Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 714: Level 3 in a row

(7,000-character chapter, ask for a monthly pass)

In order to avoid unnecessary influence, when the car arrived at the intersection in the middle of the county, Shen Huai signaled the driver to stop and let Zhou Qian go down.

Zhou Qian's bad mood hadn't been sorted out yet, so she got out of the car in a panic, and watched the slightly worn-out black Santana go down the street, feeling lost and empty, and walked along the boulevard to the school... …

On both sides of the boulevard are tall Metasequoia trees, shaded by thick shades. Zhou Qian walked among them, her body felt a little cold, and her heart was also a little cold.

Zhou Qian went back to school, pushed the door into the office, and the teacher in the same office said to her, "Zhou Qian, your sister just called and said that she has booked a flight for next Wednesday..."

Hearing that her sister, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, was going to return to China next week, Zhou Qian's bad mood improved. Even if we can meet next week, Zhou Qian desperately wants to talk to her sister on the phone at this time. Besides, she did not ask some things clearly about the help of her colleagues. Next Wednesday is next Wednesday in China, or next Wednesday on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. For a day.

It's just that the phone in the office doesn't say international long distance, even domestic long distance can't be dialed.

Zhou Qian thought that she didn't have her class in the afternoon, and wanted to take her bag to the post office to make a phone call. She was lazy for a long time and changed her mood. When she turned around, she realized that she hadn't brought her bag back to the office at all. Luoxin county magistrate and the others got into the car.

Zhou Qian only felt a headache. Just as she was about to call Wang Weicheng from the office phone, the phone in the office rang at this time, which startled Zhou Qian.

The call was from Wang Weicheng:

"Seeing that you got off the car, you have already entered the school. It's good that you are at school. I want Beishan to see a guest in a while, and I will send it to you on the way. You wait at the school and don't leave."

Zhou Qian thought to herself that Shen Huai, Wang Weicheng and the others saw her bag in the car, so they didn't chase after her. Instead, they asked Wang Weicheng to deliver it to her alone, probably to avoid suspicion, right? Thinking about it too, if I really let the school teacher know that she just took the county magistrate's car to go back to school, maybe there will be some rumors spread.

Zhou Qian is also not completely ignorant of this society, thinking that the county magistrate is so deliberately avoiding suspicion, she should have no special thoughts about herself, but thinking of Xu Zhi's misunderstanding, she can only sigh helplessly in her heart? Sigh, a mass The extremely bad mood was stagnant in my heart, and I felt very uncomfortable.

Zhou Qian thought she was going to the post office to call her sister, so she made an appointment with Wang Weicheng to meet at the intersection of the school.

When she walked to the intersection, she watched Wang Weicheng drive across the street in that slightly worn-out black Santana. Zhou Qian waved her hand to signal her to cross the road. There was no need for Wang Weicheng to make a special U-turn, but when she just crossed the road, However, he saw Xu Zhi standing under the shade of a tree at the intersection with an ugly face.

Zhou Qian just waited for Wang Weicheng to come over, and Xu Zhi, who was not paying attention, stood under a tree not far from her. At this time, her heart jumped a little, knowing that Xu Zhi would definitely think about it again when she saw this situation. .

Wang Weicheng also saw Xu Zhi, and thought that Xu Zhi was probably arguing between the two, and his mind became a little clearer. He ran to the school to find Zhou Qian to reconcile. When Qian delivered the bag, I thought that he was probably going to get into trouble again.

Wang Weicheng didn't want to cause a commotion for nothing. If he caused a fire in his backyard, it would be unreasonable. He handed the bag to Zhou Qian through the car window, and drove away in a hurry.

Zhou Qian took the bag, looked at Xu Zhi's ugly face, turned around and left, stepping on high heels, crossing the road to catch up, and almost scraping off a car, ignoring the driver's ugly scolding and fear, catching up Xu Zhi said, "Can you listen to my explanation..."

"What else is there to explain?" Xu Zhi's handsome face looked at Zhou Qian distortedly, with an unspeakable irritability in his heart, he asked coldly.

"I took Wang Weicheng's car back to school, and I left it in his car. He will send it back to me. Can you stop thinking about it elsewhere?" Zhou Qian felt uncomfortable after such a misunderstanding, but she thought about it for a second. It's not easy to have a relationship for more than a year, so I still playfully said, "Wang Weicheng is my sister, my brother-in-law's classmate. I have known him for more than ten years. You will never doubt that I have anything with Wang Weicheng, right?"

Zhou Qian was afraid that Xu Zhi would want to go elsewhere, and did not dare to say that the county magistrate and Wang Weiwei sent her back to school together.

Xu Zhi felt disgusted in his heart, and stared at Zhou Qian's face with cold eyes. He seemed to see the vanity that he was disgusted with on that beautiful face, and immediately exposed her lies and said, "Is it still necessary to lie? No ghost, Wang Weicheng gave you the bag and drove away? Don't I even have the qualifications to stop him and say hello?"

Zhou Qian didn't know that Wang Weicheng and Shen Huai had heard them arguing in the lobby on the ground floor of the Zhujiang Building. Seeing Xu Zhi questioning so much, it was a conclusion, and he didn't know how to explain it.

Moreover, she was afraid of Xu Zhi's misunderstanding just now, and she deliberately said that she was going back to school in Wang Weicheng's car. At this time, it was too late to say that Shen Huai asked Wang Weicheng to drive the package to avoid suspicion. She could only helplessly look at Xu Wei's unfamiliar face, her heart sank to the end.

Seeing that Zhou Qian didn't explain anything anymore, Xu Zhi just assumed that his guess was correct, and his embarrassment grew. Go straight up.

Zhou Qian squatted on the side of the road holding her bag, so sad she wanted to cry...

Xu Sheng didn't see Zhou Qian arguing with Xu Zhi, only saw her squatting on the side of the road, motioning the driver to stop the car, sticking his head out and asking, "Mr. Xiao Zhou is not feeling well?"

"Ah..." Zhou Qian looked up at Xu Sheng, and it took a while for her to react. She shook her head in embarrassment and said, "It's nothing, I'm just taking a break by the roadside, I don't want to rush back to school."

Xu Sheng was overjoyed when he heard Zhou Qian say he didn't want to go back to school, he hurriedly opened the car door, and said with a smile: "You don't have classes at school? Then you don't have to go back. By the way, Lao Zhang from the health school will invite you to dinner and talk for a job later. Regarding the merger of the schools, Mr. Zhou, you are also a member of the preparatory team of the Education Group, so come and participate..."

Zhou Qian felt empty in her heart and felt that she had nowhere to go. She just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. She got into Xu Sheng's car in a daze, and she didn't notice the eyes from the front driver in the rearview mirror. There is a little weirdness hidden in it, and Xu Sheng's eyes are looking at her curvy body greedily...


Xu Zhi took a sigh of relief and took the bus back to the city. He didn't go back to the Design Institute, but went home directly.

In the 1970s, the outer walls were not painted with cement, the red bricks were directly exposed, and there were obvious signs of weathering, and the railings were also stained with rust. The corridors are crowded with the kitchens and stoves of each family. When you enter the building, you can smell the sour smell mixed with diapers. It is not particularly strong, but it does exist. When you enter the corridor, you can make use of the turns. They are called left and right. Residents piled up briquettes and other debris, leaving only a very small space for people to fold up and down the corridor.

Xu Zhi returned home, threw his bag in the corner, pushed the door into the room, slammed the door irritably, and lay on the bed as if he was dead. , The jealous fire that burned, made him want to smash the things in the room to smashes.

It's just that there is nothing to smash in his room. A bed is so small that it can roll down. The rest of the space can't even fit a desk. A piece of wood is used as a writing desk across the two walls.

The door squeaked open, and Xu Zhi didn't have to look up to know that his mother saw him coming home from outside and rushed over.

"Didn't you say that you went to Xiapu for work, and then went to see Zhou Qian, why did you come back so early? I quarreled with Zhou Qian? I said you should think about marriage, both of you are twenty-seven. , the family is not easy to live in, and the unit does not divide the house. I think it is good for you to buy a small commercial house first and get married. Didn't you say that Zhou Qian can get 1500 yuan every month with a salary increase, then the two of you are paid It adds up to two thousand five or six. I will ask your uncle and them to put together some money. Zhou Qian’s sister and her brother-in-law are abroad. It is always easy to borrow thirty or fifty thousand yuan. First, go to Nanyuan to buy a house for you to marry. With such a high salary for the two of you, you will be able to pay off your debts quickly in the future..."

"Nah, you can't stop talking!" Xu Zhi sat up angrily and shouted at her mother, "House and house, how can people see the broken house in Qianyuan. People want to live in villas and mansions; people want to live in Villa Western Building. Villa Western Building, do you understand? Where can I buy it for her..."

Confused by his son's sudden attack, Xu Zhi stood at the door in a daze, without saying a word for a long time, and then he said ramble: "I don't understand the villa, but Zhou Qian is a good girl, you Look at your house, there is not a single valuable thing, it's like a pig's nest, what's there to call her, can she fall in love with you for two years? However, it's okay if you want to break up, Zhou Qian is too beautiful , I may not be able to live a hard life all the time, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep it in the future, and I have not been optimistic about you for a long time, but you can't hold back your heart and make something wrong..."

Xu Zhi pushed his mother out of the door, took the satchel in the corner, and locked the door.

"Di Di Di", the pager in the satchel rang in no time, Xu Zhi threw the satchel aside, continued to lie down, turned over and sat up after a while, and turned the pager out of the satchel, showing that it was the director Wang Mingda's. Phone number.

Xu Zhi ignored it, pulled the quilt to cover his eyes, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

At night, he didn't get up to eat dinner. Lintianhei Wang Mingda called twice again, but Xu Zhi ignored it. About nine o'clock, the pager next to the pillow rang again, and when he picked it up, Wang Mingda called him again.

After lying down for a long time, Xu Zhi calmed down a little now, and it's okay to lose a love. The big deal is that he will never have anything to do with that vain woman again, and he will never lose his job again.

Xu Zhi turned over and went downstairs, borrowed a public phone from the small shop and went back there. Director Wang Mingda knew that he was in the city, and he didn't ask why he didn't call back in the afternoon, so he hurried to the Jinding Club to have a drink.

The Jinding Club is an old relationship of Vice President Zhang Hua. The Design Institute wants to entertain customers and go to Jinding after meals. If Xu Zhi happened to be able to accompany the client to dinner with the leaders of the hospital, he would also occasionally be able to follow him for entertainment. He was really in no mood today, but Wang Mingda didn't seem to think that he would refuse, and hung up the phone before he could find an excuse.

It is inconvenient to call again to explain that Xu Zhi thought that rushing over to drink is always considered work, so he stopped a taxi and went straight to the Jinding Club. When he walked into the box, he saw Director Wang Mingda and Vice President Zhang Hua, who accompanied the project of Zhujiang Construction. The manager, Chen Zhirang, had a drink inside.

There were already three girls accompanying the drink in the box. All of them looked pure and innocent. They sat next to Wang Mingda, Zhang Hua, and Chen Zhirang. Before Xu Zhi came over, they had already had a drink.

Seeing Xu Zhi coming over, not only did Chen Zhi make him sit up straight, but he looked over eagerly. Zhang Hua, the vice president who didn't usually look at the ordinary designers under his hands, stood up enthusiastically and took his shoulders. , asked with concern: "Manager Chen rarely agreed to go to our dinner party, and I still think that you and Manager Chen are familiar with eating together to get in touch with each other. I asked Wang Ming to call you several times, but I didn't see you back. Is there something wrong? what?"

"I forgot to bring my pager with me." Xu Zhi lied.

"Wang Mingda, you will give Xiao Xu a mobile phone tomorrow. If you have a better one, you can take the ticket to me for reimbursement. It is my special approval," Zhang Hua told Wang Mingda decisively. Due to the volume of business, the yard does not even provide a mobile phone, let alone other things, and it is inconvenient to contact customers.”

"I'll do it tomorrow, and I'll do it tomorrow." Wang Mingda agreed busyly.

Xu Zhi was a little flattered and didn't understand what was going on, but Zhang Hua's "caring and caring" made him feel that the pent-up anger in his heart finally dissipated a lot, and he finally felt better.

Sitting down on Xu Zhi's shoulder, Zhang Hua asked again, "Are there any girls you know, or should I arrange one for you?"

Xu Zhi is not good at this, but he also knows that sometimes entertainment needs to be staged, otherwise it would seem inappropriate for him to be aloof, so he bowed his body and said, "Whatever..."

"Yes, I know you young people like to look at your face..." Zhang Hua laughed, stood at the door of the box and called the public relations manager to come over and let Xu Zhi arrange a girl to accompany the wine.

Singing, drinking, chatting, made Xu Zhi feel better, but Zhang Hua's next test made him feel better again: "Xiao Xu, I heard that you know Xiapu's county magistrate Shen. ?"

"I don't know." Xu Zhi didn't want to offend Zhang Hua, the vice president, but he couldn't control his voice and replied to him.

Fortunately, the lights in the box were dim, and the rotating light strip didn't hit Xu Zhi's face. The loud music also covered up Xu Zhi's deformed voice. Zhang Hua just pretended that Xu Zhi didn't want to talk, and naturally he laughed and didn't go. follow up.

With a gloomy expression on Xu Zhi's face, he pondered the dangerous intention of Vice President Zhou Hua to pull him over.

Chen Zhirang didn't know what Xu Zhi was thinking, but he didn't think he was hiding something on purpose, so he leaned over and said to Zhang Hua, "Xugong may really not recognize Magistrate Shen. You don't deal with Magistrate Shen once or twice. Go back, tell me, is there anyone who has no hard skills over the years and can get special care from the county magistrate Shen? I thought that it should be the draft of the plan that XCMG participated in the design this time, which won the heart of the county magistrate. XCMG It should be about the same age as the county magistrate Shen, I have been with the magistrate Shen for many years, and I found that the magistrate Shen especially likes to use the same age as him, I guess it is more correct way of thinking..."

Chen Zhirang said this, but Wang Mingda, who was sitting next to him, disagreed:

Xu Zhi has been under his subordinates for two years, how many pounds and how many taels in his hands, how can he still not know?

It can't be said that Xu Zhi has no ability at all. If he polishes and polishes it well, he will still be able to take charge of some cases in two years, but he can't pick a big role right now. Especially in the first room of the design institute that gathers key designers and specializes in the engineering design business of Meixi and Xinpu, Xu Zhi, who has just been transferred in, can't even squeeze into the middle level. At present, it can only be said that he has some potential.

Taking a step back, Xu Zhi didn't do much work except to help with this draft plan. How could he be favored by Shen Huai because of this?

Wang Mingda guessed something else and told Shen Huai to be particularly optimistic about Xu Zhi.

However, Wang Mingda did not make random guesses. In short, today Shen Huai hoped that Xu Zhi's performance and performance were clear and not false. Shen Huai is optimistic about people, no matter what the reason, don't say that Xu Zhi still has some goods in his stomach, even if Xu Zhi is a straw bag, the design institute must promote and reuse it.

Of course, Wang Mingda also understands why Zhang Hua is so eager to win over Xu Zhi. After all, Zhang Hua wants to be affiliated with the Design Institute to run his own company.

However, even if Zhang Hua was able to transfer some key designers to the new company, Wang Mingda also decided to help Zhang Hua to manage the new company, but they were worried that they might not be sure to change the business of designing the tens of millions of design fees from Meixi and Xinpu every year. The hospital pulled it under the name of the new company.

Chen Zhirang's words made Zhang Hua feel quite emotional, nodded and said, "Manager Chen also said that in order to match the taste of the county magistrate Shen, you still have to have some hard skills - Needless to say, Mr. Zhou of Peng Yue. Now, the foundation of the Zhou family is already strong, but Mr. Yang of Penghai, Mr. Zhao of Meigang, Mr. Pan, Mr. Zhao of Huailian, Mr. Zhu of Zhujiang, Mr. Chu of Ziluo, which one is not* *Have a very real ability?"

Chen Zhirang could see that Xu Zhi was a little disappointed. He didn't know the reason, but when he heard them mention the famous names, he felt ashamed, patted his shoulder kindly, and said with a smile, "Don't look at us Zhu. The situation is so beautiful now, before meeting the county magistrate Shen, the situation was so miserable, you President Zhang also recognized our President Zhu for a long time, let him tell you about the history of our President Zhu..."

"Aren't you afraid that Mr. Zhu will know that you are poking his old man behind his back?" Wang Mingda joked, Wang Mingda is also aware of Zhu Li's embarrassment before he made his fortune.

Zhu Li used to be the manager of the municipal construction company, and he knew Wang Mingda and Zhang Hua, but the scale of Zhujiang Construction has grown so much in the past two years. I feel that Zhu Li's status is far beyond their ability to compare.

"We, Mr. Zhu, can't be vague with him when he does his work. The rest is very casual. I often see him shirtless, pulling a drink on the side of the road. Pork head meat, peanuts, preserved egg mixed with tofu are his favorites. If you drag someone on the side of the road and say that he has a net worth of hundreds of millions, you won't believe anyone who is killed." Chen Zhirang said with a smile.

Although Xu Zhi held a sigh of relief in his heart, his attention was still attracted by listening to Chen Zhirang, Zhang Hua, and Wang Mingda talking about the trivial matters of these rich and famous Zhen Donghua.

Whether it is Zhou Zhibai of Pengyue, Yang Haipeng of Penghai, Zhao Dong, Pan Cheng of Meigang, Zhao Yicheng of Huailian Heavy Industry, Chu Yiliang of Zhujiang Investment, Zhu Li of Zhujiang Construction, or even the newly emerging Pengyue Chen Tong, who is affiliated with the business, is a rich man who can make Donghua shake three times with one stomping.

Before, these characters were too far away for him. Although some people in the design studio liked to talk about it, Xu Zhi always felt it was boring and vulgar-does the lives of those rich people have anything to do with them?

Therefore, he had heard most of these names, but he didn't care about the stories behind them.

If the chief designer who accompanied Wang Mingda to Xinpu today had something to do, Wang Mingda would not be able to find other helpers, nor would it be his turn to accompany him, let alone meet people like Zhu Li and Chu Yiliang.

Zhu Li is a very casual person, and Xu Zhi saw it with his own eyes today. They went to the construction site temporarily, and Zhu Li was the driver himself. The off-road vehicle was indeed a bit "horrible". Xu Zhi saw that he did not have the style of the project manager below, but no matter how much he guessed, he could not imagine that such a person would have billions of dollars.

What is the concept of hundreds of millions?

Vice President Zhang Hua can pull more than 10 million in business every year, and the hospital has specially allocated him an Audi, and the annual business reward is also 100,000 to 200,000 yuan. Speaking of which, he should have a net worth of two or three million, Zhu Li seems to have his style?

Thinking about it is really unbelievable.

The estimated project budget of Xinpu Citizens East Plaza is close to 300 million, all of which are invested by Zhujiang Construction. As the big boss of Zhujiang Construction, doesn't Zhu Li have a net worth of several hundred million?

Seeing Xu Zhi in a trance, Chen Zhirang felt that his words were questioned, and asked with a smile, "Why, Xu Gong also thinks that Mr. Zhu doesn't look like a person with a fortune of several hundred million? To be honest, how much property does the big boss above have? The people below us are all guessing. We can only make general estimates, but some things are public. For example, Mr. Zhao of Meishan Iron and Steel, although he personally has only 2% of the shares in Meixi Industry, but Meixi Industry Co., Ltd. Now the market value is 5 billion, let alone other assets, just this asset, Mr. Zhao of Meishan Iron and Steel is a real billionaire. The old man who started with Shen County in the early years, even if not all of them are billionaires, but in this life You don't have to worry about money. Xugong, if you're going to be successful in the future, don't forget our old brothers..."

Xu Zhi could feel that Chen Zhirang said this, the envy in his eyes was real, and he asked with some uncertainty: "Mr. Zhao of Meigang, and Mr. Zhu of your company, all started with the county magistrate Shen. of?"

"Ah, you don't even know this, do you?" Chen Zhirang was stunned.

"XCMG usually focuses on business and doesn't know much about the city's affairs," Wang Mingda explained for Xu Zhi.

Chen Zhirang didn't have any doubts. He entered the Zhujiang River early to build, and he knew the story of the Meigang Department very well. Knowing who Shen Huai has supported and reused over the years, he has always taken a slant, and ordinary people can't guess the context.

Chen Zhirang looked at Xu Zhi and pondered in his heart: Maybe it was this stunned young man who didn't know anything, so he didn't want to be nice to Shen Huai, while other people who deliberately wanted to appeal to Shen Huai's appetite were under Shen Huai's eyes. Unable to hold on, I shook my head and sighed inwardly, this is my life, looking at Xu Zhi's eyes became more and more envious.

Zhang Hua looked at Chen Zhirang's expression, and became more and more determined to pull Xu Zhi to join the team.

Although Chen Zhirang's work in Zhujiang Construction can only be regarded as a middle-level, but as an old man of Zhujiang Construction and Meigang Department, his judgment on Shen Huai's preferences should still be accurate. Since he believes that Xu Zhi can flourish, then he is affiliated with the design and office company. Xu Zhi must not be missing.

After drinking and arranging a car to take Chen Zhirang home, Zhang Hua directly pulled Xu to talk about the formation of a new company in the box.

I can't blame Zhang Hua for being eager. He wants to put the business of Xinpu Citizen East Plaza directly under the name of the new company, and the establishment of the affiliated company must start immediately.

Xinpu Citizen East Plaza, the estimated project budget is 300 million yuan, and even if the engineering design fee is calculated at 1% and then discounted, it is still a huge sum of 200,000 to 3 million yuan.

This amount of money is a small amount for Mei Gang. If Zhang Hua continues to stay in the Municipal Planning and Design Institute, he will have to work hard for at least ten years to save this amount of money.

Of course, without one or two key figures, Zhang Hua could not be sure to transfer this business from the design institute to the new company.

Therefore, Zhang Hua also bluntly told Xu Zhi: "Director Wang and I have been planning for a while, and want to establish a company with the Design Institute. As for me, I will continue to stay in the hospital, I want to resign, the above If I don't agree, I have no choice but to let Director Wang be in charge of the specific business of the new company. However, Director Wang also said that he was alone and had to pick a few backbones from the yard. They were partners. He was the first person I recommended to me. you……"

"..." This news was a bit too sudden for Xu Zhi.

"In the new company, Director Wang and I will put together 1 million to inject capital, so we will take more will also give some shares to key designers, not too much. In order to prevent others from having Opinion, I will give you 100,000 yuan under my name, which is considered as your 10% shareholding. Of course, after the establishment of the new company, the first thing to do is to bring the business of Xinpu Citizen East Plaza to the name of the new company. Trying to earn 3 million design fees can be regarded as the first lottery for the new company. Xiao Xu, together with Director Wang, you need to do more work in Xinpu, how about it?"

"..." Xu Zhi was completely stunned. The business of Xinpu Citizen's East Plaza came over, and he accounted for 10% of the 3 million design fee. That is to say, he could get 300,000 with a little effort!

Seeing that Xu Zhi was silent and there was no expression on his face, Zhang Hua felt a little troubled and exchanged glances with Wang Mingda.

Wang Mingda turned his back on Xu Zhi's vision and gave Zhang Hua a "two"; Zhang Hua frowned, secretly feeling that Xu Zhi usually looks dazed, but he is not confused, the three million is almost for nothing Yes, obviously 600,000 won't satisfy his appetite.

Zhang Hua was ruthless, and said to Xu Zhi earnestly: "Brother, take your heart out of you, 10% is reserved for the backbone designers, I, Director Wang, and you, the three of us, we will not divide each other in the company. How about everyone taking 30% of the shares, the new company will inject capital to keep up with the funds paid to it, or I will come with Director Wang..." l3l4


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