
Chapter 30: Zhao Di recovered

One step and three steps, Zhong Jianguo disappeared on the stairs in a blink of an eye.

Zhong Dawa rubbed her eyes hard, his dad didn't have wings. How can you run so fast? No matter, you have to pick up the vegetables.

During times of hardship, children don't need to be explained by their elders and know that they can't waste things. Song Zhaodi once told several children that food should not be wasted, and the eldest child was also afraid that Song Zhaodi would get angry, so she picked up the basin, bent down, and picked it up with a chomp. I wanted to turn around and go home.

The eldest baby looked up and saw the second floor, his mother was too sick to get up, and her face was particularly ugly, almost like his own mother, so she couldn't make her tired anymore.

Thinking for a while, the big baby turned around and filled a basin of water. I noticed that there were rotten vegetable leaves by the water well, I guess Dad broke it off, picked it up and threw it into the duck pen.

Song Zhaodi felt her body vacated, opened her eyes and found her being held by Zhong Jianguo, frowning slightly: "What are you doing?"

Zhong Jianguo paused, lowered his head to meet Song Zhaodi's eyes, and was stunned.

Song Zhaodi touched her face subconsciously. Could it be that too much eye mucus scares Zhong Jianguo? He patted Zhong Jianguo's arm and reminded him, "What's the matter with you?"

"Are you all right?" Zhong Jianguo asked in a low voice, afraid that a louder voice would stun Song Zhaodi.

Song Zhaodi saw him with a cautious face, she didn't understand what he was doing, she couldn't just take her down to cook: "I'm dizzy, hurry up and put me down. Cough...cough..."

Zhong Jianguo hurriedly put her on the bed, touched her forehead, and squeaked: "Why is it so hot? Are you sick? No, yes, you are sick, no, what does the baby say about you? Can't you?"

"What is it?" Zhong Jianguo spoke too quickly, and Song Zhaodi's head became even more dizzy, "What does it have to do with Dawa?"

Zhong Jianguo didn't answer, turned around and opened the drawer to find the antipyretic medicine Bai Hua bought when she was still alive, and stuffed it into Song Zhaodi regardless of whether it was expired or not. He immediately went to find a thermos, poured a glass of water back, and urged, "Hurry up and take the medicine." He brought the porcelain jar to Song Zhaodi's mouth.

Song Zhaodi saw his fingers trembling, and he didn't seem to realize it. When he looked up, he saw Zhong Jianguo's eyes full of tension, but he pretended to be calm, and his heart moved, Zhong Jianguo would not be against her... think These, Song Zhaodi sighed slightly: "The water is too hot, I will eat it later." After a while, "Give me the jar."

"Oh, good." Zhong Jianguo handed out the porcelain jar subconsciously. Seeing that she could still hold the cup, it didn't look like she had run out of oil and the lamp was dry, and her thumping heart finally calmed down. Sitting down on the bed, he took a deep breath: "I, as soon as I entered the room with the vegetables, the eldest child told me that you were not good enough. I thought you, you..."

"Think I'm about to die?" Song Zhaodi felt that the porcelain jar was hot, and put her hand on the bedside, "The eldest child may be trying to say that I'm too sick, so she panicked and said with a bald mouth. It can't be done."

Zhong Jianguo calmed down and guessed this, but when he thought that he was so flustered that his heart was about to pick it out, he wanted to immediately catch the little **** Zhong Dawa and beat him up. However, the top priority is to figure out: "I was quite energetic when I was arguing with me last night. Why did I get sick overnight? Is it because Sanwa was not good at sleeping and kicked the quilt in the middle of the night."

Song Zhaodi didn't want to speak, she shook her head: "I caught a cold in the shower."

"Then you rest." Zhong Jianguo said, "I'll go back to school to ask for leave for you."

Song Zhaodi shook her head: "No. You let me sleep for a while, I'll be fine later."

"I really don't need to go to the hospital?" Zhong Jianguo and Song Zhaodi have known each other for five months. Song Zhaodi has always felt alive to Zhong Jianguo, especially when arguing with her, her voice is not high but full of domineering , so that Zhong Jianguo always thought that she was more powerful than men, and did not expect to get sick.

Zhong Jianguo used to think that there is no need to take medicine for minor diseases such as headache and fever, and it will be fine to fill half a bottle of hot water. Seeing her face is not good, she can't help but say: "If you don't want to move, I asked the doctor to come and see you at home?"

"Don't." Song Zhaodi said, "Hurry up and cook, and let me clean up for a while. By the way, Sanwa wakes up, take him out to pee."

Zhong Jianguo nodded, picked up Sanwa lying between him and Song Zhaodi, took Sanwa's clothes to the door and couldn't help but stop: "If you feel uncomfortable, you must call me ."

Song Zhaodi waved her hands annoyed.

Zhong Jianguo gently closed the door and went to the west room to see Erwa still sleeping and ignored him. Carrying the third baby to the yard, Zhong Jianguo frowned when he didn't see the big baby, and the bear child realized that he had said the wrong thing and escaped?

"Dad, the match is gone."

Zhong Dawa's voice came from the room. Zhong Jianguo turned around and saw Dawa holding an empty matchbox: "So?"

"I need some firewood." Zhong Dawa's face was full of "Are you stupid".

Zhong Jianguo was heartbroken: "Let my brother play, I will cook by myself, you don't need to set the fire."

"Don't burn it, don't burn it." Zhong Dawa glanced at him, she didn't know how to cut vegetables, and her temper was not small!

Zhong Jianguo understood, and suddenly felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. But he also counted on the big baby to take care of the third baby, and if he wanted to catch him and beat him, he could only endure it.

Around eight o'clock, Zhong Jianguo sent his eldest son and second son to school, and transferred classes for Song Zhaodi and the teacher who taught politics, and changed the English get out of class in the morning to the afternoon.

I then went to the hospital to get some cold medicine for Song Zhaodi.

Song Zhaodi took the medicine and fell asleep, and woke up to find that the room was unusually quiet. I looked at the chiming clock on the wall, it's half past eight? No wonder his stomach growled with hunger.

Zhong Jianguo returned home, walked into the living room and saw Song Zhaodi lying on the bench, frowning: "Why are you lying here? I'll transfer your class to the afternoon, and then go upstairs Get some sleep."

"I'm hungry." Song Zhaodi caught a cold when she was busy with work in her previous life, and she always cheered up to finish her work. She didn't speak, and no one could see that she was ill, and her mental state was so bluffing.

are too lazy to eat.

Zhong Jianguo saw this and quickly asked, "Is it bad? I tasted it and it's cooked."

"It's too hot." Song Zhaodi raised her eyes and saw Zhong Jianguo put down the three babies. She had great plans to feed her porridge herself, so she sat up quickly and took the bowl, "Go to the camp."

Zhong Jianguo sat next to Sanwa's arm, saw the porridge in the bowl, and frowned: "You cooked it yourself?"

"Add water." Song Zhaodi said, "My throat is a little uncomfortable, I want to drink gruel." After a while, "I'm fine, you can go."

The tiger became a sick cat, Zhong Jianguo was worried: "I'll go and invite Aunt Liu over."

"No!" People in this era will buy some medicine when they can't afford it. She just has a small cold and asks others to take care of the child for her. After speaking, she couldn't help but say that she was arrogant, "You hurry up. Don't make me talk again."

Zhong Jianguo said yes, then lowered his head and said to Sanwa: "Your mother is not feeling well, you are not allowed to make trouble with your mother, do you hear? Sanwa, if you dare to disobey, I will come back and beat you. "

Song Zhaodi suddenly thought: "Will it infect him?"

"You two slept head to head for the night, you will be infected early." Zhong Jianguo said, "It's too late to separate you now. By the way, don't cook in the morning, I Come back and cook."

Song Zhaodi nodded, Zhong Jianguo saw that she had finished drinking, sent her bowl to the kitchen, came out and said, "Don't go upstairs." Then he ran upstairs to get a pillow and quilt down , took off Sanwa's shoes again, and moved another chair over, "Let him play by himself, you sleep."

Song Zhaodi was very moved, but seeing that he still had no intention of leaving, she waved her hand in annoyance: "Hurry up."

"Aunt Liu has a phone at home, call me if you have anything." Zhong Jianguo came to the door and couldn't help but turn around.

Song Zhaodi was tired and sighed: "Got it." Then she couldn't help but say to Sanwa, "Your dad can really nagging. If I die, he will also be nagging to death."

Walking to the gate, Zhong Jianguo thought that the thermometer he borrowed from the hospital was put together with the medicine, and he forgot to remind Song Zhaodi to turn back, standing at the door and hearing Song Zhaodi's words, pursed his lips, turned around and left .

Sanwa is still young and ignorant, but he feels that Song Zhaodi today is different from Song Zhaodi yesterday. What is beating? Butt hurts.

The child watched Song Zhaodi lay down, and sat beside him playing cloth tiger. It was really boring, so I lay beside Song Zhaodi, not daring to ask Song Zhaodi to lead him out.

Zhong Jianguo picked up the eldest baby and the second baby and returned home, one big and one small wrapped in quilts and slept soundly.

Dawa subconsciously whispered: "Mother is not well yet?"

"It's too tiring." Zhong Jianguo said, "You guys will work more for your mother in the future, don't make your mother angry, it won't be so serious when your mother is sick."

Song Zhaodi can make clothes and shoes, grow vegetables, raise chickens and ducks, speak fluent English, and most importantly, cook delicious food.

When Zhong Dawa was very disappointed with Baihua, her imaginary mother was Song Zhaodi. Even on the way back, she muttered in her heart not to eat the food made by his father. Listening to Zhong Jianguo , Zhong Dawa was also reluctant to wake Song Zhaodi: "Would you like to take my mother to the hospital? Mother is getting better soon."

"No!" Zhong Jianguo said, "She is mainly tired, so she'll be fine for two days. I'm going to cook, what do you want to eat?"

Zhong Dawa thought, I want to eat more. But you can't even fry a lettuce. Do I have any other choice: "Rice, green vegetables."

"Son, are you all right?" Zhong Jianguo touched his forehead, "Are you sick and have no appetite."

Song Zhaodi sat up and said, "Do you do anything else besides cooking vegetables?" Without waiting for Zhong Jianguo to speak, he explained, "I was woken up by you. Dawa chose vegetables to understand you. Go wash the rice and wash the vegetables, I'll get it."

Have the strength to run on him? Zhong Jianguo asked quickly, "How are you?"

"The fever has subsided." Song Zhaodi said, "I am weak, but I can cook a dish."

Zhong Dawa raised her hand: "I'm going to pick up the vegetables. Erwa, go get the vegetable basket."

Erwa ran to the kitchen, I'm afraid Song Zhaodi would regret it if she was slower.

Zhong Jianguo was in a bad mood when he saw the reaction of his two sons: "Is the food I cook so bad?"

"You fry the lettuce too old, it's very unpalatable." Song Zhaodi said, "The lettuce has to be boiled in the pot. I didn't see how you did it, but I can guess. When the color of the lettuce leaves has completely changed, you will fry it for a while before serving."

Zhong Jianguo didn't want to nod his head: "You're right." With a light cough, "I'll wake Sanwa up so that he won't sleep at night."

"You wash the vegetables first, and the rice is washed." Song Zhaodi reminded.

Zhong Jianguo took a breath: "I shouldn't have gone to get you medicine."

"Then you want me to die?" Song Zhaodi blurted out.

Zhong Jianguo's face changed suddenly: "Don't talk nonsense." Turn around and go to the kitchen.

Erwa came towards him with a basket for washing vegetables, she shrank her head in fright, rubbed against Song Zhaodi and asked, "Mother, what's wrong with Dad? It's scary."

"Probably hungry." Song Zhaodi said nonsense, "When a person is hungry, he is in a bad mood, stay away from him."

Erwa nodded again and again, and told Dawa when she went outside.

Sometimes the big baby is hungry and wants to yell, why hasn't the meal been cooked yet. If there is no doubt about Erwa, Zhong Jianguo avoided the whole process of eating.

Zhong Jianguo was heartbroken: "Song Zhaodi, what nonsense are you talking about in front of your children?"

"I have a headache." Song Zhaodi rubbed her forehead.

Zhong Jianguo was short of breath: "You—" Knowing that she was pretending, she still couldn't say the accusation, "You have a good rest."

Song Zhaodi is very happy, this man is so cute: "Okay. When I get better, I will make bone soup noodles for you, and steam sauerkraut buns for you."

"Mother will be fine tomorrow." Zhong Dawa continued.

Song Zhaodi was speechless: "Tomorrow will be fine, the day after tomorrow will be tired and sick."

"Then, it's better on Saturday." The big girl pinched her finger and said, "You don't have to go to class on Saturday, mother is not tired."

Song Zhaodi was happy: "Okay, it's better Saturday."

The original owner was in good health. The next morning, Song Zhaodi felt better from a cold. However, she was in no hurry to buy bones and meat. The family ate light food for a few more days, and only called Zhong Jianguo to the non-staple food factory on Sunday morning.

Boil the bones in the morning and make the noodles. Bone soup noodles for lunch. After dinner, go to Liu's house to borrow a pickled cabbage and make sauerkraut pork buns.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, two pots of steamed buns came out of the pot, Zhong Dawa reached out and took three, and Erwa took two. Song Zhaodi almost fainted: "Who did you give it to?"

When Bai Hua's body was found, Zhong Jianguo told the two children that their mother died of illness. Song Zhaodi was very healthy before, and the two children forgot about being "ill".

Song Zhaodi's face was very ugly when she was sick a few days ago, which caused the eldest child to remember again that his mother died of illness. Afraid that Song Zhaodi would be good or bad, Dawa didn't dare to make Song Zhaodi angry again. To be honest: "Lin Zhong said he has never eaten it."

"You want to eat three in the forest?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Erwa raised her hand: "Rejuvenate the horse."

"What do they give you?" Song Zhaodi asked.

The big baby thought for a while: "I'll ask." Put down the bun and run out.

Song Zhaodi's words reached her lips, and the child ran out of the kitchen.

A moment later, the child came back with a handful of hard candies and put them on the chopping board: "Give it to me in the forest."

Song Zhaodi held her forehead: "What did you say?"

"I said, Linzhong, I'll give you meat buns, what can you give me." Zhong Dawa said, "Just give me a handful of candy in Linzhong."

Song Zhaodi turned to Erwa: "What will Ma Zhenxing give you?"

"Ma Zhenxing said, he helped us fight." Erwa thought about it carefully, "Yes, help us fight, don't fight with us."

Song Zhaodi was tired: "Want to fight again? I'll tell your dad when he comes back."

"No fight." Dawa slapped Erwa on the head and said nonsense, "I'll ask Ma Zhenxing again, if Ma Zhenxing doesn't give me something delicious, I won't give it either. He eats steamed buns." After speaking, he took a steamed bun and said, "For the forest." The voice fell, and he left the kitchen again.

Song Zhaodi sighed: "You guys are so energetic." He handed Erwa a big bun, "You eat first, then come back to Ma Zhenxing."

"Thank you mother." Erwa took a bite, "It's delicious."

Song Zhaodi shook her head and laughed.

About ten minutes later, when the baby came back with a bowl, Song Zhaodi hooked her head and looked at it: "Jiaodouzi?"

"Ma Zhenxing asked his mother to give it to me." Dawa was very proud, "Mother, I will fry the soybeans in sauce tomorrow morning, and I will chop the onions."

Song Zhaodi poured the soybeans down, cleaned the bowl, put two buns in the bowl, and handed another one to Dawa: "Go play. Come home for dinner at six o'clock."

"Okay." Da Wa grinned, nibbling on the buns while holding the bowl, and went out. When she saw the mother in the forest at the door, she didn't stop, "My mother is in the kitchen. ."

Sister Chen came in and saw two baskets of buns on the chopping board, one of which was mixed buns. However, what Dawa gave her son Lin Zhong was white bread, and she was satisfied. Song Zhaodi was generous: "Xiao Song, do you still need old clothes in your family?"

A few days ago, Mrs. Duan and Mrs. Chen went to Hangzhou to buy cloth, and they also helped Song Zhaodi to buy 2-zhang muslin cloth, no ticket. It stands to reason that the cloth for winter clothes for several children is enough, Song Zhaodi does not need to pick up other people's old clothes.

But the eldest baby and the second baby wear clothes and shoes very well, and there is a hole in the shoes for ten days and a half months. Song Zhaodi wants old clothes, so she plans to make shoes for several children: "You Home?"

"I don't have any." Sister Chen said, "A woman from the supply and marketing cooperative told me that she has a lot of old clothes at a relative's house, and one pound of food stamps can be chosen at random, all of which belong to adults. Clothes, some of which are still half-new."

Song Zhaodi raised her eyebrows: "Is there such a good thing?"

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