The big black beetle led the black swarm towards Xu Dong and Zhilong.

The insect swarm looks terrifying, but no matter how ferocious and numerous it is, it cannot fly. What does Xu Dong have to fear?

The only things he was afraid of were the sulfuric acid bombs of the worm and the tail cannon of the colorful beetle. He didn't even care about the others, even the leader beetle.

Now he has a general outline of the situation. Of course, it is still speculation.

Nature or the will of the earth obviously hates behaviors that disrupt the balance, and bugs are undoubtedly one of the things that can disrupt the balance the most. All of them secretly guide those powerful pseudo-legendary longevity species to block the door. Let bugs invade ancient Asia.

There are two choices before us now, either to act as nature's wage earner and guard the gateway to ancient Asia; or to run away regardless, and I guess there will be more shoes to fill in the future.

For pseudo-legends, just the fact that nature does not target them is a huge benefit. If they can also get some magical things like mutated prokaryotes, it will be even more profitable.

After Xu Dong fully considered the pros and cons, he felt that it would be more beneficial to work for nature.

He and the plant dragon started moving together and rushed towards the swarm of insects. They had the same idea, which was to use a decapitation tactic. As long as the big beetle was gone and the other insects were without their backbone, it would be much easier to deal with them.

But as the general marshal of the insect swarm, there is no need to talk about protection. Those guys who have no brains and only know how to rush forward are already lying on the ground not knowing whether they are alive or dead.

The smart way is to remove the threatening guards and let one of them kill the black beetle quickly and alone, completing the achievement of two dragons defeating a thousand troops.

After exchanging glances, the two old coins finally decided that Xu Donglai would lead away the guards around the big beetle, and Zhilong would complete the task of killing the general and capturing the flag.

This is because Xu Dong can fly and escape intact after distracting the guards, but with Zhilong's size, if he is surrounded, he will die on the spot.

Giving full play to the advantages of organisms and allowing the right animals to go to the right locations is also a type of strategy.

There are now four guards surrounding the big beetle. In addition to the negative beetle and colorful beetle mentioned before, there is also a big cockroach and a beetle with long and long horns on its head.

The long-horned worm is similar to the later giraffe weevil, but the difference is that the long horn on its head also has a pincer on the top, like a pair of large scissors that open and close.

These four guards look fierce, but again, they can't fly. Xu Dong, who has air superiority, can basically defeat them without any effort if he is equipped with a long-range attack method.

At this moment, he missed the firefly's venom very much. If he had more money at that time, he could install it, and then he could directly spray explosive flames like a fire dragon.

However, we were facing the Triassic mass extinction at that time, and it was very necessary to sacrifice individual strength for the survival of the race.

If there are no night vision eyes, auditory ossicles, food storage stomach and hibernation cells, then the red scale flying dragon will only die.

After all, they had grown so big that even if they survived the first wave of volcanoes, the subsequent famine would be enough to crush them.

If it were not for the accessory stomach to store food and the ability to hibernate, the red-scaled flying dragon would have gone extinct long ago like the small red dragon, the large red dragon, and the amphibian scale lizard.

Breathing fire is temporarily unavailable, but this does not mean that Xu Dong has no long-range attack methods.

Breaking off a long pole from a dead fern, Xu Dong turned around and flew away. The plant dragons running among the insects on the ground were stunned. You ran away before the fight started. Are you being honest? !

Just when it slowed down and considered whether to escape, Xu Dong flew back from a distance.

It was going so fast that the tail light of the large plant dragon was invisible.

In order to increase the speed as much as possible, Xu Dong flew a few kilometers away. In this not-so-long intermediate zone, he increased the speed to 140 yards. Although it did not reach the top speed on flat ground, it was enough.

How powerful is a javelin shot at one hundred and forty yards? Xu Dong is not a crazy guy, and he has not experimented on high speeds in later generations, but he can try it in this Jurassic era.

Aim at that disgusting worm and throw the javelin as hard as you can.


The javelin rubbed the air and made a sharp low sound, like a spear of death. Before the insects could react at all, it directly penetrated the body of the worm and inserted into the pile of insects several kilometers away behind it.

As a member of the Zerg clan, such damage would naturally not kill it, but the eggs behind it couldn't stand such a shock, and they exploded one after another.

The shell of the eggs was broken, and the sulfuric acid-like green liquid and the corpses of the larvae flowed all over the back. Fortunately, the back of the worm had a special anti-sulfuric acid layer, so it was not corroded.

After solving the most disgusting long-range throwing worm, Xu Dong decided to play a wave of aerial bombing with them.

Picking up a few fist-sized stones from the ground, Xu Dong flew straight into the sky. It was time to let the Zerg feel the pain!

In just a few minutes, Xu Dong flew to an altitude of several thousand meters, looking down at the top of the Ural Mountains covered with snow-capped mountains and looking down at the swarm of insects that turned into small dots below.

Let Xu Dong see if space-based weapons are as powerful as those in the game.

Xu Dong turned around and rushed downwards. After reaching 300 yards, he threw the stones in his hands one after another.

Under the acceleration of gravity and the force of Xu Dong, the rocks smashed into the insect swarm like meteors. The terrifying destructive force exploded small air circles, knocking the insect swarm upside down.

The leader of the insect swarm, the giant beetle, might not believe in evil and actually tried to hit the stone. As a result, the hard carapace was pierced and penetrated from the abdomen and hit the ground, creating a small crater.

The size of the stone was placed there, so the crater would not be big, but the power of the shock wave generated by the smashing of the stone should not be underestimated, and it directly knocked the huge black beetle away.

This is the real scary thing about flying. Why haven't I thought of this method before? I have learned Newton's theorem for more than ten years in vain.

The Ural Mountains have the most rocks among other things. Even though the tops of the mountains are covered with ice and snow, there are still plenty of rocks.

Moreover, the stones here are generally harder and more penetrating than those at the foot of the mountain. The cold stones may even cause freezing and lag effects.

Xu Dong suddenly turned into a bomber, grabbing rocks and snow and throwing them down non-stop, regardless of speed or position. Anyway, if you throw it, you will make money if it hits, and you will not lose if you don't hit. Gravity will naturally give it The powerful impact of the stone.

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether it's fast or slow. Quantity is king.

Huh? Why is there such a thing on the top of the mountain?

Thanks to Shanhe Wanlifu for the reward.

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