Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 185 The end of the old era, the beginning of the new era

Whenever danger arises, Judah will not hesitate to stand at the forefront, blocking the danger from the Velociraptor and protecting the safety of all members.

Because its power is iron and stone, it is the hardest shield and the most solid line of defense for all brothers.

It is responsible for the future of the ethnic group, it is responsible for blocking the crisis of the ethnic group, and it is responsible for everything about the ethnic group.

It is Judah, the little dragon Xu Dong is closest to, and the eldest among the thirteen little dragons. It has this responsibility.

Therefore, Judas chose a pitch-black flint. This stone is extremely hard and thick. It will become like this stone, indestructible and invulnerable.

Back among the dragons, Domo also stood up. He usually didn't talk much, but every time he spoke, it was crucial.

Dormer looked at the many objects and finally picked up a vine.

Xu Dong didn't know when the vine appeared, but it did appear. Xu Dong was very happy when he discovered it. Finally, something that could replace the rope appeared.

Although he had many ideas, considering that his time was limited, he still chose to leave it to himself in the next life.

Unexpectedly, Domo actually chose this thing. He must have seen him playing with it more.

After getting the vines, Domo didn't stop and walked straight back to the group of dragons.

The remaining ten little velociraptors came up one by one to choose their own things. Some chose leaves, some chose bones, and some chose soil, all of which were related to their personalities.

After all the thirteen velociraptors had finished selecting, there were still about ten items on site. Xu Dong looked around at the dragons. At this moment, the temperament that had gone through countless vicissitudes of life over tens of millions of years was revealed, making the little velociraptors all silent and afraid to say a word.

Xu Dong's eyes first looked at Peter, who raised his head and showed himself very proudly.

Xu Dong watched for a moment and then moved his gaze to Domo. It was still very calm and did not react at all under Xu Dong's gaze. It was still looking at the ground without knowing what it was thinking.

Xu Dong shifted his gaze to Judas again, and saw that the little dragon also raised its head and looked into Xu Dong's eyes. Its eyes were as pure as before.

After reading it back and forth several times, Xu Dong took a deep breath and was about to accept his fate, but was interrupted by Domo.

This little dragon, who was usually inconspicuous and had no sense of presence other than commanding the battle, suddenly stood up and walked forward.

Xu Dong was also a little curious, what was Duomo going to do?

This smart little velociraptor walked to where the objects were placed, grabbed a thick branch with its branches cut off, and made two gestures.

Then it grabbed an almost rectangular stone from among the many objects.

Under the surprised gazes of all the surrounding velociraptors, it tied the stone to the wood with vines. Its mind power could also help it achieve some dexterity that its fingers could not achieve.

In just a moment, a prehistoric ax appeared in front of Xu Dong and the twelve young dragons.

Xu Dong's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. What did he see? Is this the first tool ax in prehistory?

Under the puzzled gazes of all the dragons, Xu Dong suddenly laughed, leaning forward and back with laughter, and the tears of laughter could not stop flowing out.

The Twelve Little Dragons and Duo Mo didn't understand why Xu Dong smiled like this. They also didn't understand how shocking Duo Mo's move was. This was simply a heroic moment that changed history.

Xu Dong can even say that from now on, the history of the Xunlong clan can be written in two parts.

No, how could we not record it at this time? Xu Dong took out the slate that had been prepared. It originally wanted to record the passing of Xunlong, but he didn't expect to be able to witness this unprecedented scene.

The hooks and claws were stroking, and at this moment he seemed to be young again and regain his former vitality, but this was just a flashback.

Xu Dong looked at this stone slab. Under the sky of stars, Xunlong took the first step to transcend the category of race.

On the stone slab, a high-spirited velociraptor held an ax high, surrounded by thirteen velociraptors, as if witnessing the birth of this legendary axe.

Xu Dong held the slate in his arms, smiled and extended his right paw to Domo. Domo was stunned for a moment, and then handed the ax to Xu Dong wisely.

Xu Dong stroked this crudely made, aesthetically pleasing axe, as if he were stroking some priceless treasure.

After a while, Xu Dong seemed to remember Domo in front of him. He smiled and took out a small light bead. This was the mutated pronucleus dug out from the long-lived Megalodon.

Now, it finally found its owner.

He handed the mutated pronucleus to Domo and told him to eat it, and Domo swallowed it into his mouth very obediently.

After witnessing Domo swallowing the mutated proto-core, Xu Dongcai stood up again. Witnessed by the Thirteen Swift Dragons, he roared loudly and gave up the position of leader to Domo.

The other twelve celestial dragons were all stunned. Most of the celestial dragons thought that the next leader must be Peter, but they did not expect that Xu Dong would choose Domo.

Especially the person involved, Peter, never dreamed that this extremely low-key Thomas would actually take away the position of leader that he was destined to win.


No matter in terms of strength, achievements or prestige, how could Thomas compare to it, and why should he be chosen as the leader?

Peter immediately wanted to stand up and object, but he didn't expect Xu Dong to know its movements early. The 3D mode was turned on and he was in front of Peter in an instant, almost face to face.

When the 3D mode was released, Peter saw a pair of eyes that were so terrifying that his soul trembled, staring directly at it. These eyes swallowed up all Peter's courage, and it sat down on the ground again, trembling all over, unable to get up again.

When he came back to his senses, Xu Dong was still in the same place, as if he hadn't moved at all.

In this way, Xu Dong roared three times, completely confirming Domo's position as leader.

Finally, the final obsession was completed, and he found a reasonable and unexpected candidate for Xunlong as the next leader.

He didn't know whether Duomo could lead the Velociraptors to break away from the category of animals and truly reach the level of the upright apes of later generations. But at least, this was a fire, a fire that could ignite civilization. Xu Dong would not miss it, and the Velociraptors could not miss it. .

He knew that Peter or Judah would be dissatisfied. They could indeed lead the Velociraptors to become more powerful, so powerful that they could unify the earth like dinosaurs.

But, can it beat the gunfire of Ape erectus? Can it stop the torrent of steel and the iron-winged flying bird?

This is not a question of strength or lack thereof at all, it is simply a matter of latitude.

Even if the possibility of Thomas developing to this point is slim, it's at least a glimmer of a chance, right?

After explaining the leader selection, Xu Dong felt relieved and his body seemed to be much lighter. He just held the stone slab and the stone ax and fell backwards with a smile.

Just like the flowers bloom and fade, winter passes and spring comes, life finally comes to an end.

Amidst the wails of many velociraptors, Xu Dong felt his body getting lighter and lighter, flying leisurely into the starry sky.

That year, the founder of the Velociraptor Empire, the nameless ancestor of the Velociraptor, the god of axes and paintings, died on the Nameless Mountain.

From then on, the old era ended, and a magnificent new era began!

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