Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 130 The Raptor Crosses the River

The first people Xu Dong came into contact with after arriving in this plain were the Eastern tribes located on the border of the mountainous area.

This group of young flying dragons were unexpectedly ferocious. After seeing Xu Dong, they came up to beat Xu Dong, an old comrade who was tens of millions of years old, without saying a word. They had no sense of martial ethics.

Xu Dong didn't dodge, not because he wanted to get into trouble, but because he was prepared to educate these young comrades on what it means to respect the elderly and love the young.

It would be better if this group of red-scaled flying dragons came to their door on their own initiative, which would save Xu Dong from wasting time and effort in launching an annexation war and being regarded as a war maniac.

Heaven is my witness, he is acting in self-defense now.

In the age of paleontology, the strong are respected. If all the red-scaled flying dragons in this clan are defeated, then Xu Dong will naturally ascend to the position of leader.

Let them see the strength of tens of millions of years old comrades.

These dozen red-scaled flying dragons were not afraid of Xu Dong, who had a wingspan of five meters, and rushed towards him in a swarm.

Well, very energetic!

This is a flying dragon clan that has inherited the fine traditions of the Crimson Dragon Clan, and will definitely be the bravest team in the Crimson Tide in the future.

Xu Dong suddenly thought of cherishing their talents and decided not to hurt them too much, but to take them out to fight directly after subduing them.


The broad red wings turned into fourteen long swatters, one at a time like swatting flies. If they didn't hit anything else, they would hit their heads, knocking them out cleanly.

Ten seconds later, these red-scaled flying dragons were all lying on the ground.

Xu Dong continued to hover in the air, waiting for the flying dragon to arrive. He did not believe that there were only so many red-scaled flying dragons in such a large plain.

After a while, perhaps noticing the lack of clan members, a large red-scale flying dragon with a wingspan of four meters led hundreds of clan members to arrive here.

After seeing a dozen flying dragons lying down on the Loess Mountain, they immediately lost their composure. Hundreds of red-scaled flying dragons howled and roared, filled with indignation and demanding to come forward and kill this outsider who was killing the tribesmen.

The flying dragons that had been knocked unconscious by Xu Dong were lying on the mountain. Their tribesmen misunderstood and thought that Xu Dong had killed them all. Naturally, they all wanted revenge.

Xu Dong nodded again. This tribe is so similar to the little red dragons of the past. They are brave and dare to fight. The most important thing is unity and ethnic consciousness. They will be angry and sad for the dead tribesmen. This is a relatively rare situation in the Mesozoic Era. .

Since there has been such a large wave of hatred, the explanation is unclear, so we can only defeat them all, so that we can take over their tribe with peace of mind.

Xu Dong showed no fear in the face of hundreds of red-scale flying dragons that were ready to move, and actually rushed towards the group of flying dragons, which actually caused a small commotion.

But the united Eastern Tribe Feilong quickly adjusted his condition, and under the leadership of the leader, he collided head-on with Xu Dong.

Xu Dong was a little excited when he faced the red tide for the first time. However, these hundreds of red tides were not really red tides, and were completely incomparable with the thousands of red tides before.

After breaking into the group of flying dragons, Xu Dong did not use his sharp claws, but instead used his wings, legs and other parts that could not kill the dragon to attack.

Xu Dong now had three layers of protection on his body. The first layer was soft but hard feather scale wings, which filtered out the first wave of attacks.

Don't underestimate these thin feather scale wings. On ordinary flying dragons, they can only be used as wings, but here in Xu Dong, they are a moving shield.

You can imagine the wings of Holy Angelmon in Digimon that are bent in front of you.

Even if the red-scaled flying dragons break through this first layer of defense, they will face scales that have been strengthened by mutated proto-core and emerald fruit, and the hook claws of ordinary flying dragons cannot pierce them at all.

Well, even if some of them can really break through the defense of scale skin, Xu Dong still has subcutaneous bone formation. This layer of red scale flying dragon's strongest defensive artifact, with Xu Dong's current physique, is as strong as a Tyrannosaurus rex. Not wearing its bone armor.

Now Xu Dong can definitely be said to be the last sentence, and the damage is higher at the same time.

The result was that Xu Dong rushed through the group of flying dragons from beginning to end, and captured no fewer than twenty red dragons. However, only a few shallow traces of blood were left on his body, and the bleeding had stopped and they were recovering quickly.

The leader of the flying dragon with a wingspan of four meters was filled with grief and anger. He just rushed towards Xu Dong without hesitation. However, Xu Dong didn't notice it at all. He turned around and flapped out his hardened wings, directly sending the strongest member of the tribe flying away. go out.

After all, it was the most powerful red-scaled flying dragon in the tribe, with the strongest body and the most powerful strength. It didn't faint when Xu Dong slapped it on the head. Instead, it charged forward again like an enraged red bull.

This time Xu Dong noticed it and received a claw from this guy.


There was a sharp and harsh sound of bone friction. This guy actually broke through the defense of feather scales, wings and scales, slashed at the subcutaneous bone, and even left scratches on the bone armor.

This power and attack power are one of the best among red scale flying dragons.

Okay, Xu Dong smiled like an aunt, he was not angry at all, he liked the appearance of such a promising junior in the tribe.

The claws that had been unused before stretched out and grabbed the forelimbs of the big flying dragon to prevent it from leaving, and looked directly at it with its eyes.

Not a pseudo-legend?

It's not a pseudo-legend that he can actually grow to such a big size. He is extremely talented and can be made into something, and he is an absolute warrior.

Xu Dong decided to train it well in the future and make this guy a sharp blade in the Crimson Tide.

But before that, let him see clearly the gap between him and Xu Dong.

Letting go of the flying dragon leader's forelimb, Xu Dong raised his right claw and slashed diagonally. A completely different scene appeared.

This big guy with a wingspan of four meters had its chest scales torn apart like paper. Even if the skin formed bones, it didn't stop for a moment under Xu Dong's claws and was cut in half.

A large gash appeared on the chest of the Feilong leader from his left shoulder to his right waist. The wound was as smooth and smooth as if it had been cut with a knife, and the inner flesh and blood texture was clearly visible.

Blood spurted out, and the flying dragon leader floated in the air in disbelief, then fell down weakly.

It never imagined that it would not be able to catch even one paw from this outsider.

With such a big wound, a large amount of blood poured out, making his whole body weak. He was about to die and could no longer protect his tribe.

No, with the existence of this huge red-scaled flying dragon, the tribe might be living better than it was under its leadership.

The leader of the red-scale flying dragon of the Eastern Tribe, an ordinary creature with a wingspan of four meters, had gone through hundreds of battles and fought invincibly across the plains. He closed his eyes and welcomed his death calmly.

It understands the cruelty of nature at a very young age. The weak eat the strong, the weak are eaten by the strong, and the strong are killed by the stronger. What is there to complain about?

It's just that it took a little too long to land this time.

When it opened its eyes again, what appeared in front of it was the majestic figure covering the sky and the sun.

It's so dazzling!

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