In 45 minutes of the game, Wolfsburg finally scored a goal. After a half-time sports battle attempt, after the header hit the goal, Wolfsburg unexpectedly broke the Atletico Madrid's gate with a ground ball in a set ball. The sudden attack and the strange and unpredictable way made this ball even after the goal was scored, which still makes people feel unbelievable. Seeing the Wolfsburg players running wildly on the field celebrating, whether they are Wolfsburg fans or Atletico Madrid fans, they all feel that these guys are really incredible.

In a long pass from the ground, the forward intentionally leaked the ball to support his teammates. The defender played the axis in the frontcourt, and the midfielder inserted a long shot to score the goal-Wolfsburg's offense, even if you look at it after the past, it makes people feel endless aftertaste. Such a shot has condensed too many players. Hard work. In the Champions League semi-final contest, it is really exciting to see such a beautiful goal. This goal made the entire stadium restless during the halftime.

On the one hand, Wolfsburg fans are cheering for the scored football. His team's offense in this half of the game has not been smooth, and finally scored a beautiful goal. The fans naturally rejoiced. On the other hand, they are also excited about the situation of the game. No one can see that after scoring a goal, Wolfsburg's advantage has expanded too much.

"After scoring this goal, Atletico will be much more dangerous. Atletico is stronger than Wolfsburg. It stands to reason that even if they play overtime, they will not suffer. But Atletico's physical strength is worse than Wolfsburg. , Overtime matchups, they may not be able to stick to it. If Atletico Madrid played a little aggressively after the start, maybe their situation would look much better now."

Looking at the scene of the game, the commentator was also doing analysis. After scoring a goal from Wolfsburg, he also understood that the situation of Atletico Madrid in this game is also dangerous. After the start of the second half, Atletico Madrid was afraid it would not be so good. As a commentator, he couldn't help but began to criticize Atletico's conservative tactics. But he himself knew that his views were actually nothing more than an afterthought.

His comment looked like that. But in fact, there are many problems. Sometimes, theory and reality cannot be seen separately. It must be said that Atletico does not have enough aggressiveness if they do not attack. This is too wrong for Simeone.

Away goals scored one top two. Everyone knows that, in the case of Atletico, as long as the away goal can be scored, they will be able to win steadily. They are not unclear. However, considering the strength of both sides, even if Atletico Madrid want to score away goals, they have to consider whether they have this ability.

Atletico Madrid's home game has proved the confrontation between Wolfsburg and Atletico Madrid. Atletico's advantage is not too great. Even if it is at home and the whistle is in their favor, they have not been able to achieve a big victory over Wolfsburg. In the Atletico Madrid lineup, after all, there is a lack of top players, and their offense depends on the whole, which also makes it difficult for them to face extremely tightly defensive opponents. If they attack with all their strength, they will have to put in a lot of manpower. Although it is possible to get a chance, they will also have flaws in their backcourt. And these flaws can be exploited by others.

In this game, Wolfsburg demonstrated their wing attack ability from the very beginning. Although in the game, they did not rely on this ability to successfully pose a threat. But if Simeone's team really dared to press on, who knows whether Wolfsburg will catch them by surprise? Moreover, even if Atletico Madrid press up, how can they guarantee that they will score a goal? If there is no goal, but a lot of physical energy is consumed, then what should be done?

If Wolfsburg's offense is as bad as Chelsea. Atletico will attack without hesitation. And if Wolfsburg's defense is as poor as Arsenal, Simeone will not hesitate. However, Wolfsburg is not one of those teams after all, their strength is still very strong, which makes Simeone have to choose his own approach.

The defense may be more conservative, but it is the best way for both sides to have a bit of anxious offense. Even if the Wolf Castle's strange tricks are repeated, the success of Atletico Madrid's defensive is indisputable, this is an indisputable fact. At least, even if Atletico Madrid are overcast now, they did not consume too much energy in the half-court defense, and they still saved the possibility of attacking.

As long as they have physical strength, they have hope of a comeback.

Sometimes, it is always easy as a critic to comment on the game afterwards, but the players and coaches who really compete on the court also have different ideas. Just like this game, the commentator can certainly be said that Atletico Madrid’s conservativeness led to Wolfsburg’s counterattack, but if Atletico Madrid defended and did not concede the ball in 90 minutes, then Simeone’s tactical arrangement is simply very clever— -In the case of insufficient physical strength, it is naturally very remarkable to be able to use reasonable defense to defeat the enemy. And if Simeone really let his team attack out, maybe Atletico Madrid will be abused by Wolfsburg even worse, and they will not even have the power to fight back. The commentator has not considered the consequences.

After all, critics are not the coach of the team, they only need to think about how to win, not how to lose. But such a thing, as the coach of the team, must be considered.

In fact, on the court, it wasn't just Simeone who thought so. After scoring a goal, Wolfsburg's players also started a full defense and returned to their own half. After the start of the second half, the Wolfsburg players no longer pressed on, but quickly retreated back and built a defense in their own half.

The game seemed to return to the situation of the previous game, Wolfsburg once again chose to defend, and Atletico was about to attack again. Like Atletico in the first half, after seeing the situation turned into an advantage over them, the players of Wolfsburg stopped thinking about attacking blindly. They know very well that if they continue to attack, Atletico will fight back, and they will be too much. Therefore, after the score became a tie, Atletico had to press it out, but Wolfsburg quickly retracted and built a defense in his own backcourt.

The score between the two sides was 1-1. In this case, Wolfsburg also chose to delay time. However, unlike Atletico, the reason why Atletico is fully defended is because they lack physical strength and do not have sufficient physical strength, so that they have to use defense to strive for longer persistence. The Wolf Fort's physical strength is very sufficient. They want to rely on their physical strength to strive for the advantage in the final stage, and at the last moment, strike the enemy again.

The tactics of Wolfsburg's own choice are also very risky. After all, they are playing at home. If Atletico really scores a goal before they run out of energy, Wolfsburg will be in an extremely dangerous position.

However, for Wolfsburg, this is also their safest tactic: Wolfsburg, like Atletico, is not the kind of team that is strong enough to take care of both offense and defense and play top threats at the same time on both ends. If they want to take care of one side, they must put down the other side. If they continue to maintain the offense, it will be difficult for them to maintain the defense in the backcourt, so they also have to retreat.

They also know that if Atletico Madrid suddenly scores a goal at this time, then this game, they will undoubtedly lose. However, if they don't, they will only lose faster.

Everyone likes to watch the offense, but at the same time of offense, the team's defensive problems are always exposed. In the big game, in order to win more safely, sometimes they have to give up offense appropriately.

Atletico Madrid's first half, Wolfsburg's second half, is the same reason. Both sides of the game, no matter who has the advantage, will become conservative. However, the only difference between Wolfsburg and Atletico is that Atletico's idea is to stick to 90 minutes to win directly. For them, the later the game, the more dangerous their situation. For Wolfsburg, their idea is to wait until Atletico Madrid runs out of energy before launching an offensive, so the longer the game, the better it will be for them.

Atletico Madrid's physical strength is constantly losing, and with this exhaustion, they will also play worse and worse. Maybe after 70 minutes, their offense will no longer be sharp. After 80 minutes, they can no longer launch a good offense, and after 90 minutes, in overtime, it is difficult to say whether they can hold on to the defense.

Wolfsburg is not afraid of delaying time. After all, a set of lineups play three fronts, and it is still a highly confrontational style of Atletico Madrid, their physical strength cannot be used. And if the Atletico Madrid players are really tired and can't stand it, then it's time for Wolfsburg to counterattack.

In contrast, Atletico's chances are left with the last attempt to score an away goal. They are also the ones who need to gamble now.

Compared to their Wolf Castle played more steadily. All they have to do now is to wait and wait for their attack time to come. Regarding the rhythm of the game, Magath controlled very steadily.

In this game, if Magath really has the upper hand in any place, then in addition to the unexpected attack, he used his experience to bring the rhythm of the game into his own control. The pressure in the opening made Atletico give up the idea of ​​temptation to attack. Simeone felt that with one goal in his hand, it was not cost-effective to play against the offensive battle-Magath used the fluke psychology of Atletico. Compared with Simeone, Magat doesn't have many advantages. The honor and praise he won at his age is not as good as Simeone, and the team he brings out is not as strong as Simeone. This has already proved very clear. He is not as good as the young marshal opposite.

However, compared to Simeone, maybe his other abilities are inferior, but in terms of experience, he still has to win. Having been a coach for a few more years is not for nothing, after all, even if he can't beat his opponent in tactics, he still has some ways to fight psychological warfare.

And relying on this advantage and his players, in the game, Wolfsburg gained the upper hand.

And now, their advantages have begun to continue to ferment. (To be continued.)

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