Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 175 The strongest species of the Red Dragon clan

Fortunately, even the immortal Liopleurodon could not climb to the shore. Xu Dong had nothing to worry about and continued to eat the dragon meat with his head down.

After eating and drinking, we continued on our way. This journey lasted for more than ten days, but we did not encounter any real danger. The only crisis was when we encountered a 9-meter Dibreilosaurus, which also belonged to the Megalosaurus. division.

The difference is that Megalosaurus, Bareosaurus, and Veenvenator all belong to the subfamily Megalosaurus, while Dibreilosaurus belongs to the subfamily Africana Venatorinae.

This 9-meter giant was eating the flesh of a large sauropod, and Xu Dong and other dragons passed by without any danger.

Everything went smoothly after that, and we finally found the connection between North America and Europe.

This is a protruding peninsula in the west of Europe. The westernmost beach of the peninsula is only two or three kilometers away from North America.

Although this three-kilometer shallow sea area is currently blocked by sea water, as long as the tide goes out, the shallow sea will turn into land, and then Xu Dong will be able to reach North America with the thirteen young dragons.

So Xu Dong lived in this area as a temporary habitat, waiting for the low tide to arrive.

The peninsula is very desolate, with either rocks or sand, not even a plant.

Fortunately, there are large forests and wilderness inland, and there is enough food for them to survive.

While waiting, Xu Dong was not idle, but tested the powers of Peter and Judas. Regarding Judas, Xu Dong's guess was that it was related to the earth and iron stone. Judging from the iron ball he had turned into before, it was either petrified or petrified. Attract magnet.

However, Peter's superpower is quite easy to understand. It has a charged gene in its body, and the blue electric bug, which was also mutated after being infected by the Zerg gene, also has a charged gene in its body.

So this can explain why the blue electric bugs like to hang around Peter, because in their perception, Peter is the more powerful kind, so they choose to attach themselves to him.

There are currently two abilities displayed by Peter's lightning powers. One is to fire a railgun from the horns on his head, and the second is to stimulate the muscles of the body and strengthen various attributes.

Since the awakening of superpowers requires sufficient threats, then find a stronger enemy to stimulate them.

Black Velociraptor also belongs to the clade of Velociraptor, and the word Velociraptor is also in its name, which means that they are very closely related to Velociraptor, and they are a sister branch.

However, the development model of the Black Velociraptor is different from that of the Velociraptor. They follow the body shape route, which is equivalent to the former Little Red Dragon and Big Red Dragon.

Velociraptors are not large in size, but they are numerous and follow a group route.

The Black Velociraptor has increased in size, moves alone, and takes a single route.

If the normal historical process were followed, Velociraptor would not have been as big as it is now, reaching two meters in height. However, Xu Dong installed super-giant cells on them, allowing Velociraptor to surpass Black Velociraptor and evolve into Velociraptor. The largest species in the clade.

However, after all, Black Velociraptor took the route of large-scale development millions of years earlier than Velociraptor. Although it is not as long as four meters like Velociraptor, it is still three meters long.

Because it lives alone, the Black Velociraptor has a very fierce temperament, and its teeth and claws are stronger than those of the Velociraptor.

I happened to see a black velociraptor in the forest, and Xu Dong was going to use it as a whetstone for the little velociraptors.

Even though the Black Velociraptor is only three meters long, sometimes the strength of a creature does not just depend on its size. Generally, an animal acting alone has a stronger combat power than an individual in a group of animals.

And like this black velociraptor, the whole body is covered with scars, and you can tell at a glance that he is a ruthless character who has experienced hundreds of battles.

The most satisfying thing for Xu Dong is that it actually defeated a nearly adult Doria Venator in a single challenge. This was a member of the superfamily Megalosaurus, the overlord of the Middle Jurassic, with a body size of 5 meters and a weight of 300 kilograms. big guy.

Three meters versus five meters, no matter how you look at it, there is no chance of winning.

But the Black Velociraptor relied on its rich combat experience and desperate attitude to drive away the Doria hunting dragon and defend its food.

A few days later, Xu Dong led the dragons to lay a trap to deal with the Black Swift Dragon.

When the Black Velociraptor is hunting, catch a Karloff Dragon and kill it near the Black Velociraptor's territory, letting the smell of blood take full effect and lure it over.

Xu Dong jumped up to the tree. Although he was a bit big now, he could still fit in the canopy of the tree if he squeezed.

Not long after, the Black Velociraptor came over smelling the smell of blood. When it saw a dozen little guys eating corpses at the scene, it did not attack rashly.

Years of combat experience made it aware of the uneasiness, but it didn't know where it was, so it could only stay in the ferns and watch quietly.

After all, animals are still animals. Even though it is very smart and experienced, in this Jurassic era where traps have not yet appeared, Black Velociraptor still took the bait.

No carnivore would tolerate a group of little guys eating meat unscrupulously in front of their own home, even if they are very hungry.

However, this cunning black velociraptor still did not charge rashly, but slowly approached the little velociraptors step by step. Its steps were very light, and it even avoided dead branches and leaves that were prone to making noise.

These little guys didn't even notice until they were about ten meters behind Judah. ​​Their alertness was really poor.

When Jacob, who was opposite Judah, lowered his head to eat the Karloff dragon, the black velociraptor suddenly jumped out and rushed straight towards Judah.

Xu Dong clicked his tongue in surprise. As expected of an experienced hunter, he actually knew how to avoid relative vision before attacking. If it were an ordinary creature, it would really follow its path.

But the Thirteen Young Dragons are different. Xu Dongzu has three insurances. One of them is Judas's petrification ability that he used once. Of course, I don't know if this trick can be repeated.

For this reason, Xu Dong also added a second layer of insurance, which was Peter, who now had lightning powers. Xu Dong deliberately placed it not far from Judas, so that if an accident occurred, he could be rescued in time.

Peter's physical fitness has been improved to a higher level than the other twelve little velociraptors under the stimulation of micro-current day and night, and the most outstanding one is his speed.

Xu Dong had observed that the speed of the Black Velociraptor was definitely not as fast as Peter's in the thundering state. If Judas was not petrified by then, Peter would be able to save it.

Even if Peter didn't react, Xu Dong also had a 3D mode. In the 3D mode, even if Judas was only one millimeter away from death, Xu Dong could save him.

Eight meters away, the Black Velociraptor was not discovered by Domo until it was eight meters away. It immediately screamed as a warning.

Its cry instantly aroused the alertness of all the little velociraptors. Judas turned his head and saw that the black velociraptor was close at hand, and the sharp claws were already thrusting towards its chest.

At this moment, its pupils dilated, and the scales on its body suddenly stood up. Apart from the ferocious face and sharp weapons of the Black Velociraptor, there was nothing else in its eyes.

Peter's whole body was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the blue electric bug exerted the electricity to the limit of its endurance. Peter suddenly turned into a blue lightning and rushed towards the Black Velociraptor.



The former one is the sound made by the hook claw of the Black Velociraptor hitting Judah's body, and the latter one is the sound made by it being knocked away by Peter.

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