Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 152 Saving Soldier Xu Dong

Xu Dong cut a sharp stone strip from the mountain wall and held it firmly in his hand. It was actually better to use bones, but the problem was that no bones were left of the dinosaurs that fell in the insect swarm, and they would all be eaten away by the caterpillars. , we can only use these high-altitude stones to make up the number.

Xu Dong spread his wings and flew up to an altitude of several thousand meters as fast as possible, and then used the force of his dive to successfully reach the speed of sound. The alien carapace of the Thunder Beast was too hard, and he had no confidence that he could penetrate it below the speed of sound.

This is the first time Xu Dong has entered the speed of sound, and it is a bit difficult to control.

The sonic booms kept ringing in his ears, almost deafening him. The terrifying air friction caused his scales to melt and burn. The most important thing was that his eyes were blind again!

It was barely opened to determine the direction at the speed of sound, and then it was blinded by the high temperature and friction.

Without the eyes, it is impossible to determine the impact point, and the crack on the Thunder Beast's head is so big. If the poke is not accurate, all the previous efforts will be wasted, and it may even make this guy defensive.

However, as he was bombarded by high-temperature, high-speed and high-pitched sounds, he suddenly felt a vague figure in front of him.

What does it feel like? Xu Dong didn't know clearly, but he could feel that there was a white world in front of him, and some outlines suddenly stood out in the white world, like half unpainted figures.

It's just that the outlines Xu Dong sensed were moving, although they moved very, very slowly.

Based on this outline, Xu Dong quickly located the position of the Thunder Beast. His descending position was slightly off, so that if he fell, he would only hit the uninjured top of the Thunder Beast's head.

Adjusting his position slightly, he hit the crack on the Thunder Beast's forehead directly. The granite stone gun, which was rounded by the air, penetrated the Thunder Beast's forehead fiercely. Under the speed of sound, Xu Dong did not have time to dodge in time, and the entire dragon hit the top of the Thunder Beast's head. .



The arrogant Thunder Beast was knocked to the ground. The huge weight of the Protognathus and the weight of the Thunder Beast's head hit the ground together, causing a huge shock.

Xu Dong's sonic impact directly smashed half of his body into pieces, and the remaining half's bones and muscles were severed. He fell to the ground unable to move. Fortunately, he turned his head in time, otherwise he would have hit his head. He could have gone back to the bio editor directly. device.

The Thunder Beast that was severely beaten by Xu Dong was even more miserable. Its head was shattered, and even its alien armor could not withstand the sonic impact.

What's even more terrible is that the stone spear was inserted directly from the forehead that already had a crack, and penetrated directly through the Thunder Beast's head, nailing it firmly to the ground.

After the sonic shock wave, all caterpillars and small creatures within a radius of several hundred meters were cleared. Only three giant beasts, Thunder Beast, Xu Dong and Protognathus, were left in the Ural Gap, although none of them belonged to the Orc tribe.

At this time, none of the three immortal species could move. Although the Protognathus Turtle was the least injured, the Thunder Beast's large claws were inserted into the turtle's shell and directly pierced into its flesh. It could not leave without pulling the Thunder Beast away. .

During the stalemate, the mountains on both sides were affected by the shock wave. The crumbling snow could no longer support it and began to roll down. A raging avalanche was about to come.

If it were normal, they wouldn't care about the avalanche at all, but now two of them are disabled and one is injured. If the avalanche comes, both Xu Dong and Thunder Beast will die, and the original snapping turtle will probably be seriously injured.

The Protojaw Turtle began to struggle hard, holding the big claws of the Thunder Beast with its two forelimbs and trying to pull it out of the body. Unknown to him, this move woke up the unconscious Thunder Beast.

Although the Thunder Beast was disabled, the Centipede Insect was still alive and its ferociousness remained undiminished in such a situation.

The thunder beast followed the strength of the original jaw turtle and pulled out the big claw. The first thing after pulling it out was to chop the turtle's head hard. The old turtle was startled and quickly retracted its head back into the shell. .

Prehistoric turtles cannot retract their heads into their shells. The fact that the immortal species Protognathus can only show that this guy has broken away from the category of ordinary creatures.

The big claw struck the turtle shell, but it was no longer as domineering as before. The seriously injured and dying thunder beast could no longer exert the same huge force as before, and could only leave a shallow white mark on the turtle shell.

Seeing that the thunder beast was weak, the old turtle suddenly felt proud and proud, ready to pay back all the bird's breath he had received before.

The dying Thunder Beast became anxious when it saw that it could not take down the Protognathus Turtle. It was seriously injured and dying, and had no time to spend with the Protognathus Snapping Turtle, but it could not die like this. If these two immortal species were not eliminated, they would pose too great a threat to the Zerg.

It raised its big foot and stepped towards Xu Dong on the ground. Xu Dong, who was blind, now relied entirely on white vision to feel his surroundings. It was a very wonderful feeling to lie on the ground and watch two white giant beasts fighting.

But he didn't want a flying kick. He wanted to dodge, but he lost half of his body and his muscles and veins were severed and he couldn't move at all.

Fortunately, the old turtle was loyal and blocked the kick for him.

The current situation is that the thunder beast is aiming at Xu Dong, and the original jaw turtle keeps blocking for him. Although he is already a useless dragon, he is still the center of the battlefield.

The original jaw turtle saved Xu Dong not out of loyalty or anything else, but because it was very smart and understood that Xu Dong's chess piece was far more important to nature's chess game.

In order to win this round, it must protect Xu Dong's life.

When the Thunder Beast and the original snapping turtle were fighting, Xu Dong suddenly noticed a strange little thing in his white vision. He felt the outline carefully and found that it was very familiar. It was a velociraptor.

The young lizard leader came to rescue him with his group of lizards.

They had been fighting on the front line before, and they were extremely brave. They killed countless caterpillars, including hundreds of large beetles over one meter.

But they are destined not to be the center of the battlefield. They can only watch the large dinosaurs attacking the insect array at the defense line and the war between the immortal giant beasts.

A creature as small as it will be affected and hurt even if it is just close to the big guys.

The young leader of the Swift Lizard remembered Xu Dong. It was in the forest a few years ago. It was Xu Dong who made him know what it meant to be powerful. It was Xu Dong who gave him the first meal of meat in his life.

The young lizard didn't understand that his father's death was because of Xu Dong. Although it was very smart, it couldn't understand the horror of greed, let alone the greed brought by Xu Dong. It didn't know that its father died.

At this moment, although they were extremely small existences, the young velociraptor felt that if Xu Dong gave it a meal of meat, it would have to rescue him from the feet of the thunder beast.

Hundreds of thousands of velociraptors rushed into the battlefield of giant beasts. Whether it was a thunder beast or a protognathic turtle, a single kick could knock them away and kill them. However, the velociraptors had no fear and came at the risk of huge casualties. Beside Xu Dong, thousands of swift lizards worked together to lift Xu Dong up.

The Protognathus saw the movements of the Velociraptor, and also intentionally or unintentionally pulled the Thunder Beast away. Both the Velociraptor and the Protognathus were fighting for Xu Dong, who had nothing to do with it, but he could only lie on the ground and watch helplessly. watching.

Oh no, he couldn't even open his eyes, he could only look at the white world without a trace of color.

For the first time, this was the first time that he had a strong obsession with surviving.

He is not a deserter, he can still fight, he doesn't want to die!

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