Step by Step to Win

Chapter 206: Clash

When the whistle blew, the AFC Champions League final finally opened in the eyes of all eyes. Facing the oppression of Gao Shunyao, Ogle quickly found in his heart that the big forward opposite was indeed well-deserved.

As the main defender of Seongnam, Ogg has always been regarded as one of the strongest defenders in Asia because of his outstanding performance in the AFC this season. Even with Seongnam reaching the AFC Champions League final, some people believe that Ogg will be one of the biggest favorites in the selection of Asian footballers. As a defender, his strength is largely derived from his own insight. A good defender can only gain a foothold if he has enough insight. After kicking the ball, Ogg was also analyzing the opponent's strength very quickly.

At the beginning of the game, he did not care about his opponent: the overall strength of Tokyo FC is not strong in his eyes. After the final whistle blew, the game between the two sides was not particularly intense. Tokyo and Seongnam are not strong offensive teams. After the two teams got the ball, neither of them launched a fluent offensive. Instead, they both played a little restrained and conservative.

Seongnam is a South Korean team. They don't have the habit of cooperating quickly and smoothly to win. Moreover, in Japan, playing away games, they will not be full to oppress their opponents. And Tokyo, as a Japanese team, and it can be called a home game, they actually play like this. If you don’t consider the tension factor of reaching the final after playing the AFC for the first time, then you can only say that they really are The tactics are conservative.

Offense wins the audience, defense wins the championship, Ogg has also heard of this principle. Tokyo seems to be a club with few fans in Japan. Even in Tokyo, it is said that the number of fans of Yokohama Mariners and Kashima Antlers exceeds them. Such a team has reached the AFC finals, which has nothing to do with their style of play.

And speaking of it, all teams that dare to play conservative football must have the ability to counterattack. A team that only shrinks and does not counterattack will definitely struggle to play well. Tokyo dares to play so conservatively, the biggest reliance should be the young man next to him.

Ogg raised his head and looked at Gao Shunyao running on the court. He also watched a lot of his videos before the game. But when the game really started, he realized that he might have underestimated him before. In the video, he couldn't see Gao Shunyao's fighting spirit and high spirits, and now. He felt it clearly.

This forward is not easy to deal with.

Just like Tokyo went all out for this game, Seongnam also made a lot of preparations before facing the final. In those preparations, the opponent's forward is also a player who has been repeatedly emphasized. This tall center with a height of 1.9 meters has always been regarded as the top high center in Asia. Before the game, Shen Tailong also repeatedly emphasized that Ogg had to stare at him no matter what.

Ogg didn't really care about this at first: he had a great physical advantage, and he didn't think Gao Shunyao was capable of fighting him. However, at the beginning of the game, he almost suffered a big loss. Tokyo's first offense was a high pass. Ogg originally thought that he was stuck in the position and was able to fight for the first point, but to his surprise, Gao Shunyao, who was killed from the side, used an extremely amazing bounce to grab the dominant position.

Not only is he tall, but his other abilities are also very good-although he won the header by strength, Ogg also recognized Gao Shunyao's strength. However, what made him depressed was that that was just the beginning.

quickly. Tokyo launched another attack, and this time, confronting Ogg again in the air and found that Gao Shunyao was able to win the header. Although he still does not have the advantage in the air confrontation, there is no way to adjust the angle of the header. However, relying on his excellent jumping and header skills, he managed to get the ball to his teammates' feet.

Gao Shunyao's response made his teammates a direct beneficiary. Qingwu Hongsi who got the ball immediately put in a long-range shot. Zheng Chenglong jumped up quickly and lifted his shot out of the crossbar.

This shot threat is not too big. Qing Wu Hongsi was a little impatient, and did not pose a real threat. However, listening to the sighs on the surrounding court, Ogg didn't think in his heart that this ball would really be a relief.

Although he didn't concede the ball, Gao Shunyao's struggle for the top scared him into a cold sweat. He doubted how long he could hold on not conceding the ball if he continued playing like this.

Gao Shunyao's height and weight are not as good as his own. Just now, he has proved that he does not have much advantage in a frontal confrontation, whether it is a breakthrough or a top competition. In the video, I saw his breakthrough: swaying from an angle and then leaning on his body to brute force, that kind of tactics didn't work for Ogg. And his previous heading method of hitting the ball directly into the goal in mid-air was not very useful in front of him, but as the confrontation became more and more, Ogg gradually discovered that Gao Shunyao was playing. At the time, it may not be entirely dependent on his physical condition.

His jumping is excellent, his strength is not weak, and the most important thing is that his header is not based on height alone, but is very skillful. If he couldn't hit the goal, he just cooperated with his teammates. He seemed to know that his lateral turning was a weakness, so he constantly wanted to plan for his teammates to plug in the back row. Such a clever way of kicking the ball was enough to make himself a headache.

Even more frightening is that although he has the advantage of header, it seems that Gao Shunyao does not rely on his header advantage. On the contrary, he even moved more and more outside, always retreating deeply.

This kind of play also made Ogg anxious: the opponent did not hold on to his only advantage, but was ready to expand to new advantages. If you keep up and expand the defensive area, you might not be able to manage it. And if he doesn't keep up, he knows very well that his team's midfielder will never look down on Gao Shunyao. He doesn't get angry with himself on the court, but wants to launch a whole team offense smarter, which is particularly scary.

His idea was not wrong, and soon Tokyo found an opportunity.

This time the offense, Tokyo is still playing defensive counterattacks. In an attack from Seongnam, Yasuyuki Konano spotted the opponent's passing line and suddenly grabbed the ball and broke the ball. After he got the ball, he handed it directly to the midfielder Hideo Takahashi. Hideto Takahashi didn't hesitate to pass, and kicked the ball to the frontcourt.

The direct pass of Hideto Takahashi flew towards Gao Shunyao directly through the crowd. The route of football is very straight and positive, from the backcourt to the penalty area, directly in place, strong penetrating and fast, this is definitely a very good pass.

The South Korean defenders have not been able to shrink immediately at this time. They did not expect that this time Tokyo FC's counterattack would be so direct and sharp. In the penalty area, only Gao Shunyao and Ogg were running towards the ball's landing point. Gao Shunyao's running position was obviously one step faster than Ogg. He got stuck in front of Ogg and ran towards the ball's landing spot. Past.

In this regard, Ogg was not too anxious. He did not choose to entangle Gao Shunyao personally. He could see that the route of football seemed a little low, and it was not suitable for heading the ball to hit the goal at the first time. This kind of ball is more likely to be used for defenders. So, after Gao Shunyao unloaded the ball, the choice should be made to his teammates. Ogg worried that if he went to defend Gao Shunyao immediately, Qingwu Hongsi would get a chance, so he took a step back and wanted to resist two people's insertion at the same time.

A defender wants to resist the cooperation of the opponent's two forwards. If it is not for someone with some ability, it really can't do it. However, Ogg has seen Tokyo's moves in this game, and the choice he made at this time is naturally not just focusing on Gao Shunyao.

He stood two meters behind Gao Shunyao and did not immediately attach it. In this position, he can make the best judgment and next move-if Gao Shunyao wants to turn to the left and then kicks the shot, he can step to the left to block his shooting angle, if Gao Shunyao wants to If he wants to turn right and pass the ball to Qing Wu Hongsi, he can take a step forward and block Gao Shunyao's passing angle. Although he only has one defender, as long as he can judge Gao Shunyao's approach and cooperate with Zheng Chenglong, it is very possible to block the opponent's attack.

This choice is quite a bit domineering as a top defense player, but Ogg understands in his heart that this is also related to his characteristics-his lateral movement speed is not fast enough, this is a very fatal injury, if he moves forward If he didn't, he couldn't prevent Gao Shunyao from turning around suddenly.

His worry was correct. After Gao Shunyao faced the ball, his right leg was slightly raised, and he easily kicked the ball under the football, kicking the ball into the air. His stop is not particularly stable, but this time, he kept the football within a controllable range. As expected by Ogg, Gao Shunyao's next move turned out to be one step to the left, volleyed, and kicked the ball out!

When he was playing Ogg was already flying forward to stop the football. However, the tricky angle of the football and the bizarre speed still prevented him from touching the ball. The football crossed his defense and flew towards the goal. Zheng Chenglong also took a step slower and seemed to really be about to score.

It's a pity that this ball seems to be a bit too angled. Football Peng hit the goal with a sound, bounced out of the goal, and did not become a goal.

On the court, Gao Shunyao tried his best to conceal his disappointment. Ogg's blocking forced him to find an angle, and the ball was kicked badly. He took a breath, scratched his hair, and ran back. A good chance did not make a goal, he was quite disappointed.

However, for Ogg, this shot also made him startled in a cold sweat. It seems that Gao Shunyao is not only strong in physical fitness. He can shoot such a tricky ball. Maybe he underestimates his shooting skills. This time the confrontation won by corners, but I can't expect to have a goal post to rescue every opportunity, and I must be more careful next time I confront.

The successive confrontations told him a clear truth: Gao Shunyao's strength is extraordinary. (To be continued.) xh118

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