Step by Step to Win

Chapter 537: Bell

I wanted to use a fast break to break through the opponent's door, but the fast break did not succeed. Instead, the opponent's counterattack broke the door. This development is really unexpected for the Wolfsburg players. Although before the game, they were ready to face a strong opponent in this game, but Real Madrid gave them this smashing power, which is still a bit powerful.

Quick adaptation, sharp counterattack, Ronaldo's super personal ability, the things that Real Madrid is famous for, have all been presented to them at the beginning of the game. Real Madrid used the most arrogant posture to tell of their own strength, and facing such an opponent, the Wolfsburg players also felt a lot of pressure.

The players of Wolfsburg, under the attack of Real Madrid, the mentality is also a little bit depressed. For example, Rong, who was breached just now, is the one with the most pressure on the field. It is impossible for any player to be so overwhelmed by his opponent in the Champions League final. However, the current situation on the court does not allow Wolfsburg to do more reveries, because with the goal, Real Madrid's momentum has also risen, and their offense has begun. Facing such an opponent, Wolfsburg’s The performance is also a bit poor.

In fact, although it is said that Real Madrid's offensive is now unfolding, in fact, the situation on the field did not show a tendency to be one-sided due to the changes in the score. Real Madrid is not eager to attack, but because Wolfsburg has converged, Real Madrid has some initiative in the midfield. Their front line, from the beginning of their penalty area, pushed to the vicinity of the midfield line, where they formed a stalemate with Wolfsburg.

From this game to the present, Real Madrid seems to have not aggressively attacked at all. Their guiding ideology still seems to be defensive counterattacks. Even after scoring a goal, they did not become anxious because of it. Standing in their own half, Real Madrid is still carefully organizing offense and defense, not in a hurry to cover up.

Their attitude. It seems a bit negative, but it has an advantage in the score. Even if it is negative, it can be said to be calm and spicy. After all, although Real Madrid is not eager to attack, their attack is still very good at grasping the opportunity, when the opportunity arises, they are not reluctant to start.

On the court, they are also looking for opportunities. Although Wolfsburg retreated, but for defense. There was still a fierce fight in the midfield, and when the football passed to Benzema, Perisic of Wolfsburg immediately rushed to steal. Facing the opponent's snatch, Benzema did not immediately attack. On the contrary, he turned around with the ball to avoid the upper grab, then passed the ball and gave the ball to Dimari who was running behind Perisic. Ya.

Benzema did not choose to break by himself, but passed the ball with one kick!

Benzema's choice is not really amazing. But, as the starting center of a team like Real Madrid, in the offensive. The first choice is not to come by yourself, but to give the ball to your teammates. This approach also makes people slightly a bit funny. This player, Benzema, was once known as Ronaldo's successor when he debuted, but compared to Ronaldo, he is ultimately less aggressive and murderous.

However, although he does not have this kind of murderousness, Real Madrid players are not lacking. For example, Di Maria who received the ball at this time. Just use his impact to show what is the top lethality. After getting the ball. Di Maria also rushed up in the middle, facing Wolfsburg's backcourt. A direct charge was launched.

Real Madrid’s attack obviously attaches great importance to a quick counterattack after getting the football. Although Wolfsburg's lineup is now shrinking quite tightly, and Real Madrid players don't seem to have too many opportunities, but after getting the football, they did not hesitate to launch a fast break. Di Maria took the ball and tried to make a breakthrough on the right, opening the gap in Wolfsburg's defense.

Of course, Wolfsburg would not give him such an opportunity. In front of him, Rodriguez was also seriously defending. However, Di Maria's foot easily changed to the left, and Rodriguez's interception was avoided in the first step. Although Wolf Castle's blockade was considered excellent, it was still not enough in front of him after all. Rodriguez played well in the Bundesliga, but facing Di Maria, he couldn't keep up with the opponent's footsteps.

The skills of these South American players are indeed excellent. Fortunately, on the Wolfsburg side, Rodriguez had not expected Rodriguez to stop Di Maria alone. By Rodríguez's side, Shaheen had already taken his position at this time, and Gustavo also quickly moved closer from Di Maria's side. Facing Di Maria's attack alone, Wolfsburg mobilized three people to participate in the defense. They set up a world around Di Maria and prepared to intercept Di Maria's crazy assault.

At the beginning, they were successfully broken by Cristiano Ronaldo, but that breakthrough was, in the final analysis, only a defensive counterattack. Ronaldo’s breakthrough was very good, but after all, he was not facing the full defense of Wolfsburg. This gave him the opportunity to take advantage. Now, Wolfsburg is fully defensive, and Di Maria is facing great challenges .

Even if it was him, it would be difficult for him to get out in such a siege. His forward movement stopped, looking for a new opportunity. However, Wolf Castle would naturally not give him such an opportunity. When he stopped, Shaheen and Rodriguez on the front were still defending, while Gustavo on the side directly rushed forward.

He wanted to cut off Di Maria's ball in the first time, so that he could not continue to attack.

Gustavo's top grab can be said to be extremely threatening. However, it was precisely because of his attack that behind him, there was an empty space on the left side of Di Maria. Faced with this situation, Di Maria did not hesitate at all. When Gustavo was on the go, he pulled the ball backwards under his feet, and then swiped to the left to let the football arrive. Behind Gustavo, ran from the right to the middle road!

Facing this interception, although Wolfsburg did a good job, Di Maria still found a way out with technology. However, although this kick made him throw Gustavo off, but Shaheen also made up for him. His breakthrough seemed to be unable to move forward.

However, even though Di Maria couldn't move forward, he still noticed it. Because of his movement, Wolfsburg's defense line had been somewhat loosened. After this pass, he also attracted the attention of Wolfsburg. At this time, his teammates also have a great opportunity.

And he believes that the strength of his teammates is also very good.

Di Maria hooked her foot and passed the ball behind her back with a heel pass. Behind him, Bell has quickly plugged in at this time. After getting the ball, he didn't have as many delicate movements as Di Maria, he directly broke through with big strides like the wind, drove straight in from the open space exposed by Shaheen, and slammed into the backcourt of Wolfsburg!

Relying on the cooperation of two people, Real Madrid once again broke through the defense of Wolfsburg. Their frontcourt players are indeed amazing. At this moment, Ronaldo has already outflanked the other side, waiting for a cooperation with Bell. The opponent's three top breakthrough players took turns to wreak havoc on Wolf Castle's back line, which also put Wolf Castle under great pressure.

As long as Bell passes the ball, this is another good opportunity, and the gate of Wolfsburg will suffer again.

However, for this kick, Bell did not choose to pass the ball. Outside the penalty area, he has already made his own choice without waiting for Wolfsburg's defensive line players to get close. Standing five meters away from the penalty area, his forward pace suddenly stopped. Just in front of the penalty area, he suddenly shot the goal with a big kick and blasted the ball directly!

In front of the penalty area, Bell did not choose to cooperate, but chose to shoot by himself!

This choice is indeed something that none of the Wolfsburg players thought of. They originally thought that Real Madrid, which has a technical advantage, would not conduct such an offensive with insufficient precision. However, because of this, their defense was not timely enough. Benalio in front of the goal didn't even react to the shot and watched the football fly over.

With this kick, Wolfsburg's defense is completely useless. Fortunately, Bell's shot is still a bit impatient after all. The technique of long-range shooting is impossible anyway to have a single-handed shooting efficiency. Bell's long-range shooting is the same. Although he has deceived all the defenses, he is higher than the crossbar and flies out of the door frame. court.

There was a sigh from the surrounding fans. Bale’s shot did not score a goal after all. Although Real Madrid’s attack on the mid-lane was completely unable to raise its head, it was because Bale played in the final stage. Somewhat reckless, still didn't score a goal.

Standing in front of the penalty Bell's eyebrows were twisted together. The chance he had finally gotten but didn't shoot in, made him very unhappy. In Real Madrid for a year, he has not been able to show the strength that shocked the world, because of injuries, he almost became a laughing stock. Although the media have high hopes for him, his strength has always been inconsistent with his high and somewhat outrageous status.

This is an invisible pressure to Bell, and under such pressure, he is indeed a little impatient. To this day, he also wanted to score a goal in the Champions League final to show people that he was indeed a top player, but his luck was so bad after this game.

Compared with Cristiano Ronaldo's ability to directly break through the opponent's defense and score a goal, his long shot cannot score, which makes him somewhat anxious. People have always said that he will be Ronaldo's successor in the future, but judging from his current performance, he seems to be far behind.

Fortunately, this game, he still has a chance-the game is not over, he still has a chance to prove himself.

It's just that, how many more times he can get this kind of opportunity? (To be continued...)



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