Step by Step to Win

Chapter 185: planning

"Don't worry, we will definitely not lose when we go to Korea this time. We have been preparing for half a month. We have been preparing for a game for so long. If we lose the game again, we will be shameless? The last time we went to Korea to lose. Yes, that’s inexperienced. This time in Korea, I will definitely be able to win the game..."

Sitting in his own home, Gao Shunyao was talking endlessly, talking about the hard work of his training and sufficient competition during this time. Tomorrow they will go to Korea to play. Before leaving, in order to make Chen Sirou feel at ease and believe that he can win, Gao Shunyao is emphasizing their will to win.

Sitting opposite him, Chen Sirou put her cheeks in her hands, and listened quietly to his boasting with a smile, until he said that he was tired, she couldn't help but open her mouth.


"I'm bragging? You didn't see how serious we are now..."

Gao Shunyao's words immediately rang again, and Chen Sirou had been smiling as he listened to him. Although she couldn't bear the look of his seizure, she still liked to hurt Gao Shunyao, but she knew that he had played really well during this period of time.

With the end of the summer, Gao Shunyao really played better and better. He was in excellent form in eight games and eight goals. His words are definitely not bragging. Her boyfriend is now the hottest striker in Japan, and Chen Sirou is also proud of it.

Gao Shunyao's success, Chen Sirou is always the first to share with him. And what makes Chen Sirou even more happy is that he has also successfully signed several sponsorship contracts during this period, and his income has increased. Fame. Benefits, achievements, these things all follow one after another. Compared to pure football results, everything in life is better and it is also worthy of joy.

Since the summer, Gao Shunyao's life can be said to be quite perfect: not just the team's performance, income, fame, and even. Even many other aspects of life are going uphill. For example. The change in Gao Shunyao's father's attitude towards him made Gao Shunyao very happy.

Gao Shunyao once worried that if he chose to play football, his parents might not be very happy: Gao Shunyao's father is a businessman. She has been shrewd for a lifetime and used her brain to do business every day. In Gao Shun Yao's eyes, she has always been a wise man. My father is not a fan, and he should be rather indifferent to the physical work of playing football. Gao Shunyao didn't make much money when he played football, and he worried that his parents would not like his job.

Sometimes, Gao Shunyao also felt that he was worried, his parents hadn't actually said anything-after all. Gao Shunyao was originally not a particularly promising child. He just didn't choose to play football. Most of it was after returning from studying in Japan. Watching his parents at home. Compared to that life, although playing football does not seem to be a job for a smart person, it is still a job anyway, and his parents did not expect him to become a scientist. However, Gao Shunyao was not an obedient child in front of his parents since he was a child, so he was used to being disciplined. He himself chose his job without the consent of his parents, and he was worried that his parents were unhappy.

Such emotions. It was not until this summer that it was relieved: after the national team game was over, Gao Shunyao finally got his long-awaited commercial contract. His income has increased, and he also feels that his own is somewhat accomplished. After returning home to play in the summer, he also went home to meet his parents.

As for the fact that he has now joined the national team and became an international player, his father has no dissatisfaction.

"No matter what you are doing, it is not easy to be able to do it well." When he came home, his father, who had never liked football very much, also revealed his admiration for him in his words, even when he was dining with his father. , His father poured him a glass of wine specially, "Man, you should find something to do when you grow up. No matter what you do, as long as you can do it well, then you can. I sent you to Japan, not to make What abilities do you really learn--you can't learn it in the first place--I want you to learn to be independent, to be able to live independently from your parents, that's enough."

Although he told his father that he could not learn anything, Gao Shunyao still disagrees, but from his father's tone, Gao Shunyao also heard that his father thought he had grown up, which made him extremely happy.

In his father's eyes, he is no longer a little kid who doesn't understand anything, who can only make troubles, make troubles, and don't study well. He is also a man now, and this compliment makes him extremely proud. It makes him happy compared to the hundred news published in the media.

"Even my dad knows that the better I play now, the better. I just called my dad, and he asked me to play well."

Gao Shunyao was also very happy when talking to Chen Sirou about the family affairs, but his unintentional words made Chen Sirou narrow his eyes with a look of dissatisfaction.

Chen Sirou was also very happy that he was praised by his father. But mentioning his father, Chen Sirou was dissatisfied with Gao Shunyao. There is a reason for her dissatisfaction: because Gao Shunyao and his father talked about playing football, but didn't talk about love in detail.

Gao Shunyao told his dad that he had chosen to play football, and his parents accepted it. However, he was afraid that he would give his father too much new news and that his parents would not be able to accept it. He did not tell his parents that he was living with the girl. . This is different from finding a job by himself. In front of his parents, he is a little afraid to mention his love. After finding a girlfriend, it was enough to tell his parents about this, but he had already cohabited with the girl, and sometimes even thought of whether he wanted to get married quickly appeared in his heart, but he dared not say these things to his parents.

Parents now feel that he has grown up and has a career. If he tells his parents that he can even get married, he always feels that he has grown too fast, I am afraid it is difficult for his parents to accept it.

I'm only 21 years old. Whether my parents can accept that I grew up so fast, I'm afraid it's still a question. After all, most of his peers are still in college, but he has married and started his career, and his development is not at the same pace as others.

This incident made Chen Sirou annoyed when he thought of it. If you don't talk about things while your parents are happy, when will this guy wait?

"If you really worry about your dad's disagreement, I have a way to solve this problem. If we can break up, you don't have to worry about telling your dad."

Chen Sirou said something like a temper, and made Gao Shunyao laugh with her, "Don't always scare me, okay? I'm timid and not scared."

Chen Sirou curled her lips and ignored his excuse.

"Don't worry, next time, next time I see my dad, I will tell him what happened to us, and you can rest assured, my dad will definitely not say anything." Gao Shunyao could only accompany a smiling face in front of Chen Sirou, "I Didn’t he just say a lot about playing football? I’m not a kid anymore. He doesn’t care about everything. And even if he doesn’t agree with me, he’s not afraid. It’s really impossible. We will go to Europe for two years. Go back again."

Gao Shunyao's words were automatically regarded as nonsense by Chen Sirou, but a sentence in his words caught Chen Sirou's attention, "Europe?"

"Well...I haven't told you yet. I had to wait until I got a quasi-credit letter before telling you. Sato told me that an agent from Europe has already contacted him. I went to play in Europe. Now it’s not a rumor, but it’s really eye-catching. The league is still two months away. Sato said that in these two months, there should be almost a plausible letter. In winter, I will be able to transfer to Europe."

Speaking of this, Gao Shunyao was a little excited.

Since the start of the second half of the season, Gao Shunyao has played very well, scoring eight goals in eight games. During the period after the end of the World Cup, his scoring efficiency is the first in the J-League. And his goal has brought him enough benefits: the matter of leaving Japan for Europe was still a rumor before, but now there is actual operation.

To play in Europe, you must first find an agent: Although most of the players’ agents are Japanese, some players still use their own Japanese agents after arriving in Europe. However, many Japanese agents are It's clear that I don't have a very good way in Europe, and wanting to send players there to play is not very helpful. Rather than trying **** your own, it is better to cooperate with European brokers. Everyone gains part of the benefits, which is worse than delaying each other.

After all, when players play in Europe, their salaries will increase a lot. When playing in Japan, the players are limited by their years of merit, but once they go abroad, the players' income soars-Nagatomo's annual salary reached 600,000 euros after he arrived in Italy, and Kagawa Shinji's salary was similar, compared to when he was in Japan. , Their salary has risen a lot, even if the European brokerage company splits part of it, the broker still has a profit.

This kind of cooperation is not uncommon in Yuu goes to Italy to play, and there are Italian agents working hard in it. And now, Sato has also contacted the European brokerage company, and they have matched, and want to go to Europe, it can be said that it is half done.

Although these are still secrets to the outside world, the actions of the brokerage company are more noteworthy than those promoted by the outside world. After all, they are different from the media. They do not need hype or publicity to do things, but they are the ones who really do things. The relationship between the agency and the club is always inextricably linked. They can introduce players to European clubs, and even have some signings that can directly affect the club. As an Asian player, someone is busy with their transfers. This is Very important thing.

This is the first time Chen Sirou has heard of this. This was a period of time when the media was very hot, and she had anticipated this, and now she heard Gao Shunyao mention it, she was not surprised.

However, she still has a small question, she didn’t figure it out, "European agent? Which country’s agent? Which country are you going to play? Have you discussed with Li Ze? Don’t be silly again. ."

"I am so stupid!" Gao Shunyao complained helplessly, "Moreover, I must discuss with Li Ze, his meaning is actually the same as mine, we all think it is best to go to the Bundesliga." to be continued)

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