ji family has a great influence on the two positions in Ji Province, but the transaction between Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi is not so big as to decide a governor's seat. Moreover, with the Ji family's contacts in the party, no matter who works in Ji Province, it may be against the Ji family's interests in southern Hebei, so the Ji family should not stand on the stage to push Ji's interests for their interests in southern Ji. Cheng Wenguang, whose family relationship is not so close, went to work in Ji Province, and Dingtian helped to say two good things behind the scenes..."

Xie Zhi sighed in her heart. Although she didn't pay much attention to political matters, she also knew that Cheng Wenguang's plan this time was not simply a governor's seat.

When Hong Qi's father was fifty years old, he officially added a member of the Central Committee from alternate members of the Central Committee, and only then determined his core position in the Song Dynasty.


There are nearly 200 members of the Party's Central Committee. Generally speaking, one Central Committee member is not enough to occupy the core position within the faction.

For Hongqi's father to enjoy such treatment, in addition to his status as the second son of the Song family, the most important thing is that the Central Committee members in their early fifties are too scarce in the party.

He doesn't even need to have too dazzling political achievements. Hong Qi's father was a member of the Central Committee at the age of fifty, and by the time he was sixty-three years old, he had served as a member of the Central Committee for two and a half terms. At that time, even if it is purely a comparison of qualifications, the qualifications of two and a half members of the Central Committee will be enough to push Hongqi's father into the Politburo.

Cheng Wenguang is now the deputy secretary of the Yanjing Municipal Party Committee and an alternate member of the Central Committee. If the time is right, he may be able to get a better position than the governor of Hebei Province, but he can serve in Hebei Province at this time, that is to say, in the sixties. 2. At the age of 63, he will also be able to serve as a member of the Central Committee for at least two terms, and he will also become one of the most capable candidates for the Politburo.

Sometimes the qualifications are very imaginary, and it is unclear and unclear, but this is clearly the qualifications that everyone is fighting for.

Some people have far-reaching plans, such as the Department of Economics, Hu, Ji, etc., and may not particularly care about the position of 200 people, but at this time, if the Ji family stood up and recommended Cheng Wenguang to work in Hebei Province, they would not ignore it. This will become a key factor in promoting Cheng Wenguang's Political Bureau in five or ten years - this is obviously not an interest exchange that Shen Huai has the ability to negotiate with the Ji family at this time.

As Hong Qi said, Ji Jiadingtian was behind his back to say a few good words, and the key to Cheng Wenguang's desire to serve in Hebei Province was whether the Song Department could put resources on Cheng Wenguang.

Xie Zhi thought to himself, this is probably the reason why Hong Qi's father has been silent since last night, and Hong Qi has been worried all day.

Cheng Wenguang's plan has been so far. Yesterday, he should also clearly express his intention to serve in Ji Province through Shen Huai to the Ji family. Yesterday, when she and Hong Qi were present, the conversation between Shen Huai and Ji Chengxi did not mean to cover up at all, to put it bluntly. It is also Cheng Wenguang, through Shen Huai, Shen Huai and Hong Qi through her showdown to Hong Qi's father...

A lot of things are open and there is no turning back. When Cheng Wenguang hoped to take office in Hebei Province, when Cheng Wenguang hoped to win a seat in the Politburo ten years later, the Song Department did not devote resources to Cheng Wenguang. Don't blame Cheng Wenguang for splitting off from the Song faction and attaching it to other factions.

Song Xi has since become a joke and been looked down upon by others. Needless to say, the negative impact on Hongqi's father's career will be no less than the defeat of Tian Jiageng in the previous two years to win the Huaihai Provincial Party Committee Secretary.

However, if the Song Department is forced to tilt its political resources to Cheng Wenguang this time, no matter how much unwillingness in the heart, the biggest impact on the Song Department in the future, that is, the status of Cheng Wenguang and Hong Qi's father will be officially equal.

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi couldn't help sighing softly and said, "My dad once said that Cheng Wenguang has a deep mind. I didn't think much of it before. Now, it seems that my dad is more accurate in seeing people."

Song Hongqi pouted and sneered, how many of those who can get to Cheng Wenguang's seat are good ones? Moreover, there are so many aunts and uncles in his family, and not everyone can get ahead in the official career, and they all go up through blood.

This time, if he makes concessions to Cheng Wenguang, Song Hongqi is not worried about anything else, but is worried that after Cheng Wenguang and his father are equal in status, the resources that Shen Huai and Mei Gang can obtain from the Song Department will greatly increase, and the control of Huaineng Group will be greatly increased. It is very likely that Quan will tilt to that side again, and since the old man is also partial to that side, this side will become more and more weak...

This is by no means what Song Hongqi wants to see, but he also knows that his father will not listen to his opinions on this matter.

Speaking of calculations, Cheng Wenguang's calculations are not exaggerated, but Shen Huai can get such benefits by following him. Thinking of this, Song Hongqi felt an indescribable irritability in his heart.


Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi dragged their tired steps after shopping and drove home.

As soon as the car entered the garage and stopped, he heard the phone ringing in the house. Song Hongqi wondered, who would contact him at this time, instead of calling his cell phone, he called his residence?

Song Hongqi took out his mobile phone and took a look. He didn't know when the phone was out of power and shut down.

Song Hongqi hurried into the house, the phone stopped ringing, looked at the caller ID, but it was the home phone. When he dialed the phone and went back, he heard a **** complaint: "Why is the phone turned off, and the phone at home isn't answering?"

"I didn't notice that the phone was out of battery? What's the matter? You can call Xie Zhi's phone. I've been with her all day." Song Hongqi said this, and when he saw Xie Zhi pouting, his face showed displeasure. He also felt a headache and felt that he had really become dull. This should not have been asked his mother in front of Xie Zhi.

Her mother hoped that Xie Zhi could come to work in Yanjing and have a baby as soon as possible. It is better to stay at home to care for her husband and raise her son, instead of insisting on staying in Huaihai alone. It's just that Xie Zhi doesn't think so, then there will be conflicts between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

To the point where his mother knew that he was with Xie Zhi, couldn't contact him, and didn't call Xie Zhi's cell phone, making Song Hongqi a headache.

The woman got into the horns of the bull and tried to persuade anyone left or right.

Song Hongqi pretended not to see the displeased expression on Xie Zhi's face, and asked her mother on the phone, "What's the matter, you have been calling me several times in a row?"

"Your dad asked you to go to the mansion for dinner..."

"Today passed again?" Song Hongqi asked suspiciously.

If he called him over, it would mean that Shen Huai and Song Hongjun were probably there too. Thinking about the signal sent by Shen Huai yesterday, they all went to the old man to eat again today. Song Hongqi couldn't help but be surprised: This is completely true. Forcing the old man, forcing the rhythm of his father's statement!

Seeing that Hong Qi's face turned livid in the blink of an eye, Xie Zhi couldn't bear to be angry with Hong Qi, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Song Hongqi covered the microphone and said to Xie Zhi, "Everyone wants to eat at Grandpa's place at night..."

Xie Zhi was also quite shocked. Yesterday was a showdown, what kind of rhythm is this today?

Song Hongqi hung up the phone, no matter how bad his face was, he could only clean up with Xie Zhi and walk outside the house.


Driving to Xisi Street, seeing that there were several cars parked in the yard, Song Hongqi parked the car in the alley outside the yard, walked in with Xie Zhi, and heard his dad chatting and laughing inside.

Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi looked at each other, even though they knew that his father's forbearance was top-notch, he wouldn't be able to have such a hearty laughter at this time, and he was even puzzled.

Next, they heard the voices of the aunt and Song Tong, and Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi were even more puzzled: when did the aunt come back, and Cheng Wenguang forced the old man to make a statement, should he pull the aunt back to Beijing to help out?

While Song Hongqi and Xie Zhi were in shock, Song Tong came out of the room and saw them greet, "Hey, what are you doing standing in the yard?"

"As soon as we arrived at, we heard the voices of you and my sister-in-law. We thought we had heard something wrong, but we never heard that you would be back today..." Song Hongqi said.

"Shen Huai forced me to come here; you thought I wanted to." Song Tong said jokingly.

However, Song Hongqi misunderstood what Song Tong meant. He really thought that Shen Huai was forcing his aunt to force the palace this time. No matter how good he was, his expression changed at this time. His handsome face was deformed, and he did not respond. Song Tong's words, and Xie Zhi walked directly into the house.

Shen Huai was sitting in the room with a group of people, watching Song Hongqi come in with a stinky face, and asked, "Hongqi, what's wrong with you, your face is so ugly?"

Song Hongqi looked at the room full of people, Xie Zhi's father was not there, the old man, his parents, aunt, aunt, little aunt, little uncle, Cheng Wenguang, Liu Xuemei and his wife, Song Hongjun were all there, Shen Huai and Cheng Yi were sitting together. On the wide-sided sofa, just like at my sister-in-law's house a few days ago, it looked like an intimate couple - Song Hongqi knew that in front of so many people, it was not his turn to be arrogant, but he didn't want to give Shen Huai any good looks, so La Xiezhi stood there. Go aside.

Shen Huai grinned and said to the people in the room, "Who do you think Hong Qi is angry with outside?" l3l4


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